Chapter 14

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       "How is he?" I say to Sierra. We just made it to the hospital and we made it to the waiting room. We see Jared's mom and Sierra. I hug her and turn to Jared's mom, April, and pull her into a hug. "He's in surgery still. He's been in there since we've gotten here." Sierra says as she hugs Dinah. "Ma, this is Dinah my girlfriend and mother of my twins. Dinah, this is Jared's mother, April." "Sorry we had to meet under these circumstances." Dinah says as April pulls her into a hug. "It's nice to meet you." April says.
         "Auntie?" Yonni says. April opens her arms and Yonni runs into them and they hold onto each other as they hug. "Y/N?" "Saul? Hey how are you?" "Im good just checking on my brother you know. Since I don't leave my friends behind." I scoff and shake my head. "I didn't leave anybody." "That's not what it seems like." "Then what does it seem like Saul? Because last time I checked I moved away with my family because that's what happens when you're a child. You think wanted to leave Boston? That's not what I wanted. When I moved to Texas I was still talking to Jared. My mother was close to Mama April. My mom wasn't close to yours. I lost contact with Jared when I got kicked out at 16. When I got back into contact with him I was happy as hell.-" "So what after you contact him you wasn't going to check on everyone else?" "How Saul? How?" "We made a pact-" "At five years old!" "So what?!"
        "Saul! What's wrong? Why are you so hostile towards her?" "Because she cares about no one but herself. Who says she isn't the one that put the hit out on Jared!" Saul says. "Why would I put a hit out on Jared? I was gonna help him get out of that life." "Oh so taking him to New York to go kill your dumbass girlfriends ex boyfriend is getting him out of that life?" "You was gonna have him kill someone?" Sierra says as she turns to me. "No I wasn't! That wasn't even the plan. But watch your mouth about my girlfriend. Don't disrespect her. He was there to help beat his ass. Sierra, you know I would never make him kill nobody. That's not why he's mad. He's mad because when we were 10 we all talked about getting into a gang. Saul's cousin was telling us that being in a gang was the best. We were all supposed to be bloods. I was supposed to get jumped in the day before I left but I chickened out. I wouldn't allow myself to go down that road. To be honest I'm happy I didn't go down that road. Your cousin is the reason why Jared and i touched a gun at the age of nine. Your cousin is the reason that Jared is on that operation table fighting for his life. If you wanna be at someone be mad at your cousin." I say. I look around the room and walk out.
      I walk around to the side of the hospital and sit on a bench. I put my head in my hands and start to cry. I hear someone walk towards me and sit next to me and rub my back. "Babe?" I look up and see Dinah sitting next to me. "Dinah I didn't have him go to kill anybody. I wouldn't make him do that." "I know you didn't. You told me what you was going to do. I also know you wouldn't put a hit out on your best friend either." "But Saul... he hates me. I couldn't join a gang. Not at 10. I told Jared not to join either but Jared's family was already in that lifestyle. It was bound to happen. I never wanted to leave Boston." "Why didn't you tell me about that?" "What almost joining a gang? I tried to forget about it. But I can't every time I see Jared. It's like its a reminder of what I was almost close to becoming. I couldn't do that. Not to my mother. I couldn't have her worrying every night about if I'll make it home safe or if I'm dead. Not at 10." I say as I shake my head.
       "I don't blame you for your decision. You most likely wouldn't be where you are today. You made the right decision for you. You made the best decision for you. Jared never blamed you for that. You wanna know what Jared told me one day while we were talking?" I look at her and nod my head. "That he knew that life wasn't for you. You were too soft. He knew you would make it out. He told me that he would've never let you join a gang no matter how hard you tried. He told me that he was bound to do it too. His family would've dragged him in anyways. Saul's mad because you have the life that he thought he would have joining the gang. The rich and glamorous life. He's jealous. Don't let him get to you. He's not worth it. You need to be inside for Jared. That's who you came here for. Don't pay attention to Saul okay?" I nod my head and wipe my face. I wipe my hands on my jeans. "Alright. Thank you." "There's nothing to thank me for. I got you like you got me." Dinah says. I peck her lips and stand up. She stands up and I grab her hand and we walk inside.
