Chapter 12

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     I run up the stairs and straight to the door. I see Benny blocking the doorway. "Bro, I don't want no problems with you. I just want to come get my girl so we can go home." I hear Odell say. "Nigga she ain't your girl and she ain't even here." I yell from behind Benny. "She is my girl, we ain't break up. And I know she's here." "She wasn't your girl the minute you put your hands on her. Bitch ass." I respond back. I move to in front of Benny and he tries to push me back. "My fault our bit-" and I cut him off with a right hook. Once his body goes back a little I start send blows to him.
     Once he lands on the floor I get on top of him and send blow after blow to his face. "Y/N get up!" I hear someone yell, but I don't stop. I can't stop. All I see is red. I send a blow to his face and hear a cracking sound. Good his nose is broken. He tries to start punching me, but I dodge all of them. I feel myself get pulled up. Once whoever gets me up I look for his left hand and stop on it hard. I hear him yell and I grin happily. I send a kick to his ribs and hear him yell out once again.
      I feel my body get picked up. "Y/N calm down!" I hear Benny yell at me. "That's that ass whopping I should've given to you in New York! Cover that shit up in make up! That's for Dinah and my kids! Bitch ass nigga!" I say and spit on him before I get too far away from him. Benny carries me into the house and puts me on the couch. "Sit here and don't move. You should've stayed downstairs with your girl and made sure she's okay!" "Stay downstairs? He wasn't going to leave till she came upstairs to see him. He would've found his way into the damn house. Better yet followed us the hell home. Where all my kids lay their heads!"
      "You see her!?" He says as he points at Dinah. "That should be your main priority! Making sure she's calm and okay! She needed you and you left! You wanna come and fight the dude! I was handling him. I already called the cops and Beyonca. He already violated his damn restraining order by coming here knowing she was here. He was already going back to jail because he already has a warrant on him. They're gonna wonder why he's beaten and bruised and if he wants he can charge you with assault. You didn't think of that did you!? No kids and no Dinah. Just you in a jail cell with a cell mate. Do you want that?" He says and I shake my head. "Make sure Dinah is straight. Got this girl scared to death because you wanna be dumb and fight the dude. Knowing that's what he wants. Be smarter sis. I know you can be. I understand what he did to Dinah and the twins, but violence ain't always the answer. Sometimes you just gotta let things play out." Benny says and walks away to and out the front door. "You beat his ass though. He had that coming." Benny says before the door closes.
      I put my head down and shake my head. "Come let's clean your hands." I look up and see Dinah in front of me. "You're not mad?" "Come, so we can talk." She says and I nod my head getting up. She reaches out for my hand and I grab it. She leads me to the bathroom that Chris directed us to with the first aid supplies. "What started it?" Dinah asks as she points to the toilet with the lid down and I sit on it. "The fight?" She nods her head. "I went out there to tell him you weren't here and that you wasn't his because that's the first thing I heard when I went out there. We argued a bit until he called you a bitch. I threw the first punch. I'll admit that, but no one and I mean no one disrespects you in front of me. He said he was gonna take you home. My first thought was that he was gonna beat you once you went there and how bad it was going to be. I didn't want that to happen to you. I couldn't even bare to think about it happening so I just reacted. I couldn't stop either. All I seen was red." I say as she takes a damp cloth and wipe over my knuckles. "Did you win?"
      I look up at her and stale face her. She laughs. "You know I did. I said I was going to make sure he can't play for a minute. I keep my promises." I say. I hiss once she pours alcohol over my knuckles. "You stepped on his hand?" "Baby I done broke his nose and hand and fractured a couple of ribs. I spit on him too but that ain't much damage. He probably got a black eye. Maybe two." I ramble on. "Please don't do that again. I never want to see you like that." "Then tell people that I don't play about you. You, my sisters, my family, and my kids. I don't play about none of you. He should've seen it coming honestly. He put his hands on my kids. I'm not no bitch." She shakes her head as she wraps up my hands.
     "I love you Dinah. Nothing is ever changing that. I'll fight a million dudes if that's what it takes. My mind never changed. You're still the one that I want to marry. No one else but you. I know you have more insecurities now. All because of him. But I want to change that. I want to help you see how beautiful you are. I want to be the one to tell you, first hand, that you are an amazing mother. None of that shit that happened to you in that relationship is your fault. That's from an insecure ass nigga that didn't realize he had the best thing that could've ever happened to him. You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. You're everything to me." I say as I look up into her eyes.
       Tears fall down her cheeks. She grabs my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I automatically kiss back. "I love you too. So much." She says when she pulls away. I wipe away her tears. There's a knock on the door. "LAPD." I get up and me and Dinah walk to the door. I open the door and hold both of my wrists out in front of me. "Y/N Y/L/N and Dinah Jane Hansen?" "Yes officer. I'm ready to go when you're ready." "Where?" "To jail if you gonna arrest me. You're not going to arrest me for beating his ass?" "No. Should we? Because we got it as he got beat up for trespassing and violating his restraining order." One of the officers say. I look at his name tag. "You definitely shouldn't. I just protecting my girl and my brothers house Mr. Martínez." "You did a good job. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, broken hand, fractured ribs, two black eyes, and busted lip. You put some real work in on him." The other officer says as he daps me up.
