Chapter 16

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     "Babe get the door. My parents are here." I hear Dinah say through the intercom that's in the studio. "But you're all the way upstairs. Why am I coming upstairs to open the door?" "To greet my parents. Now get upstairs." "I'm coming." I say as I get up from the chair. "No smoking while I'm gone. I especially you Quavo. I don't need Dinah on my back." I say pointing at him. He throws his hands up. "Aye, I'll just have the blunts ready to go when they leave." He says and I nod my head and run upstairs.
      Once I get up stairs I already hear Milika and Gordon's voices. "Why would she tell me to come upstairs if someone else was going to open the door?" I mumble. I walk over to Milika and give her a hug. "Hey Milika. How are you?" "I'm good how are you and my daughter?" "We're good. I got her to go to therapy tomorrow. At least we're making progress." I say and she nods her head. "She needs to talk to someone. She's been blowing up on her sisters, but I can understand why. They're always asking about him." She says. "Yeah they need to stop that. I've been trying to get her mind to stay off of him and the whole case. But every time she's on social media she's seeing something about it. I try to keep her off by like taking her out and stuff but she's always still on her phone. But come in the kitchen I got some people for you to meet." I say as I grab her hand.
     We walk into the kitchen to be met by all the girls. "Girls this is Dinah's mother and father Milika and Gordon. You guys met Tia Sammie. This is Jared's mother April and his fiancé Sierra." I say as I point to them. "Leo is always on some girls breast." Milika says as she lets out a laugh. "He's been here since he woke up. He won't go to any of his parents." Sierra says. Milika, Mama April, and Tia Sammie all share a look and smile. "What y'all smiling about?" I ask. "Nothing." Milika says. "Well Imma leave you ladies in here. Diamonte, Jhené, Kiana, and Lani, y'all behave." I say. "Remember what I said Y/N." Dinah says as she gives me a stern look. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You don't run me woman." "The only people that need to behave is you and them boys downstairs." Saweetie says. "First of all, the only boy downstairs is Jack. We didn't even want him downstairs." I say. "Why not?" Jhené asks. "Because he's the youngest out the pack. Plus he's only downstairs because y'all told him to go downstairs." "Okay well you can send him upstairs with Ayana in her room. I'd think he'd like it better up there anyways." Dinah says.
     I give her a look and she gives one back. "Fine, he can stay downstairs." "Sister in law, how did you know you were-" Ayana says as she makes her way into the kitchen but stops when she sees me. "How'd she know she was what?" I say as I give her a look. "I was gonna say gay. You thought I-" she stops as she busts out laughing. "You thought I was gonna ask her how she knew she was pregnant? If it makes you feel better I'm still a virgin. Even after dating Dinah's was been friend." Yana says. And I let out a breath. "Wait why are you asking how she found out she was gay if you're dating Jack?" I ask. "First off we aren't dating. We are simply getting to know each other. Hi Gordon and Milika. And two because I'm trying to make sure that I'm not gay because I actually like him. Plus, when I was dating Camila, I don't know if I was just being curious or not." Ayana says as she goes over to hug Gordon and Milika.
      "I hope you like him. We are interrogating him downstairs, so I hope you still like him after that." I say as I walk away. "Please don't scare him away. He's nice." "Let's see if he can handle it!" I say once I get to the door. I open the door and walk down the stairs. "They gone?" "Quavo, they just got here. They'll probably be gone in the next 30 minutes or so. They'd probably leave with a kid or two. But we onto him first." I say as I point to Jack in the end. "What about me?" He asks. I sit in the chair in front of him and lean back.
     "What's your intentions with my sister?" "Well we are just chilling right now. If we continue to go how we're going I want to make her mine. She's a good girl that's deserves everything." He says. "She's a good girl that deserves everything." I say mocking him. "You don't have to put on an act for me. I just wanna know if you're going to make sure she's safe and always have a smile on her face. Ayana has been through a lot. And for her to get where she is now she had to go through a lot. I just don't want her to fall through the cracks again." I say sincerely looking at him. "I'm not gonna hurt her. I want to see her happy and be all that she wants to be. Plus, I seen how you beat up Odell. I don't want that to happen to me." Jack says. "Good because it wouldn't be just her coming after you. That's my little sis too." Jared says. "I second that." Chris say.
     "Babe, can you come upstairs real quick?" I hear Dinah through the intercom again. "I'm about to get rid of this damn intercom in a second." I mumble. I get up and go upstairs. Once upstairs I walk into the living room. "Yes Dinah Jane?" "What's with the full name?" "Babe I couldn't say your full name if I tried to be honest. I can barely say Tia Sammie's. But what's up?" "My feet hurt." She says with a pouty face. "Okay, I'll call up a masseuse." "Babe!" "Okay okay. I'm coming." I say as I walk over to the couch and pick her feet up and sit down and place her legs on my lap and start to massage her feet. "Thank you." "You're welcome." "So, Y/N what are you doing for your birthday because we need to start planning." Mama April says. I hear a door open and see the guys come upstairs. "Since we see what you're doing we just gonna stay up here with y'all." Sean says as he walks over to Jhené.
       "We are going to Jamaica. I'm going to do something for the family. Like a little party. Most likely going to do it here. And then we'll go to Jamaica afterwards." I don't want to do anything crazy. I'm only turning 24. Next year I'm turning 25 and I'm going all out. We're straight to the club. Plus as much as Dinah and I love our kids, we need a break.
       I love me some Kalia but she is bad as hell. All of last week she has had nothing but bad days. She cut her brothers hair. How? We don't know. Managed to bite her sister on the cheek. Poor Cheybay had a bruise on her face and couldn't go to school for the rest of the week. The crazy part is when she is with anybody else that's not in this household she is the perfect child. Don't let me tell about the field day Tia Sammie had with her. She's old school, and me and Dinah agreed not to get in the middle of that. Because in the past two days she's turned around and I think she needed that.
       Plus I want to go on vacation to relax. Dinah honestly needs it. From the blogs to the actual case. She could use this trip more than me. If this trip relaxes her and makes her happy then I'll be happy. "You going with the gang?" Chris asks. "You know I am. We gonna be lit in Jamaica." I say as I dap him up. "I need me some oxtail." Jared says and everybody laughs. "Where's your dad?" "Upstairs with the rest of the kids." Dinah says. "So Milika, what did you guys come here for?" I ask her. "We can't come see our grandkids?" "You know I know you better than that. You would've just had us drop them off." "Okay okay. I just came to check on you guys. And you know your dad is in love with his grandson, but look at him." Milika says as she points at Leo laying on Sierra.
     "Sierra you pregnant or something? Why Leo latched onto you like that?" I say and Dinah puts her heel into my thigh. "Babe I'm just asking." I say. "No I'm not pregnant, thank you." Sierra says. Milika, Sammie, and Mama April all look at each other and smirk. What is with them? "So Y/N and Dinah, when are y'all having another kid?" Chris asks. "When you do. I don't want no more kids. Kalia is five in one. I'm good." "That's not what you was saying the other day. You was saying you wanted another kid." Dinah says. "Imma stop telling you stuff because you like to expose me." I say as I stop massaging her feet.
     "Dinah, I'm taking my granddaughters." Gordon says as he comes downstairs with two bags. "What about your grandson?" "He don't want to come. He's with his girlfriend." I laugh. "Jhené is his girlfriend. Sierra ain't. Watch this." I say as I nod at Jhené. "Kaleoooo. Hi papa." Jhené says. Kaleo lifts his head up and looks over at Jhené. He gets off Sierra's lap and runs to Jhené. "If I know one thing about my son is that he loves him some Jhené." I say. "Leo want to go see Hoi?" He nods his head. "Go to Kui." Dinah says. Leo gets down and runs over to Gordon. "That's the only person that you have to ask him about in that house." Dinah says.
     "Mami, mama, Im going with Kui Gordon. Me and auntie Mila are gonna do nails and makeup." Chey says as she comes downstairs. "Auntie Ńe! Can you take me to Jamila's house? I miss hanging with her." She says as she goes to Jhené. "You gotta ask your mothers baby but I'm sure they won't mind." Chey looks over at me. "Baby you know your mom is coming to get you. You have to go to see your abuela." "Mama, I don't like going to see buela. She smells like old people." Everyone laughs. "I know baby but she loves and misses you. And she wants to see you. It's just one day. When you come back you can go to Jamilas house." She nods her head and sits on Milikas lap.