      "Are you okay?" Mama April asks. I nod my head. "Has the doctor come out?" I ask. "Family for Jared Simmons?" Me and Dinah turn around. "That's us. How's my son?" Mama April asks. "We've removed the bullets from his legs and stomach. We've repaired his stomach as well. He's lost a lot of blood but he's going to make it. He's going to need physical therapy once he gets out of the hospital. He's upstairs in his room resting." "Can we go see him?" Sierra asks. "Although it's past visiting hours I will allow you guys to go into the room. His room number is 1016." All tension in the room was lifted. I pull Mama April into a hug. "Your son is a soldier. With the amount of blood he lost on the way here and on the table it's a miracle that he's alive." The doctor says.
       "Thank you." April says. We all walk into the elevator and ride up to the room. In the elevator I feel a set of eyes on me. I look around and my eyes fall upon angry ones. I shake my head and when the elevator stops we all get off. We walk to his room and Sierra opens the door. Sierra and Mama April automatically walk to the sides of the bed. I sit in the chair in the corner and pull Dinah into my lap. Sierra touches his hand and we hear the heart monitor speed up.
       "You hear that. That's.... That's what you do to me girl." We hear a raspy voice say. "Jare..." "Hey baby." "I'm going to get you some water." Mama April says she kisses his forehead and walks out. Dinah gets up from my lap and I get up and walk towards him. "Real gangsters don't die.." "They survive." Jared finishes for me. "Don't be scaring us like that man." I say as we do our handshake once I make it over to him. "You know it's going to take more than three bullets for me to leave y'all." "Jared we need to talk." Yonni says. "Yon..." "No Jared. You almost died! You want the next time you get hit with bullets to be your last time here?" "Yonni you think I don't know that. Hello, I got hit with the bullets." "Jared, I'm being serious. It's time for you to quit. You're 23. You're too young to die." "But-" "Babe I agree with her. I think it's time you leave. We're going to start a family. I don't want to become a single mother." Sierra stresses. "You're not going to." "How do I know that Jared?! You're running the streets late at night. Getting shot at. Getting hit! What if the next bullet hits you're heart. You'll be gone!" Sierra yells.
       "If he's bringing in money it shouldn't matter." We all look over at Saul. "Listen man, if you wanna fuck up your life, you can do that. But don't drag my brother down into it." I say to Saul. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be congratulating you're man or better yelling at your man's for not completing the job?" Jared says. We all look at Jared questionably. "Just know when I get outta here I'm serving your head on a platter to your mothers house." Jared says through gritted teeth. "What are you talking about?" Sierra says. "Saul boy, why don't you tell them that you're the one that put the hit out on me. You and your cousin. Fuck y'all niggas!" "I didn't do shit." "You didn't?! You didn't?! Y'all are the ones that told me to do that sketchy ass drop. Y'all were the only ones that knew my every location. The only ones that knew I was going to be there. So what are the odds that I get shot once I put the money in the car. The money we were supposed to split!" Jared yells. "I'm out of this shit." I turn to Saul with angry eyes and Dinah grabs my hand. I chuckle and shake my head.
       "So you try and blame me for him getting shot when you're the one that did it? You send any of your boys to finish the job and you and your cousin's head will be at your mothers door." Saul let's out a deep laugh. "You ain't even hard Y/N. You ain't killing a soul." "I might not have been in the streets of Boston, but them Cali streets are tough. Try me if you want to I got a bullet with your name on it. I'm known for keeping my promises. Benny get him outta here." I say through gritted teeth. Benny grabs him and drags him out of the room.
