Chapter 19

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"Y/N get out of the kitchen! You're not helping. You're just in the way." Dinah says. "Sal de la cocina antes de que te golpee el culo.(Get out the kitchen before i beat your ass.)" Tía Sammie says. "You guys don't ever want to be nice to me. Always yelling at me. Dinah I'm just trying to give you some tlc." I say. "If you get out the kitchen and let us cook dinner would be ready when we say it will." She says. "Y'all always want to take long cooking on this holiday. The kids are hungry." "So take them to get McDonald's." Dinah retorts back.
They've been cooking since last night. There's too many people that are coming and bringing food for them to be cooking this much. We have Dinah's family, Auntie Drea, Melanie, Richard, Melanie's mother, and Jared and his family. Everybody is required to bring some type of dish. Yet Tia Sammie and Dinah have been in here cooking since last night. I was supposed to cuddle Dinah at night but instead last night I was cuddling Ashley. Don't ask how. She just randomly decided to come in the bed at night.
"Fine but I don't want to hear you complain about them not being hungry." I say. "Get them dressed Y/N. It's already one. Everybody is coming at four." Tia Sammie says. "Fine." I say annoyingly. I walk out of the kitchen and go upstairs to the twins room. Once I walk in I see Kalia sleep and Kaleo watching Paw Patrol. "Baby boy ready to get dressed?" "Yes mama. Me and sissy match today?" He asks as he gets up and walks towards me. "You want to match?" I ask and he nods his head. "Mama?" I look over at Kalia and see that she's making her way towards me. I sit down in front of Kaleo on the floor and pull Kalia into my lap. I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms around her.
"Mama! Tia Sammie said you have to help me get dressed." "I know baby. Come here and sit down so I can talk to you guys." Chey walks over and sits next to Kaleo. "Do you guys know what today is?" "It's turkey day mama!" "That it is. It's called thanksgiving. I want you guys to know that I am so thankful for you guys. I want you guys to know that everything I'm doing is for y'all. Every time mama has to leave to do an interview or photoshoot or show, I'm doing it for y'all. Majority of the things you guys have, mama, mami, and mommy didn't have. We work hard for you guys. I love you guys with everything in me. You guys are my entire world. I wouldn't be me without you guys. I love you guys to the moon and back." I say looking between all of them.
I meant everything that I said too. These kids are my whole entire life. "We love you too mama. To the galaxy and back around." Chey says. "You trying to out do me?" Chey giggles and nods her head. "Come give mama some love." I say and Chey and Leo come and hug me and Lia. "Alright now it's time to wash your stink butts. Chey go get yourself started. I'll come pick out your outfit." Chey gets up and heads into her room. Lia gets up and so do I. I walk into their bathroom in their room and get the bath started. "Lia you want to match with your brother?" "Yes mama." She responds back.
I touch the water to make sure that's it's warm enough and plug the tub up to let it fill. I put some soap in the tub to create bubbles. Lia won't take a bath without the bubbles. Just like me. I walk out of their bathroom and walk into their closet. I go to the section where their matching clothes are and pick out their outfits. I put their outfits on their beds and go into the bathroom and turn the water off. "Come on guys. Time to get in the bath. After I'm going to go pick out your sisters outfit." Leo and Lia come into the bathroom and start to get undressed.
I usually put them in separate baths but I don't have the time for all of that. Plus I don't have the energy to put them in separate baths. They get in the bath and get their toys. "Im going to go get your sisters clothes. Kaleo actually wash yourself." He nods his head as he goes to play with his toys. I walk out of their bathroom and room and walk to Chey's. I walk into her room and go to her closet and pick out her outfit. I put it on her bed and walk out the room to Ashley's room. I knock on the door and open it and walking in. I see Ashley, Ayana, and Analisa in the room watching tv. "You guys go get ready. It's one and everybody is coming at four. Ashley go get in the shower. You want me or Yaya to pick it?" I ask Ashley. "Girl if you don't take care of your kids. I'm going to get my kid dressed and right." Yaya says as she gets up. I put my hands up in a surrender. "Okay just go get ready. Can you do all the girls hair?" Yaya nods her head.
I walk out of Ashley's room and back to the twins. Once in the room I go to the bathroom. "Mama, I clean. Bro bro not clean. He play with the toys." Kalia says. "Come on Lia." I take all of the toys out the water. "Leo, you need to get clean. Your a big boy. Big boys clean themselves." I say. I grab Kalia's towel and grab her out the tub. "When I get sissy dressed you should be clean?" He nods his head as he grabs his washcloth. I take Kalia into the room and put her on the bed. "Mama you put lotion on me?" "Yes, but you can help." I say as I grab the lotion and put some in both of our hands. We lotion her down and I grab a pull up.
"No, no, no mama. That's for babies. I big girl. I wear underwear." "Well excuse me big girl." I say as I put the pull up back and grab her a pair of underwear. I help her out then put a white tshirt on her. I grab her jeans and sweater and help her put them on. "You can put your shoes on later. Go see titi Yaya so you can get your hair done." She gets down off the bed and runs off. I go back in the bathroom to see Kaleo washing himself. "You almost done baby boy?" I ask him. He looks at me and nod his head. "Mama, I smell good?" "Yeah baby I can smell you from here. You smell so good. Come on." I walk over to the tub and pull the plug out and sit on the side. I grab his towel and wrap it around him and pick him up. "Mama I can get dress myself. I don't need help." Leo says as I put him on the bed. "Okay, I'll be here if you need me." He nods his head and dries himself off then goes straight for the lotion. I watch as he lotion himself and starts to get himself dressed. He was fine until he put his pants on. "They're backwards babe." I say as I help him out and fix them. He finishes getting dressed and looks at me. "Look at you. You're so handsome. Let me put the leave in conditioner in your hair and you'll be done." I walk in the bathroom and grab the leave in conditioner and a wide tooth comb. I walk back into the room and start to put the moisturizer in his hair and detangle it.
"All done. Now let's go see what your mother is doing." I pick him up and we walk out the room to see Chey standing there dressed. "Go see Yaya. She's going to do your hair." She nods her head and runs to Ayana's room. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I see Dinah turning off the stove and taking her apron off. She looks up and sees me and Leo and smiles instantly. "Hi handsome. I wish I could hold you but mommy's hands are dirty." She says as she walks over and kisses Leo's cheek. "It okay mami." He says. "I'm here too you know." I say. "I know. You've been aggravating me since you woke up." "In my defense, my Polynesian wasn't in bed with me last night. I'm sorry I missed you." I say. "You done cooking?" She nods her head. "Yeah. Sammie has one dish to finish, but I'm done."
"You wanna go take a shower?" "Together?" "Why not? We haven't done that in a minute." "Leo, you want to be Tia's taste tester?" Tía Sammie asks. He nods his head and reaches out towards her. She grabs him. "You guys go shower and get dressed. Go shower together. You guys need alone time besides when you go to bed. Me and the girls got the babies." She says as shoos us out of the kitchen. I hold my hand out and Dinah grabs it and I lead us upstairs. We walk past Ayana's room and hear giggles.
I walk us into the room and see Ana and Ayana doing Chey and Ashley's hair. "Mami!" Lia says as she runs to Dinah. "Hi baby girl. You look pretty. You're matching your brother." "Mhm mami. Me and bro bro match. We twins." "Yes you guys are. Mami and mama are going to a get ready. Can you stay with your aunties?" She nods her head. "Don't go making no more kids. Kalia is enough." Ayana says. "You guys can make another one. Just make sure it's one. I need me a little baby." Analisa says. "Y'all are annoying." I say. Me and Dinah walk out the room and into ours.
"Are you going to get dressed up?" Dinah asks me as she goes straight to the closet. "I haven't figured that out. I might just put something on that's calm. You should wear the pink dress I got you the other day. You look gorgeous in it." "That's actually what I was planning on wearing. You should dress up with me." "You want me to?" I say as I walk into the closet. "I mean knowing you, you'd put on some street wear. It's a formal dinner. The kids get a pass. Not you." "Fine, but speaking of streetwear. The sweatsuits for my brand are done. They come in on Monday." "That's amazing baby. Is the stuff getting delivered here?" "Only the clothes I have put to the side for us. And by us, I mean everybody. Unless you want a promo box."
"No, I'll just take the ones that come in." I sit down on the bench that's in the closet. "Come here." "We're supposed to be in the shower." She says as she turns around to look at me. "I know I know. Just come here real quick." She put the dress down and comes to me. I pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her waist. "I did this with the kids already and I want to tell you in private instead of in front of everybody. I want to let you know how thankful I am for you. You've taught, shown, and loved me a lot through the time we've been together and apart. I've never loved someone like I love you. Im grateful to have you in my life. You've done more for me than I've ever told you. You gave me two beautiful babies and took in my first like she was your own. There's not many women like that. I'm glad you wanted me as badly as you did because I think I want you more than you wanted me. My love for you will never die. You're the calm to my crazy. I don't want no one else. I know we're too soon into this relationship for me to say this but I can't help how I feel. If you ever gave me a second chance to marry you I'd make sure this time I wouldn't mess it up." I say looking into her teary eyes and I wipe her face. "I love you Dinah Jane Hansen. Ain't nothing will ever change that."
She grabs my face and pulls me into a soft kiss. I kiss her back and she pulls away. "I love you too Y/N Y/LN. I'm so thankful for you. You mean the world to me. You've shown and taught me a lot too. Without you I probably wouldn't be here. Literally. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for wanting to help heal me. Thank you for showing me real genuine love. I've never told you this, but before you came into my life I never knew genuine love. Everyone in the past made me feel as if I wasn't good enough. Then you came around. Yeah at first we were rocky and you were indecisive, but you came around and never turned back. You've made me feel like I'm worth so much more than they made me feel. Especially now. When I came to your house with the bruises on my face, you didn't say anything to make me feel insecure. You came to my rescue. You saved me. And I'll never be more grateful for anyone else in this world except you. You've provided me the happiness in my life that I needed which are all three of our kids. If you were to ever propose to me again I will say yes. This time we will make it to the alter and I will say I do. I promise you that. I love you so much ofa. There's nobody else but you." She says as she gives me a soft smile. I smile back and peck her lips.
"Can I show you how much I love you?" "Babe we have to get in the shower." "Give me ten minutes in there and I'll have you cumming three times back to back." I let out lowly. "You better be quick." She says as she gets up and so do I. "You better be quiet." I say as I slap her ass as she walks away. I think I'll be fine if I eat my dessert early.

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