        "We came to tell you that Mr. Beckham is in our custody and shouldn't be bothering you no time soon since he violated one of his three restraining orders." "Will he be held without bail this time?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure he will. Getting a few more charges on top of the ones you have while out on bail is a guaranteed spot in jail." Office Martinez says. "Thank you officers." Dinah says. "No problem. You can relax a lot more. Mr. Richard Sanchez will be in contact with you about your case." We nod our heads and bid them both goodbyes. We walk out of the bathroom and met in the living room to everyone including Quavo and Saweetie. "My bad sis. I didn't even come with him. He was already here when we pulled up. I thought y'all invited him but when Chris started talking that's when it dawned on me about the whole situation." Quavo says once we come in reach of them. I grab Dinah's hand and walk over to Quavo and Saweetie. "You're good bro. It wasn't your situation for you to know about, so I don't blame you." I say as I dap him up.
      "Ayo Y/N! Your bm and her man is here." "Why?" Dinah hits my stomach and goes to hug Saweetie. Melanie and Richard walk into the house behind Chris. "Not that I'm not happy to see you and all, but our child isn't here. So why are you?" The guys bust out laughing while Dinah and the girls look at me. "Because I heard and seen your stupid ass might go to jail for beating up people." Melanie says as she walks over and slaps me behind my head. I rub the back of my head and look over at Dinah. "So you're just not going to do nothing about her putting her hands on me?" I see how it is." "I didn't do it so someone has to." She says. "In my defense, he violated his restraining order and was trespassing on private property. I was defending my girl and my brothers house. Plus he disrespected my girl in front of me. He deserved that ass beating." I say with a shrug. "I'll contact Yonni on the case later. I don't have any of that information right now. But man did you do damage to him. They were already talking about his hand. I know not to mess with you."
     "Richard you a good dude. As long as you keep doing what you doing, we good. Lani, Kiana, Jhené, Sean, Viv, and Bre this is Melanie and Richard, Cheylie's mother and her man." "Benny, I thought you spoke to Yonni?" "I did. She's going to meet you at the studio later." I nod my head. "Oooouuu you're in for it later." Melanie says as she hugs Dinah. "Ain't nobody scared of her." "I ain't never seen two baby moms cool the way y'all are." "Sean says. "Who me and Melanie? Or Dinah and Melanie?" "Dinah and Melanie. They usually always beefing. Fighting over a dude that don't want either of them." "No I want Dinah. I definitely want Dinah. Melanie just don't know how to give me my girl back sometimes. But they weren't always cool. They had to learn to be cool for me." "Shut up." Melanie and Dinah both say. "We're cool because of our daughter. Not because of you." Melanie says as she points to her and Dinah.
     "First of all, I don't remember Dinah and you making a kid. Y'all don't even have the proper utensils to create one." I say as I roll my eyes. "We don't. That's why we use you. For your sperm. But I don't need to no more because Richard is here." "Mhm. How's school going?" "What are you in school for?" Jhené asks. "To be a lawyer. And it's good. Just tiring." "You see that combination. A lawyer and an FBI agent." "FBI!?" Sean and Quavo yell out. "Don't worry. I'm not on clock. I'm not worried about what y'all are doing or did in your past life. I grew up in the hood. I used to do what y'all probably did. I just learned not to get caught." Richard says.
      "Where you from?" "Aren't you Dom's cousin?" Jhené asks. "Yeah. I remember seeing you around the block sometimes." "Wait, Y/N you're telling me that your baby moms is from Chicago and her man's from Slauson? And you're from Boston and your girl from Orange County? What type of all around the country type shit is this?" Chris says and we all bust out laughing. "Crazy right? I found Melanie in LA that's the craziest part." I say. "So what are y'all up to?" "We was about to go record until someone came and interrupted the scheduled programming. But I need to go to the studio in an hour." "Where's the kids?" "Chey is with Mani, Kalia is with Nicki, and Leo is with Dinah's family." I say as Dinah walks to me and I wrap my arm around her waist and bring her closer. "We gotta leave out of here in like the next fifteen minutes." I whisper in her ear and she nods her head and puts it on my shoulder.