     "He tried to blame you? That shit is crazy." "Crazy indeed." "Why was Benny dragging Saul out the room?" Mama April says as she comes into the room. She walks over to Jared and puts the straw into his mouth. "Move to LA. It's safe. You'll be safe. Mama April and Sierra too.  And Sierra I'm not gonna forget your moms either. If anything Saul is definitely going to have somebody come finish the job. Especially after what transpired." "Let's do it." "Jared!" "Babe she's right. We both threatened to send his mother his head. They're only gonna wanna off me. Cali is our best option. We'll move after I get out of here." I nod my head. "Benny call some of the security and send them out here to guard his room. Their crazy asses would send someone here to finish him here. And I'd be damned."
     "Y/N are you sure?" Mama April asks. "Im sure. I'll buy y'all a house out there. I'll ask my realtor to send y'all a couple of houses. Mama A and Sierra can go look at it and choose." Dinah nods her head. "If you guys don't find one by the time he's out you guys can stay with us. We have more than enough rooms to have you guys all there." Dinah says. "Sierra I'll get your mom out there tonight. She's the first person they'll come after since she's not here. Benny.." "I'm on it." He says as he walks out of the room. "Thank you." Sierra says. "You guys are family. I got you guys for life." I say as I look at them. "We for life?" Jared ask. "We for life my boy." I say.
      "What's up its your boy Romero and you're listening to Jamin' 94.5. Today we have a special guest with us." "What's up its your girl Y/N." "It's great to have you today. Even under the circumstances that your here." Ashley says and I nod my head. "Since we are getting straight into, I just want to say I'm sorry to hear about you're best friend Jared." "You say it like he's dead." I say with a chuckle and everyone let's out a laugh. "I know but getting shot isn't something happy either." "You right, you right. Jared is good and recovering. It's gonna take more than some bullets to take him out. He has this saying. 'Real gangsters don't die, they survive.' And that's exactly what he did. He's going to be recovering and going back to his normal self in a few weeks." I say with a single nod. "That's good to hear."
      "So, I don't know if you know, but you have been dragged on Twitter for your recent live about Ms. DaniLeigh." Ashley says. "Honestly, I don't care. I said what I said and it's the truth. I have two daughters, I wouldn't want them to date somebody that dogs them and I'm honestly not the type to cheat. I stand by what I said. She cheated on me. I honestly don't like this online going back and forth stuff. If our relationship wasn't public I don't think what we went through as a couple should have been put on the internet." "I'm not going to lie I completely agree with you. That relationship wasn't publicly put out there at first. I've never seen y'all actually say that you were together. Just of y'all posting each other on your instastories." Romero says. "But isn't that claiming a relationship if you're posting each other on each other stories though?" Ashley asks.
       "I personally don't believe so. We could've just been two close friends hanging out with each other. And I think that's what's wrong with society too. Everybody thinks that celebrities have to validate themselves to the general public when we initially don't. I don't have to post anything on social media. Not myself, my kids, nor my relationship. I could literally just post about what songs are dropping, what video is dropping, tours, tv and radio appearances and that could be it." I say and take a sip of my water. "The reason why I post about my personal life is so people don't think it's my PR team running it. Plus, I like showing my girlfriend, kids, and sisters off. I'm proud of having them in my life and I want the world to see that. Regardless of what people have to say about me, Imma be me." I finish. Romero and Ashley nod their heads. "I see where you're coming from and I agree with you. But to change directions, speaking of relationships, what is you're relationship to Odell Beckham Jr.?" Romero asks and I stale face him and everyone in the room busts out laughing.
        "I'm not even surprised you asked me that question." I say while chuckling and shaking my head. "There is no relationship to him except him being my girlfriends ex. I don't have no friendly words for that man. I'm against anything that has to do with him because I'm ten toes down for Dinah and my kids." "So there is word that he indeed put his hands on your kids, is that true?" "Seeing as that its still an ongoing case what I already said on live was too much but I can answer that it's true and that's about it." "As a parent how does that make you feel?" Ashley asks. "I'm asking because I don't have a kid, but I know that it would make me mad." "It honestly enrages me. Although Kalia is not necessarily bad, but a rebel, both of them are sweethearts. They care for everyone around them especially at a young age. I can't say that I'm 100% sure of fact, but I can say that those kids probably did like that man at one point. Kaleo especially because he's getting more into football every single day. So I know at one point because I'm sure Dinah probably took them to one of his games that he probably looked up to him for a short period amount of time. And as a parent it hurts to know that someone else would feel comfortable enough to put their hands on someone else's kids." I say as I look down.
        I let out a huge breath and look up. I look at the window in the room and see Dinah giving me a small smile. I send her a small smile back. "I definitely understand how you feel. I would be mad as well or any parent at that would feel what you're feeling. I'm sorry that, that happened to your kids." Romero says. "Um, thank you. I just want to say this, for everyone that is blaming Dinah for everything I need y'all to stop. Im not saying this because she's my girlfriend or because she's the mother of my kids, I'm saying this because you guys don't understand what that woman went through. I could never understand what she went through either. I do understand that with having a mother that was being in an abusive relationship, she has done everything that she thought was best for her kids. At one point Dinah moved the kids in with me and I can tell you the look she had on her face when we had that talk about it, it took a lot of her to do it. No mother wants to be away from her kids. None. So as a mother it took a lot for Dinah to even make that decision.
      "Dinah isn't a bad mother. She is an amazing mother. She took care of these kids, all of them at that, by herself. She took Cheylise when we weren't together and she didn't even have to. She provides, bathes, teaches, feeds, and cleans after the kids. So all this bad talking about her has to stop. You will never know how you will react to a situation until you're put in it. That's why I'm telling y'all not to put any blame on her. I don't blame her for nothing." I say. Ashley and Romero nod their heads. "Is it okay if we ask Dinah a question?" Ashley asks. I look over at Dinah and she nods her head and walks into the room and sits on my lap seeing that there are no open chairs. "Let's welcome Dinah Jane." "Hi everyone." Dinah says. I wrap my arms around her waist to secure her.
      "So Dinah I have a question, if you don't feel comfortable answering it you don't have to. How has Y/N helped you throughout all of this?" Ashley asks. We were interrupted by a knock on the window. We look over and see Yonni shaking her head. She walks out into the room. "Y/N already spoke a lot on the situation and as Dinah's lawyer and working on the case I can't allow her to speak more about it. But if you talk about how you feel more than what happened, you can speak about it." Yonni says and we nod our heads. "She's helped out a lot. More than what people think. Not just moving me out of the house, but mentally as well. I can say for me, when I was with him my mentality changed a lot. I became a lot more uncomfortable with myself and she's honestly have been helping me with that. A big part of that is her just not blaming me for anything that happened. It calms down me a lot more now when she tells me that I'm an amazing mother or just praises me. It takes the doubt in my heart away." "Dinah, there are rumors that Odell's lawyer is reaching to get you charged with two counts of child negligence is that true?" Romero says.
      "Dinah, don't answer that. My client will not respond to that question." Yonni says. "I swore I just made it known that she can not answer anything regarding to the case seeing as it is still an open case. This interview is over." Dinah gets up and so do I. I grab Dinah's hand and walk out behind Yonni. We go outside and head into the car that we came in. "Is his lawyer really trying to get me charged?" Dinah says once we get in the car. Yonni sighs and turns to face us. "He is. Child negligence and child endangerment. Two counts for both charges. He's also trying to get Y/N charged with assault and battery, but that isn't going to stick because of the tracking devices found on the car. He already knew you were there, had already violated the restraining order. Dinah I just need to know when he started to beat the kids, how many times,  pictures, and the day you sent them to live with Y/N. That will be able to keep those charges from sticking. I don't know why he's fighting for those charges to stick or how he will be able to get them to stick without Odell incriminating himself."
