Chapter 26

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December 4th

Dinah POV

       I hold onto Y/N's hand was we both walk up to the counter. "Ms. Y/LN and Ms. Hansen, it's nice seeing you guys. How can I help you guys today?" The receptionist says with a smile. "Hi Sandra, looking beautiful as always. Dinah has an appointment today at 6:30." Y/N says with a smile. Sandra smiles back and types on the computer. "Thank you. Ahh, Dinah Jane for 6:30 with Kiara. Ms. Hansen here are consent forms for recording of your session today." Sandra says as she sets the papers down on the counter with a pen. "Recording?" I ask confused. "Kiara will be video recording for your session due to it being for court and the police. Every session you have until you are not court ordered to have sessions anymore, will be recorded. It's just so that the courts and lawyers will be able to see the emotion on your face rather than Kiara trying to explain it. If needed, Kiara will explain it to you before your session begins. Is your lawyer here with you?" Sandra asks. "No she isn't. If she needs to be I can call her." Y/N says pulling her phone from her pocket.
     "Yes, we just need her to sign off that Ms. Hansen did appear to her session at the end. It's fine if she's not here now." Sandra explains. Y/N lets go of my hand and places it on my back before kissing my cheek. "I'm going to go call Yonni. If you get called before then I'll be out here for you okay?" She says while looking me in the eyes. I nod my head. "I love you." "I love you too." I reply back. She walks away while on her phone. I turn to Sandra and grab the pen before signing the form. "Okay, I'm going to let Kiara know that you're here. If you want to start your session when she comes back, we can do that. Whatever makes you comfortable. You can have a seat and Kiara will be right out when she's ready. " Sandra says as she takes the pen and paper. I nod my head and walk over to the waiting area and sit in one of the chairs.
       Unconsciously, I start to bounce my left leg up and down. I hear the door of the building open. I hear it close following the sounds of footsteps coming down the hallway. I feel a presence stand next to me. "Hey," I look up and see Y/N looking at me concerned, "come here." She says softly. I get up and walk over to her awaiting arms as she pulls me into a hug. "Don't think too much about everything. Just start from the beginning. Everything goes at your pace. No one is rushing you. Kiara is going to tell you to take your time as well. She's here to help you. If you need me just have Kiara come grab me." I nod my head.
      "What are you thinking about in that pretty big ass head of yours?" She asks and I smack her back as she lets out a chuckle. "I just don't want to relive it all. That point of time was scary for me. I don't want to go back into that headspace." I mumble out. "I understand. I'm not rushing you. If you want to leave now we can. We still got time." She says and I shake my head. "We're already here and Yonni is on her way. There's no point in leaving." I say. "Dinah Jane?" A voice calls out and we let go of each other to see where the voice came from. We see Kiara standing there with a small smile on her face. Me and Y/N walk over to her. Y/N pulls her into a hug and they let go. "You came for support?" Kiara asks her. "Yeah, I couldn't let her do this alone for the first session. Maybe after the third she won't need me no more." Y/N says as she looks between me and Kiara. "How are you doing Dinah?" Kiara says as she looks over at me.
      "Honestly, I'm scared. Just about the same thing I told you before." I tell her and she nods her head understanding. "We will go at your pace. Each session will be an hour long. They will be video recorded, but they aren't really in your face. It's just two cameras and two mics. They will be placed behind me. Just take your time answering each question to your best ability. If you need time for space that time will be given. If you do need Y/N at any point of time during the session I will gladly grab her. Just remember to take your time and answer any questions and tell any story thoroughly and detailed. The less details about each story can play a part in which way the verdict will go." Kiara explains and I nod my head.
      "Is this your first case you worked on?" Y/N asks her. Kiara shakes her head. "This will be around case number thirty. I work with the courts for a lot of domestic violence cases. With myself having to go through it and my abuser running free, I decided to help out with more of the courts so that way the abusers can get their consequences. I actually have a support group for DV victims as well. They come in and tell their stories and I try to help them get restraining orders and equip them with the tools needed when they are on the run from their abusers. Dinah, when you feel comfortable enough, you should come. I'm not saying you have to tell your story, but you can come for support." Kiara explains.
