First Ghost

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Branch and Guy were heading up to a blue pod."Where are we" Branch asked. Guy turned around and answered. "We're at the lab. Well, not really, it's my friend Biggie's pod" Guy said. They reach the door and enter. "Hey Biggie, I'm back," Guy called out. The pod was full wires, cables, and generators. A troll came from the back. He was blue with white hair, and a bit, um, how should I say this....pudgy. "Hi Guy, who's your friend" he said, greeting us. Guy walked up to Biggie and introduced Branch."Biggie, this is Branch. Branch, this is Biggie," he said. Biggie came up to Branch and gave him a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you, Branch," he said. Branch didn't feel like responding, so he gave a simple response. "Yeah ditto".

Guy Diamond put his shoulder around Biggie."Biggie here is gonna help us out with tracking down the entity," Guy said." Yes, also I-" Biggie was cut off by Guy. "Also, he is a scientist in the supernatural," he said, finishing Biggie's sentence. Biggie was a bit bothered by Guy butting into his conversations. "Go on, tell him, Biggie," Guy said, letting Biggie talk. "Well, you see I-" he was once again cut off by Guy diamond." He actually found a way to track the ghost by tracing negatively charged ions," he said. Biggie was now getting annoyed, but he didn't want to say anything, so he did something else. "Ok, now tell Branch that last thing we talked about, Biggie" he said, letting Biggie talk again. Biggie was about to talk but stopped to see if Guy was going to interrupt him. Guy turned to him and said. "Go on." Biggie then spoke up.

"And we hav -" he was then cut off again, but this time he was going to stop Guy. "And we ha-mph," Biggie stretched out his hair covered Guy's mouth so he could finally speak."And we have a witness that actually saw one up close" he said, letting go of Guy's mouth. Branch was a bit fascinated by their work, but more surprised that they actually have a witness."That's cool and all, but I would actually like to see this witness," he said, crossing his arms. Guy and Biggie looked at each other and then back at Branch. "Sure, she's right in the back" Biggie said, leading us toward the back room.

They enter a little room and see the troll that was at the library sitting down on a couch. She had multicolored skin like someone threw all kinds of paint at her. "Hey Harper, we're back. we just need you to tell us what you saw again" Biggie said. Harper turned her gaze to the three male trolls standing near the door."Um, ok, well, I was going to find a book on painting because I needed to make sure if I knew the rules by heart. Then when I entered, no one was there, I knew no one really went there anymore, but I kept thinking there was someone behind me" she said, thinking it over. Branch took a seat next to her and asked a question. "Did you see anything abnormal?" he asked. Harper thought about and responded."I did see a bunch of file bins, and suddenly, when I passed them, they all burst with papers," she said, a bit shocked, reflecting on that moment.

Branch thought about what she said and came up with something. "Ok, thank you for that description. Now, Harper, let me ask you something. Do you suffer from head trauma or experience hallucinations? " he said, surprised. Guy came up to Branch. "Branch, Harper is describing a class 3 haunting in that old library," he said. "Well, we need actual proof that this is real" Branch said, raising an eyebrow. "That's why we're heading to the library to see it" Guy said, smiling. Branch looked at the ground for a minute and then back at Guy. "Alright. This better not be a waste of time" he said. "Glad to have you on board, ghost buddy," Guy said, walking toward the door. Branch stopped him in confusion on what he had just said. "Wait, what did you just call me?" he asked. Guy turned around and said, "Ghost buddy, it's a new name. I'm calling us ya like it." Branch did not like the name much and grunted. "No," he said, getting up."Hey, um, can I go now?" Harper asked. Guy turned around and nodded yes.

Branch and Guy were waiting outside for Biggie. He was putting his pet worm, Mr. Dinkles to sleep. When he was done, he came outside and walked toward the two trolls. "Ok, I'm ready," he said.

A few minutes later

The three trolls arrived at the library. Branch looked a little hesitant, but Guy and Biggie looked intrigued to go inside. They reached the door and cracked it open. "Alright, we're here. Everyone try to be as quiet as possible," Biggie said, pulling out a device. Branch got curious and asked what it was."What is that?" he asked. "I call it the P.K.E meter. It can track psycho kinetic energy of a ghost" he explained. Branch stared at it for a minute, then Guy spoke. "Ok, let's do this" he said, walking straight into the library. The other two followed, and soon they reached the main desk. They search around the area Biggie, pointing his meter everywhere, Guy checking the bookcases, and Branch checking the storage closet. Branch closed the closet after finding nothing. He was tired of looking around the place. He went back to go find the others, but then he stepped in something squishy. He raised his foot and saw that it was some kind of slime. He got disgusted and wiped it off by scraping his foot on the floor. "What the heck is this?"

While he was doing that, he didn't notice that the storage door behind him slowly opened. Branch finally got the slime off his foot and turned around himself. He noticed that the door that he had closed reopened, and he started to feel a bit nervous. But as he thought about this, the first thing to come to mind was Guy Diamond. He wanted him to come along to see a ghost, but he still didn't believe him and thought he was playing a game with him. Branch scoffed and walked over to the other trolls.

Guy Diamond and Biggie were still searching the place but still had no luck. "Hey, Biggie, are you getting anything?" he asked. Biggie put his meter down on the desk and sighed. "Nope, nothing yet." "So you really think this is funny. Went through all this trouble just to mess with me, huh?" Branch said, coming from the back. Guy and Biggie turn around confused. "What are you talking about?" Guy asked. "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. The slimy stuff on the floor and the storage door opening by itself is classic guys" he said, crossing his arms. "Wait, the door opened by itself" Biggie asked. Branch looked at Biggie and mocked him. "The opened door by itself, yeah, I'm not falling for that" he said.

Suddenly, Biggie's P.K.E meter started beeping rapidly. The trolls turned their gaze to the meter, Biggie picked it up, looking at it then at the others. "Something is here" he said. The three looked around until Branch saw a pink light coming through the bookcases. "Oh my troll" he said, staring at it as it floats toward a cart of books. The light transformed itself into a troll in a fog of pink. Biggie and Guy see this and are just starstruck. "Oh my gosh, there she is..the librarian" Guy said. The three huddle together and figure out what to do next. "Well, it looks like I was right along on" Guy said, making a smug face at Branch, who was still shocked at the site. "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, you were right. I'm sorry" he said. Guy nodded his head in exception to his apology. "So what do we do now" Biggie asked. That is when Guy came up with a plan. A crazy and stupid plan. "Ok guys, I got an idea. On the count of three, do exactly as I do" he said, taking a tiny step closer in the direction of the ghost. Branch had a bad feeling about this, but at this point, what did he have to lose. " 1,..................2,.............3,.............GET HER!!!!!"

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