The Keymaster and The Gatekeeper

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The Ghostbusters were still at the station. They've been teaching their new cadet Cooper how to be a Ghostbuster. So far its been a rough training. When Cooper fired his proton stream he missed a lot of times, he forgot to take the trap out of the containment machine, and he nearly destroyed the building. After many hours of grueling training Cooper finally learned how to be a Ghostbuster.

All three of the boys collapse on a couch tired from all the work. "Geez that sucked" Branch said. "I know some people need a lot of practice with things. But this was just too much" Biggie said. "Well at least it's over now" Guy said resting head on the couch. Branch finally caught his breath and got up from the couch. "Well I'm gonna head out" Branch said. "So soon" Guy asked. "Yeah, I'm going over to visit Poppy and see if she is alright" he said. Guy smirked at him. "Oh I get it, your off to see your lady friend" he said chuckling. Branch turned back around angry and blushing a little. "She not my lady friend Guy!" "Yeah whatever you say. See ya" Guy said waving to his friend.

Branch walked toward the exit waving goodbye to Chenille on the way out. He headed for Poppy's pod wondering if she ok. That's when he saw a someone running around desperately. It was Harper, she running around the village talking to other trolls. She walked up to a female troll and looked down to see her baby. "I am Vinz, keymaster of Gozer. Are you the gatekeeper? She asked. The baby giggled at how funny she looked, and the mother pulled her baby closer to her. "What kind of question is that he's just a baby" She said. Harper stared at her, she began to growl and her eyes turned red. The mother backed away from Harper in fear. "Soon your kind will be no more. Wait for the signal and all prisoners will be released" Harper said to her and the baby. Harper started running off again and she yelled. "You trolls will perish in flames. Every single one of you!!".

Branch looked from afar surprised at what he just witnessed. What the heck was up with Harper, she was just running around screaming like a crazy person. He thought she'd probably be fine and that it was nothing much to worry about, he continued walking over to Poppy's place.

He arrived and stood in front of her door. He knocked and then called out her name. "Poppy". He heard footsteps coming toward the door, then the door opened up to reveal Poppy. But something was different about her, she seemed a little weird. She stared at Branch intently then smiled while putting both of her hands on the doorway. "Are you the keymaster ?" she asked. Branch looked at her confused and tried to give a reasonable response. "Uuuh not that I know of" he said scratching the back of his head. Poppy's smile quickly turned into a frown. She turned her head away from Branch and slammed the door on him. Branch was so confused on what just happened. "Keymaster?" he asked himself, having no clue what she meant.

First Harper and now Poppy, what is going on? Whatever it was he wasn't going to let it slide. He knocked on the door again this timed prepared for Poppy's little act. The door opened again revealing Poppy in the same stance as before. She asked the same question from before. "Are you the keymaster?". Branch sighed and answered. "Yes".

Back at the station Guy, Biggie, and Copper were upstairs talking and having snacks. Cooper looked over at the containment field and asked. "Hey guys, how many ghosts did you bust". "Well these past five weeks we caught ten ghost each week, so we have 50 of them" Guy said picking up a cupcake. Biggie looked down at the table and back at the others. "Guys I must admit that I am a bit worried. The field is getting crowded and my recent dats is pointing at something big on the horizon" he said. Guy and Cooper looked at Biggie confused. "What do you mean" Guy asked. Biggie picked up a cupcake from off the table and held it up so everyone can see it. "Well for an example lets say this cupcake represents the normal amount psychic kinetic energy in the village. According to this tasty dessert it would be a cupcake.....35 feet and weighing about 600 pounds" he explained. Cooper looked at the cupcake closely and said. "That's a big cupcake, wonder how long it take to eat" he said.

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