       "That's actually dope as hell. I didn't even know you did all of that. If there's any way I could donate money or help out with that stuff, please let me know. We'll definitely come to one of the events. Right babe?" Y/N asks me and I nod my head. "Probably won't say anything the first time. Maybe the more I come around I will." I say and Kiara smiles. "Well one of our events are coming up. It's a Christmas drive for the kids from some of these relationships. The mother or father in some cases don't have money to provide for the toys for Christmas so we're giving away toys to them. You guys can either donate some toys or you can help us hand them out. Or both if you want. Y/N I'll text you more details about that." Kiara says. "Definitely do. We can get the kids involved too. Have them help pick some toys and give them out. I don't want to step on your toes about the organization because well it's yours, but would it be cool if I gave out some money to the families as well. Like $500 each?" Y/N asks and Kiara lets a big smile come onto her face. "We'll talk about that later. Dinah, you definitely have a giver. Do you want Y/N in the room or are you good for right now? We need to get started before we have to close. Sandra gets cranky when she stays longer than needed." Kiara says and me and Y/N laugh.
     "I heard that!" Sandra yells and the three of us laugh. "I think I'll be okay without her for a minute." I say and they both nod their heads. Kiara opens the door and I walk in as she walks in after me closing the door. "You can sit on that couch right over there." She says as she points to the couch. I sit on the couch and look around the room. Everything looks the same from the last time besides the two cameras that are set up behind her. She walks over and hands me a small mic connected to a control box. "Just clip the mic onto the top of your shirt." She says and I nod my head clipping it on as she does the same while going to sit down. "You ready?" I nod my head slowly.
         "Today's date is December 4, 2019. This is session number one at 6:45pm. Who is your abuser?" Kiara says while looking at me. "Odell Beckham Jr." I state. "When did the relationship start?" "November 2017." "Is there an exact date?" "November 12, 2017." I say and Kiara nods her head. "When was the first time he put his hands on you?" Kiara asks. "The first time would be June 25, 2018. His parents wanted to celebrate my birthday by having a dinner at their house. I didn't bring the kids with me. They were with Y/N for the death anniversary of her mother." I say and she nods her head. "You okay?" She asks as she looks me in the eyes and I nod my head. "What happened that day?" She asks.
      "We had just left his parents house and we were heading back to his house. I reach to grab his hand and he pulls away from me. I had asked him what was wrong and he was going on about me not washing the dishes. I had offered to his mom that I could wash the dishes and she told me that I was fine and to sit down. I told him that I couldn't tell a grown woman what to do in her own home. He told me to watch my tone and I was taken back by it. All I was doing was defending myself. He used his right hand to grip my left thigh so I started clawing at it with my acrylics. I told him that if he was going to put his hands on me this was going to be the end of the relationship. After I had said that all I knew was that my cheek was in pain and he had slapped me." I take a deep breath after I finish talking. "You said that you told him you was going to leave, did you?" I nod my head. "Yes I did." "How did you end up with him again?" "He called me the next day apologizing and promising that he wouldn't do it again. After that he started proving to me that he wouldn't." I say as I shake my head.
      "I totally understand. Sometimes abusers try to make up for a beating that they have done to try and diminish how you really feel and make you feel like it was your fault. Did he ever have a certain saying he would say to you to make it seem like it was your fault?" She asks. "He used to say 'if you just do what I say then it wouldn't have happened.' He said it every time. After every beating or for anything else he would do. Like when he beat the kids." I say. I feel my eyes start to water. Kiara gets up and hands me a tissue and I take it wiping my eyes. "Why are you crying Dinah?" "Because I really fell for his bullshit each and every time. He put his hands on my kids. I never would have thought he would even think to do something like that. For one, for them not being his kids and two, I didn't think he would have the guts to do so." "How many times did he put his hands on the kids?" Kiara asks curiously. I take a deep breath. "He put his hands on them one time each. He put his hands on Kaleo first. Over a football." "What made the football so special?" Kiara asks. I chuckle bitterly. "You couldn't even ask me because I don't know. I don't think there was something special about it. I think he was mad at the fact he touched it without asking. He played football with Kaleo all the time. Kaleo was probably bringing him the football so they could play. I didn't physically see him put his hands on him, but the room I was in was directly under our bedroom. I heard the bangs on the floor and then I heard Leo's cries." I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "I knew something bad had to happen to him because they weren't his normal cries. If hurts himself it's a small cry because he barely cries, even as a baby. These cries were loud and had pain in them. Part of me was feeling his pain in my chest. I ran upstairs and went into room and seen Odell standing over him..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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