      I look over at Dinah and see tears running down her face. "Why?" She says. "I guess if he goes down, he wants you to, too." Yonni says lowly. "Dinah, I'm doing everything I possibly can to get those charges to not even touch your name. Even if his lawyer has a good case, we can still fight it." "Dinah I'll even testify. You aren't going to jail. I promise you that." I say and she nods her head.
       "Where are we headed towards now?" "The hotel unless you have somewhere better to go." Yonni says. I shake my head. Dinah's phone rings and she answers it. "Mami, when are you and mama coming home? We miss you." Cheylise says. "We miss you guys too. We're checking up on uncle Jared." Dinah says. "Is he okay? He didn't die right?" I chuckle and shake my head. "No baby, he didn't die. He just has a boo-boo." Dinah answers. "Okay. Can you tell him I miss him?" "Yes Cheybay I will." I say. "Hi mama, mama can I go with Ayana and Saweetie?" "Put Ayana on the phone." "Okay..... Ayana mama wants to talk to you!" "Girl stop yelling! I'm right here." Ayana says.
       "Hey Dinah, hey sis." "Hey big head. Where are you and Saweetie going?" "To go shopping and the studio." "You got money now big dawg? Let me borrow some." "I'm not paying for it." She says matter of factly.  "Then who is?" "Jack..?" She questions more than states. "What y'all just started talking yesterday? And he buying you stuff? I don't know Ayana." "Y/N, you haven't even given him a chance yet. Him and Diamonte are making a song.  I told her about me becoming a singer and she's helping me network." "Who the hell is Diamonte?" I say. "Me." Saweetie says as she pops up in the camera. "Oh what's up Saweetie. If Chey goes with y'all can you watch her because obviously Ayana isn't going to." "I was going to take all of them. I was at your house yesterday dropping off Ayana, and your aunt looked tired. If that's okay with you guys?" Saweetie says. "Yeah if you want to. We just don't want to throw them all on you, but yeah she definitely is. She's been with them for a couple of days." "Don't worry the little icy gang is going to be safe with me. Let your aunt rest." "Okay thank you." "It's nothing. Just know the girls are coming home with Icy necklaces." Saweetie says.
      "Imma send you some money for the kids too." "Y/n-" "Don't even try to stop her. She already sent the money. She doesn't like kids going with people and not giving them money." Dinah says taking her phone back. "Okay. I'll have the kids talk to you later." "Okay." "Bye mami. Bye mama. I love you." "We love you too baby." Dinah hangs up and rests her head on my shoulder. "I need a vacation." She mumbles. "Don't we all." Yonni mumbles. "Yon, when's the last time you went on vacation?" "Nayeli's birthday. We went to DR." "A year? When's your next one?" "On Nayeli's birthday. Then yours." "So you're telling me that I've been having you work like a dog?" She giggles.
     "It's not you, it's me. Since we met I told you I was gonna make you a star. We're getting there. Plus, I like what I do. Do I like my job? Yes, I love it actually. Do you necessarily make it easy? No, not really, but it allows me to provide for my daughter  something her sperm donor doesn't. I might not be with her all the time, but I know I'm out here providing for her." Yonni explains. "Plus, she likes that she gets new toys every time I come home. Plus I never missed milestones with her. I was there for her first everything even while managing you. I was there every holiday, every missing tooth, and birthday. That's because you make sure of it. Shit you gave me the day off her first day of school." She expresses. "Yonni you can bring her to the house to be with the kids if you want? We're all family baby mama. She's a sweetheart." Dinah says. "To you. I'm her godmother and she treats me like chopped liver. Tragic. You can bring her over. Her and Cheylise are already the best of friends." I say. "Okay I'll bring her over more." Yonni says.
