Chapter 9

285 9 5

October 2019

Dinah's POV

  "Come on Ash, you gotta get up for school. Your sister will be here to take you." I say as I rub her back slowly in a circular motion while pulling the covers away from her with my other hand. "Your bath is ready for you to take. Get up before that water gets cold." Ashley opens her eyes and nods her head. I stand up correctly and she gets up and heads to her bathroom. "Okay one down, one to go."
     I walk out of Ashley's room making my way to Ayana's room. Before I can walk into the room I hear her on the phone. "...I know Tati, but these people out here are so focused on fashion, so you know that I have to pop out in something good. The only name brand thing I have is the Louis V dress that my sister bought me but I can't wear that." I shake my head knowing that Y/N is going to kill me for what I'm about to tell her. I knock on her door and push it open walking into the room. "You can come in my closet to find something to wear. Just not nothing that's too revealing. Your sister is already going to be mad that I'm letting you wear my clothes." She squeals. "Come on Tati we have clothes to look through." She says as she grabs her phone and runs out the room not forgetting to kiss my cheek before leaving.
      I giggle and make my way down to the next room walking in and seeing Cheylise setting out her outfit. Ever since the kids and I started staying here, every time Y/N has Cheylise, she has her stay here during that time to spend time with her siblings. And of course with that happening it means that Y/N has been sleeping over here more.
      I've tried talking to her about her and Cheylise just moving in, but she just declines it. She says that it's just us moving too fast. It's been about five months since me and Y/N started dating, but we still haven't made anything official. When I say we, I mean her. Don't get me wrong, I know for a fact that she isn't or hasn't cheated on me yet , not that that's ever been a problem. It just shows that she's serious. We haven't told the public that we are dating, but we have been throwing little hints on the internet. From liking and commenting under each other's post, but that's kind of normal because we've both been doing that, to posting each other without giving out too much.
      Since the first date night we've gone on a date almost every week. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner with just us or with the kids. I've can honestly say that she's changed for the better and it's showing.
     "Princess don't forget that I packed your lunch. You forgot it yesterday and mama had to bring it to you, remember?" She nods her head as she picks out her shoes. "Mhm. I remember mami. I won't forget it this time. Mami did you tell mama that I needed the money for the trip?" "Yes I did. It's in your folder in the envelope. Just make sure you give your folder to your teacher." Last month, Cheylise started kindergarten. It was a bittersweet moment for us parents besides her. Melanie and I was crying because our baby is starting school by herself and Y/N was just trying to remind her that she don't need no boyfriends or any type of relationships. While we were all in our own emotions Cheylise was ready to make friends and play with her dolls. Her first day went great according to her and her teacher.
   "Okay hurry and get in the shower so that I can do your hair. How do you want it?" "Ummm, can you do the bun in the back?" I nod my head and walk with her into her bathroom and get her shower going and as she gets ready to get in I grab everything I need to do her hair. "Cheybay I'm going to do your hair in the living room. Just come downstairs when you're ready." "Okay mami."
      I walk out of her room and walk down the hall to the twins room. Once near the door I open it and see the twins sitting up in their beds talking to each other. "Mommy I go with you and Leo go with mama right?" "Yup. Me and you are going to have mommy and me day and Leo is having a day with mama." "Mommy you know what me and mama do?" "It's do you know what me and mama are doing, Leo. And no I don't but you have to dress comfortable because mama has a lot of errands to run. You guys ready for your day today?" They both nod their heads and get out of their beds.

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