Fun Factory Ghost

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Later on that day the boys were sitting upstairs waiting for someone to call them. Branch began to break the silence."So Biggie did you find out what that slime stuff was" he asked."I analyzed it, and the data shows that the slime came directly from a ghost. But this entity that Poppy has encountered seems to have a high psychic energy level" he said. Branch heard this and started to feel worried about Poppy. She doesn't want her to get hurt or worse."Is this entity dangerous" he asked. Biggie thought for a moment and answered."I'm not sure, I'd say it's between a class 3 and 5 spirit. I'll need to do some more research and see what kind of supernatural being this slime is linked to" Biggie said. Branch fiddled with his fingers and hoped that they would learn more about this ghost so they can help Poppy.

Chenille was downstairs at her work desk. She was sewing something out of cloth and fabric."Almost done" she whispered to herself. Before she could do finish threading, the phone on her desk started to ring. She grunted and put down her knitting material and picked up the phone."Hello Ghostbusters. Yes of course we're serious" she answered. She listened to person on the other line and her eyes widened at what she heard."Really, no kidding, ok well if you can just give me the address" she picking up a piece of paper and writing down the address."Yes they will be totally discreet" she said smiling. She thanked the troll on the phone and put it down. She got up from her seat yelled out to the boys.


She pressed a button that was on her desk that set an alarm ringing through the station. The boys immediately heard the noise and got up."What's going on" Branch asked. Guy raced for the pole."We got a call, lets go" he said sliding down the pole. Biggie joins him and slides down as well. Branch slid down the pole last and followed them not knowing where they were going. "Where are we going" he asked. Guy turned his to branch."To the ecto-1" he said. They entered the garage and saw a white car with red and blue lights on it. Branch looked at it confused he didn't know they had car."When did we get this" he asked, walking up to it."We found it in the corner of the garage under a blanket. We redesigned it" Guy said, getting inside of the car."Come on, Branch, get in" Biggie said. Branch gotten in the back seat with Biggie, and Guy was in the front.

The garage door began to open, and the three set off for their destination. They drove for about 20 minutes and arrived at a huge building. The building was called to Fun Factory, and it said so on the sign. They got out of the car and headed for the trunk. Biggie opened the trunk and revealed their proton packs, Branch took out his first and put it on his back. He grunted as he felt the weight of the pack."Geez, this is a bit heavy" he said, trying to stand up straight."You'll get used to it" Guy said, putting his pack on. Biggie put his on, and they all started off toward the building.

Branch opens the front door, and they see what's inside. They see a whole bunch of trolls working on experiments with all kinds of things. They heard a voice coming from their left, and they turned around. They saw a yellow glitter troll with blue hair and wearing a tie."Gentlemen, I assume you're the Ghostbusters" he said in a stern tone. Branch spoke up and greeted him."Yes, we're the Ghostbusters" he said. The troll stuck out his hand, giving all three of them a handshake."Sky Toronto head of the factory, I heard you boys deal with strange things" he said. Sky walked into the factory, and the boys followed him. Sky kept walking but also started talking."As you can see, my workers here construct new ideas for products to give to the village" he started off."But recently some of them have been saying they saw something unusual in the factory" he said.

"Can you describe what it looks like" Guy asked. Sky thought for a second and said."One of my workers said it was floating booger or a green blob or something". "Ok, well, don't worry, Mr. Toronto, we'll get it out in no time at all" Guy said. After that, Sky ordered all his employees to exit the building, leaving the four of them alone."All right boys, I'll leave you to it, but please don't do too much damage" Sky said before leaving the building. Biggie pulled out his meter and started to walk forward with Branch and Guy trailing behind him. They turned down a hallway and continued walking until the meter started beeping. The signal was coming from behind a door that had a sign saying "Confetti room.""Ok, men, I just want to remind everyone again that we haven't had a completely successful test with this equipment" Guy said, reaching behind his back to pull out his proton stick. "I blame myself, guys," Biggie included."Well, there's no use worrying about it now" Branch said, pulling out his proton stick.

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