      "Sierra's mom just made it to the house. Everybody else is going to come back with us. Jared gets out in two more days.  You guys want to fly back today or wait for him?" Yonni asks. "We need to get back to the kids. They have school tomorrow." Dinah says as she puts her head on my shoulder. I kiss her forehead and nod my head. "We'll fly back today. I'll have some of the other security guards meet me at the jet. Benny can stay with you. I know you need him right now. I'll see you guys when you come to the house. And yes , I'll take Nayeli to school. It's the same one as Chey right?" She nods her head.  "I'm going to text her teacher tonight to let her know and aware. You know them private schools be special." Yonni says as she rolls her eyes. "Tell me about it. They called me every time Ayana picks up the girls. Like yes that's her sister and her aunt." I say with an eye roll. Yonni turns around and grabs Benny's hand.
       Dinah grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss. I kiss her back and she pulls away. "What was that for?" I question. "I wanted a kiss." She says in a duh tone. "Y/N I'm leaving you in charge of yourself to make your interview tomorrow at The Real. You have to be there by 7 in the morning." "7 in the morning?! Who's dropping the kids off? Can I at least like get til 8:30?" "I can call and ask, but that's the time that they gave me. I'll call them now matter of fact." Yonni says as she pulls out her phone.
      "You wanna go on a baecation?" I ask Dinah. "Where would we go?" "Wherever you want really. I don't care as long as I'm with you. We can make a group thing too. Yonni, Benny, Melanie, Richard, Mani, Lolo, Né, and Sean. Whoever else you want to come." I say as I shrug my shoulder. "Ayana and Jack too?" "Woah, I'm talking about established relationships. Plus she has school." Dinah giggles and looks up at me. "I was just kidding babe. But that sounds fun. I'll text the girls and see what they say. They'll most likely text their boyfriends and stuff." "I'll invite M.A too, she got a new shorty." "You wanna know what I'm stuck on?" "Hm?" "What to get the kids for Christmas."
      "Well I already ordered Ayana's car." "Didn't you just get her that car?" "You're point? She's actually doing a lot better in school like the girl got straight As. Then on top she's doing good in therapy too. Her therapist said she started talking about our parents more than she was before." "What car did you get her?" "Since shes graduating soon I can get her a more expensive car without her being flashy and she has been talking about this damn car. But I got her a pimped out white G-Wagon. Like diamonds on the inside and her name on the seats with purple interior since you know that's her favorite color." "That's nice. Did you get anything for the kids yet?" "Not really. Kaleo is easy though. He wants stuff for football. I talked to Tom Brady to see if he could meet him and he said he was willing to. He's willing to hang out with him and play catch and all that. Kalia I've thought about more clothes because you know how much that girl loves clothes. Then again I don't want to get her just clothes." I say. "Well I know that she's in love with Ariana Grande too, so I got her to come to the house and see her with Mani's help." "Okay, now Cheybay, what are we getting her?" I say. "She told me she wants a stage in her room with a working mic and speakers." Benny says. "Your children are spoiled to the max. But you can be there by 8:30 no later." Yonni says. "Yeah I know to the max. So Chey gets a stage with a working mic and speakers." "That leaves Ashley." Dinah says. "Ashley is the most difficult one, but I know what she wants I just can't provide it." "You're mother?" I nod my head. "Why don't you get her a necklace with a picture of her and your mom on it? She'll love it." Yonni says. "She's also turning into a sneaker head thanks to you so just get her a couple of sneakers or a pair of customs. " Dinah says. "Okay that settles the kids. Nayeli is getting all the LOL dolls I can find." I say. "Oh thank god. That's taking a lot off of my hands." Yonni says.
