Princess Poppy

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While the boys are getting their equipment in the building and ready to get down to business, somewhere in a pod someone was humming a little tune while watering her flowers. She was the princess of troll village, Princess Poppy. She was tending to her garden and her other home chores. Soon one day she was going to be crowned queen and she couldn't wait til that day would come.

She loved being princess, she got to open new areas, and make public announcements, and best of all she got to help people out with all their problems just like her father. King Peppy was the elderly king of the village. He cared about his daughter very much and was so proud of how well she was doing as princess.

"All right, all done, bye-bye flowers" she said, waving to her flowers. She went inside her pod and put her gardening tools away. She went up to the kitchen for a snack, which were cookies. She had a warm pan of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on the counter for when she was done with her chores. She picked one up and ate it. "Ah, just the way I like it" she said, enjoying her baked good. When she was about to reach for another one, a thud noise came from her door.

She got up to see what it was and opened the door. It was a newspaper. It must have just been the delivery bird dropping off her mail. She went back inside and opened up the newspaper, looking at what's new. "Glow stick party," "Bellow bug." Hmm, "Ghostbusters"? She asked herself. She read the news about it and saw a picture of them."Well, that seems interesting. Maybe I'll go visit and *GASP*" she gasped when she looked back at the picture.

The picture showed Branch, Guy Diamond, and Biggie. What Poppy was shocked about was the fact Branch was in the photo. "Branch?" she said to herself. She couldn't believe it. The village grump is a part of this Ghostbusters thing. She knew Branch very well and knew that he would never say yes to any troll activities. Poppy used to go to Branch's bunker and beg him to come out and do something fun, but Branch would always say no and go back to what he calls surviving.

She had visited him for at least every year as far as she could remember. They talked to each other so much that they practically had a relationship, and they both had different points of view. This made Poppy so confused and a bit happy that Branch was finally away from his bunker. She sat the paper down and went back for another cookie. She turned to the tray and saw that there were no more cookies. She backed up a bit, freaked out about the disappearance of her cookies."I'm pretty sure there were fresh batch cookies sitting here" she said.

She looked around her home. "Maybe it was a critter or an insect," she said, thinking. Poppy then heard a noise coming from her refrigerator. She turned around toward the refrigerator as it started to make a rumbling noise. She got scared but tried to get closer to the refrigerator to see what was inside. "This isn't any critter I've ever seen or heard" she whispered, raising her hand to open the door. She grabbed the handle and pulled it open. She looked inside and saw something so unreal. She saw what looked like another world. She saw a temple that was lit and surrounded by fog. Poppy stood there with her eyes wide open at the scene.

"What the.." Before she could speak, she was stopped when something emerged from the fog. She couldn't make out what it was, but it shined a bright light through its mouth. Poppy felt terrified and let out shriek when the unknown creature began to roar. She slammed the door shut and quickly moved away from the fridge. She was panting hard and tried to catch her breath. "What the heck was that?" she said, staring at her fridge.

Was that a ghost in her refrigerator. She couldn't believe what she had just seen, she finally caught her breath and turned to the newspaper she put on the table. She picked it up and turned the page where she found the Ghostbusters. She stared at the picture and said. "I really hope these guys are serious."

Meanwhile, the boys were back at the firehouse, setting up the last bit of stuff. Chenille watched them from her desk, smiling, knowing she didn't have to help them move their stuff."Well, that's the last thing. Let's switch it on" Branch said. Guy went to the back of a machine and plugged in a cord, powering the system. Lights flickered on the machine as it turns on. Branch fell on a nearby couch to rest. They've been carrying things all day, and now he can finally rest.

Guy Diamond and Biggie walked over to the couch and sat next to him. "Whew, so glad that's over" Guy said. "So what now" Branch asked. Guy looked over at Chenille's desk to see the telephone."We have to wait for someone to call us" Guy said. Branch heard this and got bored real quick. "So what do we do until then" Branch asked."We can go outside and test the proton packs" Biggie said, remembering his invention. "You haven't tested them yet" Branch asked, raising an eyebrow. Biggie turned his eyes in a different direction and said. "Well, we haven't totally had a successful test with the equipment" Biggie explained, turning his gaze back to Branch.

Just as they were about to head outside, Chenille walked toward them. "Hey boys, there's an important troll here to see you," she said. They all started to head toward the front to meet the troll. "So who's lucky number one?" Branch asked. Chenille looked at her clipboard and read the name of the troll. "Princess Poppy," she said out loud.

When Branch heard that name, he stopped and froze in place, out of all the trolls, this one he really didn't want to talk to. Poppy may be sweet and kindhearted, but she is super annoying. She always kept coming to his bunker, begging him to come out and have fun. He received party invitations for years, and thinking he would just throw them out, he decided to keep them. He didn't tell Poppy, and just it kept a secret. Guy Diamond poked Branch, making him snap out of his little trance. "Dude, are you alright" he asked, concerned about his friend. "Yeah, I'm fine, just can you tell her I'm not here?" he asked, putting hands together. Guy looked at Branch, confused at his sudden change in mood. "Why, she's right there" he said, pointing in her direction."I know I just don't want to talk to her" Branch said. "Ok then, if that's what you want" he said, putting his arms in the air, showing it was alright.

They go off without him to go see Poppy, Branch watched them starting to doubt his decision. Poppy might be annoying, but she's the first person to come into the building. "Actually, wait up, guys," he said, catching up to them.

They reached the front and saw Poppy sitting down in one of the chairs. Chenille goes back to her desk while the men assist Poppy. "Hello Princess, it's an honor to meet you, we're the Ghostbusters. How can we help you today" Guy asked, giving a friendly smile. Poppy looked up at them and stood up. "It's nice to meet you all, hi Branch," she said quickly. "Hi Poppy," Branch responded, not looking directly at her. "Well, the reason I came over is about something I can't explain, but I hope you guys can figure it out" she said, grabbing her left shoulder. "Well, don't worry your highness we are professionals," Biggie said. Poppy got up from her seat and explained her problem.

"Well, there's a ghost in my refrigerator.

Trolls: Ghostbusters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora