The New Station

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The next day

The three trolls were in Biggie's pod discussing what happened yesterday. Branch was lying on a couch looking through all some notes they got from trolls at the village square. "Weird shadow, cold chills, eerie noises" he said to himself before tossing the notes on a table. So far, they have gotten only ten notes out of the 9 hours they were there. Guy and Biggie came through a door and sat down on a couch. "Well, Branch, what do you think so far?" Guy asked. "I think that we spent 9 whole hours at that stand yesterday and got only a couple of minor things, nothing major" he said. Guy frowned and sat next to him. He picked up one sheet and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah, you got a point," he said, putting the paper down on the table. "So what now?" Branch asked. Guy looked around the pod and back. "Well, next we have to find a new place to work" he said.

Biggie came in looking into a newspaper. He sat down on a chair and continued to read through it. "What kind of place did you have in mind?" Branch asked. Guy fiddled with his fingers before telling Branch what he thought. "Well, I was sorta thinking, uhh, we could use your bunker" he said, putting his hands down. Branch looked at Guy with a stern face. "Well, I can tell you that's not happening," he said, crossing his arms. "But it has tons space," Guy said. "Yeah, but that's also where I live," Branch said.

Guy sighs and sinks his head further back into the couch, back to thinking about where they should move. Biggie was still reading his newspaper. He still heard Branch and Guy's conversation. While he was about to turn the page, he saw something that could help. "Hey guys, check this out" he said, walking up to them, showing the page in his newspaper. It said that there was an old fire station in the village, and it was looking for takers. "What about this?" he asked the others. Guy looked at it and thought it was a good idea, Branch looked at it as an ok idea. "That place doesn't seem bad" Guy said. "I mean, I guess it's ok. It sounds a bit touchy, though," Branch said, shrugging.

They all agree to move their equipment and research to the open firehouse. They begin to pick up the computers, cables, and proton gear, setting them down on some whelly carts gently. They headed out pushing the carts, but Branch seemed to be having difficulty pushing. "Why isn't moving correctly?" he asked out loud. He bent over to see under the cart and that there was a broken wheel. He grunted and proceeded to pull the cart instead of push.

They finally reach the firehouse with Branch still trailing behind. "What took you so long?" Guy asked. Branch just glared at him, annoyed. They entered the building and walked up to the desk. The entrance was a bit stuffy and dusty, but they didn't mind. They walked up to the lobby and saw that someone was sitting at the front desk reading a magazine. The troll was female, and she had light blue skin, blue and pink hair, and was wearing a white dress. Branch walked to her and tapped the bell sitting next to her. She put down the magazine and looked at the trolls with a blank expression. "Can I help you boys?" She asked. "Yes, we're here about the firehouse," Branch said. The female troll gazed at them for a minute and then stood up to greet them. "Congratulations, you're the first group of people to come in" she said, pushing some papers aside."Ok, before we get started, I need to get some names, full names, please," she said, pulling picking up a clipboard. "My name is Branch Venkman," Branch said, introducing himself. Guy walked forward, introducing himself. "I'm Guy Stantz Diamond," He said. Biggie walked up next. "And I'm Biggie Spengler," he said.

The female troll wrote all their names down and proceeded to give them a tour. "All right now that that's over let me introduce myself, my name is Chenille Melnitz Holtzmann and I'll be your secretary for the firehouse" she said in a tone that clearly shows that she is bored. Chenille led the three scientists around the place, and to the three of them, they knew this place needed work. When they got done with the tour, they headed back to the lobby to decide if they should get it. "Well, that's the end of the tour. What do you think?" Chenille asked. Branch looked at Biggie and back Chenille then said. "Well, I can see us working here, but this place does have some flaws." He turned to Biggie again and asked for his opinion. "What do you think, Biggie?" he asked, folding his arms. Biggie took another look around the place before speaking. "Well, no hard feelings, but I think this place should be condemned. There is serious metal fatigue in all the lower barring members, it's inadequate for our power needs, and the basement is like a demilitarized zone, " he explained while frowning. Branch realized that Guy wasn't with them. "Hey, where's Guy?" he asked, looking around for their glitter covered friend.

They heard a familiar voice call for them from above. "Hey, does this pole still work?" it said. Branch, Biggie, and Chenille look up to see Guy Diamond on the second floor above a fire pole. He jumped on the pole and slid down. He landed on the floor and said. "Wow, this place is great. When can we move in? " he asked them. "Wait, you actually like this place," Branch said, raising an eyebrow. Guy Diamond turned to Branch and smiled. "Of course, it's perfect. Also, you got to try this pole. Hold on, I'm gonna get my stuff, " he said, heading toward the stairs.

Guy walked up the stairs and in search of his valuables, leaving the other two trolls to make the final decision. "Well, it's better than nothing," Branch said. Biggie nodded in agreement. They turn to Chenille, who wasn't paying attention and instead doing her nails. She turned to the trolls and put down her nail file. "So what do ya say. I mean, if you move some stuff around, it'll get better, trust me" she asked.

"We'll take it" Branch said.

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