      I let out a laugh. "Sammie and Analisa." "Analisa is getting a car. Her and Yana are getting matching cars except Analisa's is going to be sky blue. Tía Sammie on the other hand...." "What about jewelry or something?" "She's been looking at the house that's down the street that's for sale. I know she's had a walkthrough of it but claims she can't ever afford it." Dinah says. "I'm going to be broke before the new year comes." I mumble. Dinah giggles and smacks my stomach. "We can go half on it." She says. "It's okay babe. I got it." " No we're going half on it. I want to get it for her too." Dinah says. "Okay. What about Yonni?" "Yonni would like at least two birkins, an AP bust down, and a chain with my name on it." "Benny I hope you caught onto that. I'll give you a raise and a bonus to accommodate to those prices." I say as I lean back. "That was her list for you. I got mine this morning." Benny says. I bust out laughing. "Thanks for your request but you getting a basic Monclare and coach purse." "Just disrespectful. Run your own career." Yonni says as she sits back and looks out the window. "Oh Yonbon you think I was really gonna get you that? You're crazy. I already got yours coming in soon. Plus you know I need you." "Hmm." Yonni let's out.
       "It's okay baby mama, I got you." Dinah says. "Babe can Dinah be our girlfriend? Y/N doesn't deserve her." "Aight now you wildin'. You can't have her." I say. "Y'all taking this baby mama shit too far. She's only mine literally." I mumble. Dinah pulls my face towards hers. She kisses my nose and smiles. "Don't be jealous." "I'm not jealous. Just protective. What's mine, is mine. I'm selfish." I mumble looking into her eyes. She bites her lip, smiles and pecks my lips. "You're cute." "I mean I can be sometimes." I say with a smile.
       "We're going to drop you guys off at the jet. I'll get Jeremy to pick you up and watch the house while we stay here with Jared. I'll update you everyday on his status and when we're leaving. Just take care of my baby. You know everything she likes and don't like." "I will." "Y/N I'm being serious. I better not get a phone call about her in the hospital." Yonni says as she turns around and points at me. "I'll make sure of it." Dinah says. Yonni smiles and nods. "Acting like I can't take care of kids. I basically got five." I mumble.
      We pull up into the garage of the hotel and Benny puts the car in park in front of the elevators. "You guys can go get your bags. I'm going to check all of us out." "You're not going to stay here?" "No, I'm helping Aunt April pack the house up tonight." "You sure you guys don't need help? Benny is going to be at the hospital." I say. "We'll be fine. My cousins are coming and you know how that goes. They'll protect us." "You-" "Y/N, I'll be fine. We'll be fine." "Okay." I say. I get out the car along with Yonni and I help Dinah out the car. I close the door and we follow Yonni into the hotel. I grab Dinah's hand as Yonni pushes the button to call for the elevator.
      "MAMA!!" "MAMI!!" We hear the kids yell once we come through the door. I put Dinah's purse on the side table near the door. "Hi babies. Were you guys good for Tia Sammie?" Dinah asks them as she walks to the couch with Kaleo in her arms. "Mami, Kalia bit Leo. See he has a booboo on his arm." Cheylise says. "Hey Ash." I say as she walks up to me. She lifts her arms and I pick her up. Once I pick her up she rests her head on my shoulder. I look over at Dinah and see her looking back at me.
      Ashley is never like this. She's usually so independent and doesn't want much contact with anybody really. "You okay?" I whisper into her ear. I hear her sniffle. "Imma take her upstairs." Dinah nods and as I walk past her she places a kiss on her forehead. I head upstairs and into her room. I lay her down and lay down next to her. "Ash, what's wrong?" I say as I lay on my side while looking at her. "I miss mommy. She was always here. Daddy is gone again. I just really miss mommy. Chey, Leo, and Lia get to have their mommy. They even get two. I don't even have one no more." Ashley says sadly.
