Gozer the Gozerian

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The Ghostbusters stared at the top of the brightly lit fortress. They started to see something forming in a white beam of light. "What is that?" Branch asked squinting his eyes. The light started to dim and as it did a figure in white crystal like clothing appeared. It stared it's bright red eyes at the four trolls making them cautious. "It's a girl" Guy said. "It's a boy" Branch said. "No, it's Gozer" Biggie said correcting them. "Wait Gozer doesn't look like a troll" Cooper said looking back at his friends. "It's whatever it wants to be. It'll take the form of anything" Biggie said.

"Well whatever it is, it's gotta get past us. Right guys" Guy said. "Yeah. Who wants to go up first" Branch asked. Everyone looked at each other for a moment, then Guy sighed. "Alright, I guess I'll go. You guys power up your packs behind me" Guy said turning around. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see it was Branch. "Be careful" He said. Guy gave him a small smile and turned back to face Gozer. He walked up closer and stopped halfway. "Gozer the Gozerian. In the name of troll village and of the four of us paranormal exterminators, I ask you nicely to depart from this place, and go to whatever convenient dimension may be nearest of here. Or else we will be forced to use..... force" Guy said looking the sumerian in the eyes.

Gozer just stood there staring until finally it speaks up. "Are you a god?" Gozer asks. Guy was confused by the question. "I'm sorry" He said. "Are. You. A. God?" Gozer says again. Guy looked back at his friends. "What should I say?" Guy asked. "Well there's no harm in being honest" Biggie said looking back at Gozer. Guy turned back to Gozer to respond. "No" He said. Gozer raised it's arms toward them. "Then, DIE" It said as it's arms shot lighting at them. Guy was struck first and then the others quickly after. The lighting pushed them back so far they almost fell off the mountain. Cooper landed on top of a rock, Biggie tumbled on the ground, Branch and Guy were at the edge of the mountain

Guy panicked as he was dangling off the edge. Luckily Branch grabbed his hand and pulled him up. They both tried to catch their breath and stand up on their feet. "Are you ok" Branch asked. "Yeah, you" Guy asked back. "I'm fine" Branch said dusting himself off. "Maybe being honest is harmful in this situation" Biggie said scratching his head. "Yeah, next time when someone asks if we're gods, we say yes" Cooper said. Branch looked up at the demonic dogs and at Gozer, he took a deep breath and spoke. "Alright, time to use force" Branch said picking up his proton wand.

Branch walked up to Gozer while activating his weapon. Everyone else did the same and stood side to side. "You guys powered up?" Branch asked. "Yep" Everyone said pointing their proton wands at Gozer. "Then let's show this prehistoric thing, how we do things here in the village" Branch said. Gozer growled and crouched down seemingly ready to pounce. "Fire!" Branch yelled. They all fired their proton streams at Gozer, but surprisingly they all missed when Gozer pounced up in the air and backflipped over them landing on a boulder. The four turn around starting to get nervous. "Um ok, new plan. Aim for the flattop!" Branch shouted.

They all fired again striking the Gozerian. As they did they start to Gozer start to fade away into a dust like cloud and float away. Everyone was silent for a minute until Cooper spoke up. "Where did it go?" He asked confused. "We-we neutralized it. Guys do you know what this means! This means total protonic reversal, we did it!" Guy said excitedly. "Nice work everyone" Biggie said contragulating everyone. Branch stared at where Gozer was and then looked back at the fortress. He then had a look a of concern on his face. "Um guys, don't you think that win was a bit too easy?" Branch said.

The others turned over to Branch then to where Gozer was. "What do you mean?" Guy asked. "Well I mean Gozer was a God, a powerful god. She almost killed us with lighting and then when we attacked she just gave up" Branch explained. "Yes, that is rather peculiar" Biggie said.

Suddenly a loud crack in the sky bolted from the sky. The four trolls quickly turned around and look above them. The clouds swirled in circles and an orange glow shined with it. "Choose" A deep voice called from the sky. "Choose? Choose what?!?" Branch called back. "Choose your doom, Choose your fate, Choose your destructor" The Gozer said loudly. Biggie thought for a minute and figured out what this meant. "It wants us to choose something to destroy us all" Biggie said looking down. "What? No! What if we don't wanna choose!" Branch called back.

Then a bolt of lightning struck the ground right in front of Branch. "CHOOSE!!!" The Gozer said again. "What do we do" Guy asked. "Why don't we choose something tha-" Cooper was cut off by Branch. "No! No one choosing anything. We have to try and empty our heads. If we think of anything like a giant Bergen, a giant bergen will come and destroy us. Keep your head blank, we've got one shot at this" Branch said. Everyone tried their best to keep an empty, Cooper on the other hand looked like he was gonna explode. "MARSHMALLOW!!!!" Cooper shouted out of nowhere.

Everyone looked over at Cooper shockingly. "The choice is made. The traveler has come" Gozer announced. "Cooper!!!" Everyone said angrily. "I'm I'm sorry guys, I couldn't help it. I tried to clear everything in my mind and it just popped in there. But hopefully it won't be so bad, right" Cooper said smiling nervously. "Look!" Biggie shouted. The four trolls look into the distance, and saw a huge white figure walk into troll village with a big goofy grin on it's face. "Giant Marshmallow Monster. That'll do it" Branch said.

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