Chapter 3

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1 week later....

"So why do you want them to live with me from now on? Not that I have a problem with it, but it's just all of the sudden." I ask Dinah. "It's just.... it's just better this way. It's good for them. I know they're tired of just seeing you on the weekends." I watch her as her body gets stiff. I look at her in the face and I can see that she has a lot of make up on.

"Why you got so much make up Dinah? I know I'm no makeup expert but don't you think you got too much on? Is there something you're not telling me? " "Y/N don't worry about my make up. But they can stay with you from now on right?" She asks as she starts to become fidgety. "Of course Dinah they're my kids. They're always welcomed here. But Dinah you didn't answer my question. Is there something you aren't telling? Because last time Mani was here she told me something to ask you. And I -" There was a knock at the door. I excuse myself and walk to the door and opening it to my new favorite person.

"Hey Y/N". She says with a smile. "Hey Dani. What's up?" I say as I hug her and wrap my arms around her waist. She pulls back and looks at me. "Just to see and hang out with you. I missed you. Plus I was in LA so I figured I stop by." "I missed you too. But my baby mother is here." "Which one?" "Dinah Jane." She smiles. "Can I meet her? I love Fifth Harmony. I wish they didn't break up." I look back towards the living room. "I don't think this is the best time. We were just talking about something serious." "Please? Come on, it'll be real quick and then I'll go downstairs to the studio."I look at her as she gives me this adorable look and give in nodding my head. "Okay Dani. But only because I know the door is soundproof and I know you can't hear anything. It's kinda personal." She squeals "Thank you." She says and then kisses my cheek. I stand there stiff. Not because she just kissed my cheek, but for the feeling that came with it. I let go of her waist and grab her hand. I open the door, walk inside and hold the door open for Dani. We talk into the living room and Dinah looks at us.

"Dani this is Dinah Jane the mother of the twins. Dinah this is DaniLeigh. I'm seeing her." I look at Dinah and see her body get stiff and give Dani what I know is a fake smile. "It was nice to meet you Dani, but I have to go." "Dinah we have to talk. You still didn't answer my question." "That's more of a personal topic I bet and I rather not discuss it with anybody else around. Kiss the twins for me and tell them I love them?" I sigh nodding my head. "We're going to talk about this later Dinah. This isn't something you can run from." "Sure Y/N. It was nice meeting you DaniLeigh." She says as she walks to and out the door.

I sigh and sit down on the couch. I hunch over and place my hands over my face. I feel the couch dip beside me and a hand on my back. "I don't know what you two had to talk about, but if it was that serious I could've left babe." I shake my head and move my hands. "You're fine Dani. It was my fault. But I'm glad your here though." She pushes me back and climbs onto my lap. "Are you really though?" She says with a smile. I smile back and wrap my arms around her waist. "Yes I am. I need a distraction right about now." "From what?" "From life." I say as I look at her. "I think I can distract you for a little bit." She says as bends down and places a kiss on my lips.

I kiss back, but my head isn't into it. Dani can sense it because she pulls back and looks at me. "I can't distract you from your problems if you're thinking about them." She says with a giggle. I look at her and shake my head. "I'm sorry. It's just this stuff with Dinah. It's sitting on my mind. Like I honestly just need answers." I say with a sigh. "You wanna talk about it?" "If I tell you, you can't tell nobody about it." "I promise I won't." She says as she holds out her pinky. I link my pinky with hers and we both kiss it.

"Dinah wants the kids to stay with me from now and she hasn't given me a legitimate reason as to why either. She just said it has to be that way. But that's not even the worse part. Two weeks ago, Normani told me that she thinks Odell is putting his hands on her and the twins. The way she described it for the twins was vague, but the way she described it for Dinah I know he is. I just don't want to do anything until I know that it's a fact. But all I know is that if he has put his hands on my kids it's over for him." I sigh and lower my head. Dani lifts my head up in her hands.

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