      "Baby, me, you, and Melanie have to talk about coocoo over there." I say as I pull her onto my lap. "About?" "She wants to get into acting. She told me the other day. You know she was on the show when she was at Kim's house." She nods her head. Gordon comes downstairs with the twins. Kalia is sleep in his arms. "Why is she so tired?" He says. "She was playing with August's nieces earlier. Must've tired her out." Milika gets up and so do Dinah and I. I go to give Milika a hug while Dinah hugs her father. "Take care of my babies." "I'll take care of yours if you take care of mine." She says and we pull away and she looks into my eyes. I nod my head. "I always do. That's my everything right there." "I know it is. I can see it when you look at her." She says with a small smile and I give her one back. I go over to Gordon when Dinah comes over to Milika. "Take care of my daughter." I let out a chuckle. "You're wife said the same thing. She's in Good hands." I say. "She's not that same yet." "I know, she's gonna get there and better."
      Gordon sighs, "I don't even want to ask you this, but know where he's at? I know some people that can get him while he's in there." I open my mouth in shock. I didn't know he knew people like that. "I know where he's at. I got that covered already. I sent a little message too. He's handled." I whisper with a smile. He raises his hand for a high five and I slap it. "I'm starting to like you a lot more." I pull my head back. "I'm appalled. I gave you your first grandkids. I thought I was up there." "And things happen and feelings change. You're making up for it. Just keep doing what you're doing." Gordon says. I nod my head respecting what he's saying. "Imma let you get her to bed. Maybe by the time you get to the house she'll be up." He nods his head. "I'll bring them back when they want to come back. You can tell Melanie to just come pick up Chey at our house. I wouldn't want Cheylise to go through all that traveling to different houses."
     "Okay, I'll let her know." I say. I follow him to the door where I meet by Dinah. "You need the car seats?" I ask. "Nope we have our own." Milika says back. We watch as they put the kids in the car then get in themselves. Once we see the car pull off we close the door. "Okay the only kids left in the house are your sisters and your cousin." Quavo says. "Don't forget the aunties." YG says. "Don't worry about us. We're taking the girls and going out." "We'll be staying the night at my new house. I gotta get the feel of it." Mama April says. I reach in my pocket and take my keys out and take the key to the house off my key chain. I reach in my other pocket and grab my wallet and give her some money. "Go ahead and make copies." While also handing her the key.
      "Thank you." The girls and Christina come downstairs. Tia Sammie comes out the kitchen. "Alright, the food is done. You guys can eat when you want to." "Jack, are you staying?" Ayana asks him. "Nah Imma go with you. Y/N Im not gonna stay-" "I'm not worried about it. She got three aunts that are going to be in that house. Thats between you five." I cut and wave him off. He daps me and the rest of the guys up and hugs the girls. "Ayana and Analisa behave bad asses." I say. "We are always good. Bad situations just happen to us." Ayana says. "Yeah, like that bad lace front you had last week." I say and everyone starts laughing. "Shut up. I wanted you to get me Tae." "You should've just slid in his dms like I said and I would've just paid. But no you went to someone off Instagram with no pictures. Who does that? You could've asked Lani, Melanie, or Yonni for a stylist. Goofy." I said back.
      "Ugh." Ayana let's out as they leave. "Take Ayana's car." I yell out. "Alright now lets party." Chris says. "Chris can you make sure all the doors are closed upstairs. I don't want the smell getting in the rooms." "Why can't Y/N do it? It's her house." "Please Chris?" He huffs. "You're lucky I consider you my sister." He goes upstairs to close the doors. "When he comes downstairs you can smoke. Me and the girls are going in the kitchen." Dinah says. She goes to walk away but I pull her back by her waist.
     "You don't want to stay with me?" I ask her. "You know I don't like the smell." She says as she looks at me. "But when your done, you know where to find me." She says as she turns around and pecks my lips. "Alright." I let go of her and she walks to the kitchen. "You so damn whipped." Chris says. "Dont be mad at me because I have someone to love on. And I proudly love my girl. You sound jealous." I say. "I'm not jealous. What do I have to be jealous about?" Chris says. "Because everyone in this house but you is in a relationship. You feel lonely. It's alright. I was like that once. It gets better." I say. "Shut up. Quavo spark something." Chris says. "Don't get mad at me because she's right." Quavo says. I shake my head and sit on the couch.

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