Chapter 5

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Madara huffed as Tenshi continued to giggle. She waved her hand dismissively, “Okay,okay! I’ll stop just because it’s your birthday.” Madara sent her a glare but sighed in defeat, “Follow me, we’re almost there.” Tenshi grinned, “Yes sir!” Madara sighed once again and dragged the black haired girl down a path.

Subconsciously Tenshi intertwined her fingers with Madara. Madara tensed slightly but calmed down and sent Tenshi a small smile. "Madara! Where have you been?! Oh who's that? I haven't seen her around here." The Uchiha boy looked at Tenshi with narrowed eyes, suspicious of her presence. Tenshi leaned into Madara, feeling uneasy. Madara looked at the boy sharply, "Izuna this is Tenshi. She was found around here. I brought her here so she can join us at the feast mother has set for us."

​Tenshi smiled at Izuna with an outstretched hand, "Hello Izuna." Izuna stared at Tenshi but shook her hand, "If brother trusts you then I guess I shall also trust you." Tenshi let go of Izuna's hand and turned to Madara with a smirk, "Ne ne I didn't know you had such an adorable little brother." Madara rolled his eyes as Izuna looked at Tenshi curious.

"I've never heard of Tenshi Uchiha." Madara tried to speak but was interrupted by Tenshi. "It's alright. As you can see I don't hold a lot of Uchiha features. My father secretly raised me as my non Uchiha mother passed while giving birth to me." Madara inwardly was amazed at Tenshi's smooth lying. Izuna nodded, "I understand. However you do hold some features."

Tenshi smiled and took Madara's hand once again, "Well I hate to sound rude but I am quite hungry. When is the feast ready?" Izuna perked up, "That's right. Madara, seeing as you are the guest of honor you're already supposed to be there. I would consider to hurry big brother." As Tenshi walked alongside Madara she couldn't help but notice the look of admiration from Izuna.

An idea lit in Tenshi's mind making her face scrunch up to a grin, "Pardon me but if you two mind, would it be alright if I sketched you two?" The two Uchiha's looked at the grinning girl with curiosity, "I suppose." Tenshi giggled and quietly hummed as Madara shrugged to his younger brother.

​Tenshi's eyes gleamed at the food in front of her, "Food...There will finally be num num in my tum tum." Madara sent a look at Tenshi, "I know you are hungry but please behave as best as you can." Tenshi sent him a smirk, "Yes Dara-chan~" Madara blinked, "Dara-chan?" Tenshi giggled as Izuna snickered. Izuna smirked also, "Dara-chan go and take your spot by father."

Madara gained an anime vein making Tenshi watch the vein twitch in annoyance. Madara froze as his father cleared his throat, "Madara. Who is this?" Tenshi bowed, her hair covering her eyes, "Uchiha Tenshi. I hope it is not a problem if my being is here." Tajima looked at Tenshi, "Tenshi Uchiha? I do believe I have not heard of you. However you are a polite young girl, don't you think so Ryusei?"

Ryusei, the mother of Madara, smiled kindly at Tenshi, "Yes she is. Madara I think you should take Tenshi's hand now before someone else does." Tenshi giggled at Madara's flushed face, "Mother!" Tajima and Ryusei laugh but soon allow everyone to eat. "Zu-chan would you mind passing me the fish?" Izuna looked at the girl slightly confused, "Is that my nickname?"

Tenshi grinned and Izuna flashed her a small smile. Small conversations dropped here and there but Madara and Tenshi paused when they heard Izuna's innocent question. "Tenshi-nee have you heard of the 'immortal illusionist'?" Tajima looked at his son, "Ah are you speaking about the Genjutsu girl. We sent some of the clan to search for the girl but they said they only knew she had dark pink eyes."

Tenshi shook her head, making her black hair swing side to side. Izuna slightly frowned, "I guess not. I mean when we find her she'll become a valuable asset for the Uchiha's." Madara mumbled, not expecting anyone to hear, "I don't know why she's be such a big deal." "The girl gains knowledge from the person whom she targets. With her, we would be able to gain an advantage against the Senju's.", responds Tajima.

​Madara nodded suggishly and noticed out of the corner of his eyes Tenshi taking out her notebook. Tenshi smiled with her eyes closed, "Dara-chan, Zu-chan you won't mind being sketched right?" Ryusei took interest, "You can draw, sweetie?" A blush of embarrassment crept on Tenshi's cheeks, she smirked cheekily, "A bit."

Once again the Uchiha family continued the small celebration. Madara leaned towards Tenshi, attempting to gain a look of her work but Tenshi gave him a warning look. Madara slightly pouted making Tenshi giggle. Izuna couldn't help and watch his older brother, who he respected a lot, show emotions and feelings to the grinning girl.

The journal plopped onto Madara's lap, "There. I am finished." Izuna peeked over his brother's shoulder and stared wide eyed at the sketch (Pic above). Madara's lips graced a smile as Izuna also smiled. Tajima drank his tea and looked at his sons calmly, "It's been a while since I've seen those two smile." Ryusei sighed in content, "Yes it has. And I believe it's Tenshi appearance that is causing them to be happy. " Tajima stared at Tenshi who was conversing with his two sons, Tenshi Uchiha?

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