     "Ash, I miss mommy too. Mommy is always going to be with you even though she's not physically there. She in here." I say pointing at her heart. "She's always watching you Ash. I know she is very proud of you because I'm proud of you. She's looking down at you right now smiling because you're being a good auntie and you're doing amazing in school." She smiles and nods her head. "Is daddy every coming back? Because I don't want him to. I don't want him to hurt anyone ever again" I let out a sigh. "He's not coming back for a long time sissy. He's not going to hurt anyone for a long time." She nods her head. "Ash, did he hurt you?" I say in a whisper. She nods her head. "He hit me twice, but it was my fault. I was being bad. I didn't know what the numbers added up to." "Did you tell mommy?" "Mhm. Mommy yelled at him though. He just hit mommy. I don't want daddy to come back. He's a bad bad man." Ash says. "He won't Ash. Do you like living here?"
        She looks up at me, smiles and nods her head. "Yes. Dinah and you care about me a lot. And I never knew you before. Mommy always talked about you. I always wanted to meet you. Mommy said that you sung her favorite song. Mommy used to miss you a lot. You cared about me since the day that you met me. You bought me a lot of things and you take care of me. You're the best big sister." She says and smile. I kiss her forehead and smile down at her. "You're the best baby sister ever. You wanna go on a sister date tomorrow after school?" "Mhm. Can we go see mommy?" "Whatever you want." Ashley let's out a yawn. "Tired?" She nods her head. "Get some sleep. You ate?" She nods her head. I go to get up. "Can you sing me to sleep?" I smile and nod my head. "What song?" "Mommy's favorite. Selfish." I let out a chuckle. 
"I'm selfish
I want you all to myself
I swear
You don't need nobody else
I swear
I want you all to myself
Because I'm selfish, yeah
I want you all to myself
I swear
You don't need nobody else
I swear"
       I finish singing the song when I see Ashley sleeping peacefully. I kiss her forehead and turn off the light and close the door. I walk downstairs to see Kalia sitting in a corner and Chey and Leo watching a movie. I walk into the kitchen and see Dinah, Ayana, Jack Harlow, Saweetie, and Tía Sammie talking in the kitchen. Dinah sees me and smiles. "How is she?" "She's sleep. She just missed our mother. She was talking about both of our parents. Saying my mom was always here and how our dad was always gone. Saying that the kids get to have their mom and that they get two. She basically felt left out. She misses her mom and I can't blame her because I do too. I know Yana does too." I say as I let out a sigh.
      Ayana walks towards me and gives me a tight hug. "Well we got you. It's honestly best thing ever. I wanna say thank you for the both of us." She says. I hug her back and kiss the top her head. "You guys are my sisters. I'll never give up on you guys. Jack, I hope you seeing this because I'll kill for these two. Especially this one." I say as I point to Ayana. She pushes me away and I laugh. "She's not going to do nothing. She's a softie." "That's what you think." I mumble.
     "No eres duro. Estuviste durmiendo con un osito de peluche y el pulgar en la boca hasta los diez años. (You are not hard. You was sleeping with a teddy bear and your thumb in your mouth until you was ten years old.) I look over at Tía Sammie. "I'm lucky Ayana is the only one that understands you. You really ain't have to snitch on me like that." I say as I shake my head. "I wasn't planning on hurting her anyways." "Jack we gotta head to the studio."Saweetie says. "Thank you for taking the kids out Saweetie. We really appreciate it. I know tía Sammie does too." "I do. Lia es something else. She's worse than you." Sammie says. I shake my head. "It's nothing. The little icy girls got their chains and everything. They had fun. Leo is definitely a lady's man though." "Like his mama." "Like who?" Dinah says and I turn towards her. "No one." "Hmm." "I'll be waiting on you for that feature though." "I got you." "I'll walk them out." Ayana says.
     "So what did you do about Lia and her biting?" I asked Tía Sammie. "Le golpeé el culo. (I beat her ass.)" "Tía really? We don't hit our kids." "That child needs it. You see what happened to your brother for never getting hit." "She apologized to him earlier while you were upstairs." Dinah says. I nod my head. "Oh before I forget, we have to have a house meeting. There's a lot of stuff that is going to be happening in the next couple of days." I say and Dinah nods her head.

Everything I ExpectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora