Chapter 6

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"What about Odell?"
"He's leaving. He has a game tomorrow." "Yeah and me and the boys are gonna go watch." I say right after Dinah. "Oh Y/N, I didn't know you were close to Odell." Gordon says. The closest we'd ever be with my fist to his face. "I'm not. Young M.A just got us tickets to see the giants tomorrow." "Oh alright have fun. Next time, try to get Raider tickets." I nod my head.
"Well I gotta go. I gotta catch my flight. Dinah, I'll see you tomorrow when I come back. Milika and Gordon I'll see you guys tomorrow when I pick the twins up." "I'll walk you out." I hear Dinah say. I walk towards the door after giving Milika a hug and waving Gordon goodbye. I open the door and walk to my car. "So I don't get a goodbye?" I turn around and smirk. "Nah there might be paps lurking and the last thing I need is for Dani to say I'm cheating on her with you. That's the last thing I need on my plate." "Like you wasn't trying to cheat at your house" I hear her mumble. "Yeah an enclosed space where nobody could see. I gotta go though. I really gotta catch my flight." "Be safe. Come back in one piece." "I will. I can't promise he will."
New York

"So what's the plan?" Jared asks. "Well I got all access passes so we can go in the locker room if need be. But the plan is to get to him early in the morning. He goes running around his neighborhood every morning. I'm gonna send some of my boys to scoop him up. Bring him to one of my warehouses and we can handle him there." "So, Y/N what do exactly plan on doing to him?" "Enough to get him out for the season." "So that includes what exactly? Because we can't have him say he got kidnapped. It'll look like you did it." "He's got a point" I look at Jared stale faced.
I wipe my face in annoyance and look at these two. "You gone shoot him in his hand and you gone run over the other one. Happy?" Reem and Jared look at me shocked. "Idiots." Kat mumbles. "For real though, I'm gonna break one of his hands and when they drop him off y'all gone hit him with the car. Make it look like he got hit while he was running. A hit and run case." Kat nods her head. "Sounds legit. Lets go to the studio. I want you to hear some shit." "Wait, does your baby mama know that you're doing this?" One of Kat's boys asks. "Yes." "Y/N, you told Dinah about this?" M.A asks.
I nod my head with my eyebrows raised. "Didn't tell her a plan. I just said I'm going to handle him. I had to tell her to move out the mans house while we gone. I can't have him come back home to her and go back to what he was doing. It defeats the purpose of what I'm doing. And Dinah ain't no snitch either. She holds shit down. Y'all worry about your part I'll worry about mine." "How do you know that she's not a snitch? She's just some bitch from the Bay." I walk up to him and grab his throat and grip it tight. "You might be one of her boys, but I can guarantee your ass I'll fuck you up. Don't forget who's paying you for this job because it ain't her. Don't ever disrespect her a day in your life. Try me again and the next job your boys will be doing will be a job on you. Got it?" He nods his head as best as he can and I let go of his neck. "Don't get her confused with these treeshes on the street she's been in the game, you see those niggas over there behind her? Those her boys. You play with her or fuck with Jared I'm giving her the chance to make calls on y'all. So if you value your life do as she says." M.A. says and her boys all nod at her. "Aight now let's go to the stu." I nod my head.
Dinah POV

"Is that the last of your stuff?" Normani asks. "There's one more box upstairs. Benny I'm just getting the last box and then we can go." I go upstairs into the room me and him once shared and pick up the box of sweaters in front of the dresser. As I get up and look up at the mirror I see the necklace that he bought me.
     I stare into the mirror looking at it. I remember when he gave it to me. It was our sixth date and he told me that he loved me. I should've known then at 2 months in that he was crazy, but I was blindsided. I pull the necklace off not wanting any memory of him. I open the top drawer and pull out the ring box and open it. I smile looking down at the ring and close it and walk out the room and downstairs out the house to the car. I hand the last box to Benny who is at the trunk before I go and get in the car.
     I pull out the box and look at the ring again. "Woah, you stole from him? I didn't think you were that bold Dinah." Victoria says. "No it's not his. It's mine. It's-" "The engagement ring that Y/N gave her." Normani cuts me off. "I'm surprised you still have it. I thought you gave it back to her?" I shake my head and smile. I kept it just in case she ever got her stuff together quickly and we got back together we could get married or at least be engaged."
"Do you really love her Dinah? I just need to make sure because when you left on your wedding day you really broke her. And I don't mean just hurt her feelings. I mean you really broke her. She wasn't herself. She couldn't take care of the kids, let alone herself. She'd wait for the day that you would call her just so you guys could talk it out. When she sent you all those gifts it was because she meant it. She had hand written every single note that she sent with the flowers and the gifts. She loves the hell out of you Dinah. Yeah she's with Dani, but from what she told me that she is just a distraction to get over you. She thought she didn't have a chance. When her mother passed away, you wasn't there for her. i don't know if you know, but your relationship with your mom made her want to improve her with her mother after everything went down. Dinah, you not being there for her when all that happened tore her. As her cousin Dinah, I can't allow you to hurt her again. Did she do some messed up stuff to you? Yes. Should she have? No. But doing the same thing to her that she did to you isn't the way to go about it. She loves you DJ. Like truly loves you, don't abuse that."
    I feel Victoria wiping away the tears that I e know was falling from my face. "I didn't know. I thought me being at the funeral was enough. I should've thought more about it and been there for her during that time. It's just... I just started talking to Odell. And I didn't want him to think that I was still talking to her. Gosh I'm so stupid." I say as I put my head in my hand
"Can I say something?" We hear from the front of the truck. "I'm not just Y/N's bodyguard. I'm one of her closest friends too. Dinah, since y'all started talking that girl has not been able to shut her mouth about you even if she wanted to. I can't say she's always made the right choices all the time because she hasn't. But she has tried her best for you and you guys family. She always made sure to do everything so that you guys had a better life than her. I know before you probably didn't see it but I just want to let you know that she was trying. Im going to take you somewhere and show you before I take y'all to your destination." Benny says and I nod my head ready for the ride.
"Here we are. This is what I wanted to show you."

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