Talk with Poppy

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Sky Toronto was still outside with his many confused employees waiting for the Ghostbusters."Now calm down everyone, I'm sure their handling the problem like rational trolls" he said, trying to calm everyone down. Branch burst the door open and walked out of the building with Guy and Biggie behind him."We came, we saw, we kicked its butt!" he yelled. Sky walked over to them."You found it? What is it" he asked. Guy raised the trap up so everyone could see it. It began to steam a little, letting out smoke everywhere."What we have here is a non terminal phantasm or a class 5 free roaming vapor, and it's just like you described, a nasty green little fella" he said, looking at the trap. The workers behind Sky came a little closer to see the trap and were aw and ohing at it."Well, we're glad we could help you and feel free to call us at any time," Branch said. They started walking back to their bus, but Guy turned back around toward Sky to tell him something."Also, we've missed a couple of times, and we were aiming at the ceiling, so there might be a few burn marks on the ceiling" he said."Well, it's not the first time it was burnt" Sky said, rolling his eyes. He turned back to his employees and told them its ok to go back in. Guy headed to the caterbus and got inside.

They arrived back at the station and walked in. Chenille was still at her desk reading a magazine. She lowered it down seeing the boys back from the factory. "So how'd it go? Did you catch it?" she asked. "Yep, we got it right here" Guy said, lifting the trap up so she could see it. She saw it, and she accidentally smelled the smoke coming out of it and backed away."Ugh, get that out of my face" she said. Guy lowered the trap away from her."Ok, we'll be in the back" he said, walking into the lab.

They walked over to this big machine and pulled out the trap."Ok guys lets go over how to clean the trap. We insert the trap into this slot" Biggie said, pushing it inside. The machine started to flash a red light."Then we push these buttons" he said. He pushed the red and yellow buttons on the machine, and it started to make a loud noise. When the noise ended, a green light came from the machine."And when the light is green, the trap is clean" he said.

"Oh, and there's one more very important thing about the packs that I forgot to tell you two" he said. "What's that?" Branch asked, crossing his arms. "Don't cross the streams" he said. Branch and Guy both looked at each other and back again at Biggie in confusion. "Why?" Guy asked. "It would be bad" Biggie said, lowering his head."Bad as in what," Branch asked."Well, try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously, and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light" Biggie explained. Guy had a scared look on his face when he heard Biggie's example, he realized what he meant."Total protonic reversal" he said to himself. "Ok that is bad, thanks for that Biggie" Branch said being sarcastic at the end.

A few hours later the boys decided to call it a day. They closed up the station and went home. Branch was starting off into the forest when he heard a sweet voice coming from his right. He decided to follow that voice that was getting closer and closer. He finally found that the voice belonged to Poppy. He saw her talking to Harper over near a mushroom house. He didn't know why he was still watching her, he stayed anyway.

"I would love to come to your party, Harper, but I already have plans for tonight" Poppy said to Harper. "Well ok maybe next time. But if I were you, I would watch my back" she said looking around the place. "What do you mean" Poppy asked raising her arms showing she's confused. "You never know when a ghost might come and get ya" Harper said. Poppy chuckled at Harper's comment. "I'll be fine, the boys are working on it" she said. "Alright but still I'd stay alert, trust me I've seen it" Harper said. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow" Poppy said giving her multicolored friend a hug before leaving. Harper turned to her mushroom house and twisted the door knob, but it was locked. She jiggled it a couple more times before shouting."Hey, the door is locked. It's me Harper Please somebody let me iiiiinnn!" She whined gripping the knob.

Poppy was on her way to her pod, she turned toward the forest and saw Branch wandering through the leaves. A smile rose on her face at the sight of him, and she walked over to greet him. "Hey Branch" she said waving. Branch quickly turned around behind him and saw Poppy. "Poppy? What do you want" he asked. "I just wanted to say hi" she said, scratching the back of her head. Branch just raised an eyebrow and said. "Hi." He turned back around and started back into the forest, but Poppy stopped him. "Wait, actually I wanted to talk to you" she said. Branch stepped over to her and listened. "What is it" he asked, putting his hands on his hips. Poppy thought about what she wanted to talk about. "Um, so uh, how's it coming with the ghost thing?" she said randomly. "It's coming well, Biggie found that the slime at your pod was connected to an unknown entity" he said. Poppy fiddled with her fingers thinking about what Branch just said. "Is it dangerous" "Supposedly yes" Branch said, frowning.

Poppy looked down at the ground and then back at Branch, getting a bit scared. "This doesn't make sense. How did it get here, and what is it doing in my icebox!" she said, raising her voice a little. Branch closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "We're working on it" he said, assuring her. Poppy calmed down and let out a soft breath. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just this all so confusing" she said sadly. Branch looked at Poppy, feeling sorry that she was going through a lot. He usually wouldn't care, but this time, he felt different. "Everything is going to be alright, Poppy, I promise" he said gently and calmly. Poppy shook her, letting him know she was fine. Poppy then put her hands behind her back and turned her head away from Branch. "Can I ask you something else, Branch?" she said, not making eye contact. "Ok." "Do you hate me?" she asked. Branch just stood with his eyes widened at her question. "Why would you ask me that" he asked. "Well, I've always encouraged you to have fun and be positive, but you never want to, I invite you to parties you never attend, and now I'm bugging you about my problems. I just think that I'm getting on your nerves all the time" She said sadly.

Branch was shocked by Poppy's question and did not know how to answer. He didn't hate her he just isn't used to people being so energetic and positive all the time. Poppy was only trying to help him fit in with everyone else, but he kept rejecting her. He realized how much he's said to her in the past and started to talk. "Poppy, I don't hate you" he said. Poppy finally turned her head directly toward the grey troll as he continued. "The truth is you are the most kindest and sweetest troll I've ever met. You're determined to help everyone out because you want to be a good future queen, and that says a lot about your hard work" he says, not noticing that he was smiling. Poppy was shocked at his words. She never thought in a long time she would hear that from him. "Wow th thank you Branch" she said, her smile beginning to come back.

After that, Branch entered his bunker and lowered the elevator, bringing him down. He entered his living room and sat down relaxed. He had a long day, and soon it probably started all over again. This day wasn't bad at all. He caught his first ghost, and he told Poppy what he thought about her. Branch suddenly burst his eyes wide open at that last part. He just told Poppy his feelings. He looked over and to his left and grabbed a nearby pillow. He stuffed it in his face and let out a muffled scream while blushing.


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