      "Well, we gonna go back downstairs. Richard we bouta smoke and I don't know if you're supposed to be around that with your profession but the men will be downstairs. They was talking about dick earlier so I don't-" "I'm coming with y'all. I'm not hearing about none of y'all's dicks." Richard says as he shakes his head. "You want me to stay with you so we can just leave or is it okay if I go with the guys for a bit?" "You can go. Just remember fifteen minutes." Dinah says. I nod my head and lift her head and peck her lips. "I love you." "I love you too." She says back and I kiss her forehead and walk to the basement with the guys. Once the door closes they all start clapping. "YOU BEAT HIS ASS SIS!" Chris yells and they all start yelling and cheering. "Thank you, thank you. It was coming for him. Just happened sooner than later." I say as I take a couple of bows. "Wait, how did he know you guys were here?" Chris asks. "What car did you drive today?" Sean asks. "Dinah's..." "THE RANGE!" Me and Chris yell out. We make our way upstairs and run out the door.
     "What-" I hear one of the girls start talking. I run to the range and start to feel under it for any type of devices while Chris checks the inside. "Babe what are you doing to my car?" Dinah says as everyone comes outside. "Did Odell ever just happen to know where you're at without you knowing?" I ask her while making my way under the car. "Yeah. He used to ask for my location through the phone but I never gave it to him." She says. "Can you check your phone for me bebé?" I don't hear nothing after that. "I got it!" Chris says. I hear a beeping sound and look to the right and see another device hanging. "I got one!" I yell as I pull it down. I get from under the car and sit up once finally out. "He doesn't have my location on my phone. What are those?" "Those are tracking devices. That I will happily call in. He's smart I tell you that. Two tracking devices on one car? Smart but dumb. That's how he knew you were here. He was tracking you since he got out."Richard says. Rich grabs both devices from me and Chris and makes a phone call off to the side.
      "So much for recording." I say as I get up from the floor and wipe my pants. "How did y'all even think of that?" Lani asks. "Chris asked me and Sean brought up which car we took and it all made sense." I say. I make my way towards Dinah. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I see a flash of light out the corner of my eye and I turn to look and see paparazzi standing there snapping pictures. I shake my head knowing we'll be all over the Internet. "Our relationship is out. Look to the right." I whisper into Dinah's ear. She turns her head and looks to see more flashes go off. She turns around in my arms and place her head in my chest. "They are so annoying." "I know." I say. "Y/N they want to take the car." Richard says and I nod my head. "But babe I won't have a car." Dinah whines. "You can use mine . Benny you can give us ride to the studio and the house right?" He nods his head. "Yeah I got the Burban. Bre and Viv riding with y'all? I can drop them off to their house too." We look over at them and they both nod their heads. "Aight, come on before Yonni yell at me for something else by the time I get to the studio." I say as I hug and dap everyone up.
       "Im gonna drop them off and I'll be back." Benny says as I help Dinah out of the car. "Okay I'll see you in a bit. Girls text Dinah when you get home." I say to Viv and Bre. They nod their heads and I grab Dinah's hand already seeing the paps starting to surround us. "Dinah! Y/N! Are you guys back together?" Someone shouts out. I push through them having a strong grip on Dinah's hand and walk into the studio. "Hey Y/N and Dinah, you're going to be in studio 8 today." Cierra, the receptionist says. "Hey Cierra, thank you." I bid to her. We walk down the hallway to the studio room.
      Once we get to the door, I open it and met with Yonni and Tony. "Really? You fight the ex boyfriend? You know you could've gotten yourself into jail right? Have Benny not have talked to the officer I would've been having to bail you out of jail right now." "Yonni I don't see why your mad. He had it coming plus she beat his ass. You set that man up for failure." Tony says as he daps me up. "Yonni with all due respect, but I respectfully don't care. First off, he was getting real disrespectful towards Dinah. Now anyone and everyone should know that when it comes to her, I don't play. He literally was about to call her our bitch. First off, she's not my bitch. That's forever my wife. Second, she's not his bitch nor is she a bitch. And he was being slick with it too. Therefore, he got punched in his mouth and ended up broken." I say with a shrug. I sit on the couch and I pull Dinah onto my lap. She leans back into me and I wrap my arms around her waist. Dinah interlocks our hands.
      "Since you won the fight I guess I can save you from getting cussed out. Just don't let it happen again. Just let Benny handle it." Yonni says. I nod my head. "I can do that. Just not with him. He touched my kids." I say.  "Hey baby momma." "Hey mama, how are you? I know today has been an eventful day for you." Yonni says as she comes over to kiss Dinah's cheek. "Eventful is the word, but other than that it was good. It was good to be without the kids. All of them at that." Dinah says. "Where's Benny?" Yonni asks. "He went to drop Viv and Bre off." "So we're waiting for Pop Smoke to get here. He requested you on a song on his album." Tony says. "Yeah and then you can finish that other song and we can go home because I finally have a week off." Yonni says.  "Well I know you have to start planning for Nayeli's birthday party and such. Plus you deserve it. I promise not to get in no trouble." I feel Dinah let go of my hands. Yonni and Tony start talking and I look down at Dinah. "Baby which one should I pick to post?" I look over my choices. "That one." I say picking it out. "Caption?" "I don't know, but since the cat is probably out of the bag can I post a picture of us in response of everything today?" "Mhm. I think I'm going to too." "You post first." I say.

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