The Start

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Somewhere in troll village a bit further from everyone else was an underground bunker. In the bunker was a grey troll named Branch. He was different from all the trolls because he is..well, a grump. He spent most of his days building up his bunker with sticks and making water from his own sweat, which he is crazy enough to drink. Branch wanted to stay away from the other trolls because he hated how they were so happy and noisy.

Branch was also a brilliant scientist. He used to study in quantum physics. The most interesting thing he liked to study with quantum physics was the theory of the paranormal. Some trolls in the village who believed in ghosts eventually just gave up on trying to prove that they could be real. Branch, however, never stopped believing.

He was made fun of, but he didn't care because he was determined to find out the truth of where trolls go when they pass away. Soon, he met a friend, his name was Guy Diamond. He was a glitter troll and like branch he too was curious about the possibilities of the paranormal. They study together in chemistry and become committed to discovering ghosts.

But then, 2 years later, Branch's grandmother died. She was 78 years old and passed away in her bed. She was one of Branch's closest relatives. They did everything together like baking, gardening, and singing. She said his voice was like an angel, and that meant the world to him. Branch told her that he believed in ghosts, and she actually believed him. She was the only one who believed him, and knowing that she was gone, he started to drift away from his ghost theories. Then he stopped talking to Guy and just left him, and when Guy tried to talk to him about what was wrong, he just pushed him away.

Now Branch is inside his bunker drinking some coffee and reading a book. He was alone, and he had been that way for a long time. But he didn't think so because he made his own company, yes he actually made his own company. He made a remote and named it Gary. He talked to it a lot, and soon, it just became a thing. It was sad, but it kept him entertained. He'll probably talk to it right now.

"So Gary, what do you think we should do today?" Branch said, turning his head toward the remote. It was silent for a minute, and then Branch spoke. "Nothing, huh? I like your thinking," he said. Branch put his book and coffee down on a counter and sat down his letting out a big sigh. He slowly closed his eyes and relaxed, but it was quickly ruined by loud banging coming from outside. He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. The banging stopped, and Branch just ignored it and went back to resting. Then the banging came back only louder this time, Branch got up annoyed and yelled at the ceiling. "WHO IS IT!" Branch said, frustrated. The troll that was outside spoke up. "Branch, it's me, Guy Diamond. Can I come in ?" he shouted.

Branch was not pleased to hear his voice, so he denied his request. "No," he said."Come on, please, this is really important," he said, pleading. Branch rolled his eyes and went over to his elevator. He pulled the lever, rising him up to the surface. He made it to the top outside and saw a glitter covered friend. "Alright, what is it?" he said, not really caring. Guy Diamond smiled at Branch. He was so happy to see him."Well, first of all, I'm so happy to you again," he said, giving Branch a hug. Branch quickly got out of the hug and stepped back."Yeah, I wish I could say the same," he said, clearly being sarcastic. "Well, seeing you being sarcastic must mean you're doing just fine," he said, giggling. Branch just crossed his arms, waiting for this conversation to end."Alright, you probably don't want to hear this, but you're not going to believe this," he said. Branch was looking at him with no interest. "We found one" he said, trying to hold his excitement.

Branch got confused and asked what he meant. "One what?" He asked. Guy Diamond took a few seconds to answer. "A ghost! A real class three vapororus, full torso apparition. It moved books off shelves and scared the sprinkles out of poor woman. " Branch wasn't convinced and didn't believe what Guy was saying."Guy, I'm not in the mood for your ghost stories" he said about pulling the lever. Guy stopped him by grabbing the lever, too. "Branch, please, I'm being serious. I have a really smart friend of mine who can verify this" he said. Branch started to get mad and tightened his grip on the lever."Guy, when will you grow up? There are no such thing as ghosts," he said, pulling the lever back, making them go down. Guy was not giving up, and he pulled the lever forward, making the go back up.

"They are real. Would I seriously come here if I wasn't serious?" he said. Branch pushed him back, making him fall down."I gave up believing spirits a long time ago" he said, pulling the lever back. Guy got up and grabbed the lever again, pulling it forward. "I know, but Branch, this the real deal" he said. Branch pulled the lever back. "I'm not going. End of story " Branch said. They both grabbed the lever at the same time, pulling it their way. Branch noticed what they were doing and let go. "Stop stop, we're gonna break it," he shouted. Guy let go of the lever and faced Branch."Branch, please come. I know you and I are not really friends anymore, but I'm really on to something here, and you're one of the only trolls I know who knows about this like I do. "

Branch thought about it for a second and sighed, knowing that he was right."Fine, I'll go with you, but if something goes wrong or there is no ghost, I'm not talking to you again," he said. Guy Diamond smiled and put out his hand. "Deal," he said. Branch took his hand out and shook his hand. "Deal".

Trolls: Ghostbusters Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt