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Big innocent blue eyes stared into pink gleaming ones. A large grin formed on Tenshi's lips instantly causing a chubby smile to form on the little two year old's face. "Good morning Naruto~ Do you want some ramen?" An excited screech escaped the blonde's mouth, "Wamen!" Tenshi giggled and picked up the little ball of sunshine, "You're starting to speak more aren't you? Your mommy and daddy would be so proud." The thought of the red haired beauty and the blonde Hokage caused a nostalgic smile to appear on Tenshi's mouth.

Naruto noticing that Tenshi wasn't grinning caused him to pout angrily. Tenshi snapped out of her memories and glanced at Naruto. Amusement danced in her eyes, "What's wrong Naru?" Naruto puffed out his cheeks, "Swad! No you Swad! Nawu mad if you Swad!" Tenshi tilted her head, "But I'm not sad Naru so you shouldn't be mad." Naruto waved his chubby fist around, "You no gwin!"

Tenshi's eyes momentarily widened and then softened, "I have to grin don't I?" Naruto nodded his head and grinned happily, "Like dis!" Tenshi laughed and kissed Naruto's nose, "You're smart aren't you Naru?" Naru puffed out his chest, "Nawu smawt!" Tenshi giggled and gabbed some ramen, "Let's hope you stay smart~"


A four year old Naruto sat in Tenshi's lap as she softly hummed. Naruto looked up at the immortal women and stared at her. Tenshi paused and smiled down at Naruto, "Something wrong little Ramen?" Naruto blinked and scratched his cheek, "Well um...I know you're not real mom, Tenshi-Kaa...And some kids told me that I don't have real parents cause I'm not wanted....Is that true?"

Tenshi felt her heart slightly break at the sound of Naruto's quiet and sad voice. Tenshi tightly embraced Naruto, "It's not true. I actually knew your parents." Naruto perked up and looked up at Tenshi with hope shining in his eyes, "You do?" Tenshi slightly smiled, "Mm. Funny thing is that...even during death those two were fighting on who should give up everything for you."

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise, "They died for me?" Tenshi smiled and softy pressed her lips against his forehead, "Your father was so happy and proud when he found out your mother was going to have you." Tenshi giggled, "He even went as far as buying a lot of toys just for you even before you were born!" Tenshi's gaze softened and Naruto's fascinated expression.

​"Tenshi-Kaa....Who were my parents? You never told me..." Tenshi slightly frowned and chuckled nervously, "Ah well I can't tell you until you're older but I'll let you know this much." Naruto nodded excitedly. "Your mother was a beautiful women with fiery red hair. She was kind but at the same time such a...a...b!itch." Naruto slightly sweatdropped and Tenshi's sudden annoyance. "Tenshi-Kaa..." Tenshi blinked and smiled apologetically.

"Your father...well where can I start? He was a wise man and very handsome. He was a very strong man, he could be considered like a great hokage." Naruto's blue eyes sparkled, "He was that cool?!" Tenshi giggled and nodded, "Mhm!" Naruto grinned, "My parents sound cool!" Tenshi dropped her hand on top of Naruto's soft hair, "Your parents were amazing people and wished for me to take care of you. They told me to give you their love as much as I could. Naru....do you believe that your parents love you?"

Naruto stared up at Tenshi's dark pink eyes. Naruto grinned, "Believe it!" Tenshi burst into laughter and grabbed Naruto making him squeal. "You are so adorable!" Naruto began to laugh and grin as Tenshi placed small kisses over his face. "I love you Tenshi-Kaa!" "I love you too, Naruto."

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