Chapter 2

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Hashirama stared at the river as two figures approached. Madara stood behind Hashirama, "Nice to see you again uh..." "Hashirama." Tenshi smiled, "Hello Hashirama." Hashirama glanced at her and slightly smiled. "So Hashirama...You seem awfully down. What happened?" Tenshi listened to Hashirama's slight waver voice, "What's with you! I'm fine!"

Madara and Tenshi exchanged looks, "Liar...You can talk to me, you know." "It's nothing." Tenshi sat next Hashirama keeping a close eyes on him. Madara continued, "Come on, tell me." Tenshi had a soft smile as she tilted her head, "You can tell us Hashirama~" "I said it's nothing." Madara started to get annoyed, "Hey, stop dragging this out! I promise I'll listen."

Tenshi nodded, "I promise to listen to!" "It's really nothing...," Hashirama looked at Madara with tears and snot gripping down his face, "Nothing at all." Madara glared at Hashirama and pointed at him, "Out with it!" Tenshi scooted towards Hashirama as she saw him shaking, "What's the matter?" 

"My little brother died..." Madara stared at Hashirama as Tenshi put an arm around him in comfort. Madara and Tenshi perked up as Hashirama wiped his tears, "I come to the river because I feel like all the haziness in my heart gets washed away as I stare at the water." Madara put his hand on his hip, "So that's what happened..."

Tenshi smiled, "Thank you for telling us Hashirama." Hashirama looked at her then over to Madara, "You two are Tenshi and Madara right...? I wonder if you're like me...Do you two have siblings?" Madara bent down to pick up a stone, "I'm one of five... Well, there used to be five of us." Tenshi and Hashirama looked at Madara in shock, "Used to?"

"We're shinobi. We never know when we're going to die. If there were a way where neither side had to die...It would be where both sides revealed their insides, and hid nothing from each other...And poured each other drinks and drank together like brothers..." Madara glanced at the curious Tenshi, "Or siblings...But that's impossible...Because one can't look deep into another's insides down to their guts."

​Madara skipped the rock and Tenshi grinned as she watched it reach the other side. "In reality, they would be mad as hell." Tenshi tilted her head, "But isn't it possible...." "To really show how you feel without showing your guts?" Madara smirked as he too watched his stone, "I don't know...But every time I come here, I pray for some way to make it happen."

Hashirama perked up at Madara's stone that had reached the other side. Tenshi grinned, "You finally got it to go in the right direction! Now you're even with me and Hashirama!" Hashirama grabbed a stone and put it in Tenshi's hands, "We still haven't seen you skip one and tell us about your family."

Tenshi sadly smiled as she gripped the rock, "My family is dead." She tossed the rock as it skipped five times before it landed to the other side. She grinned, "Told you I can skip a rock!" She tilted her head at Madara's and Hashirama's shocked faces, "What's wrong?" "When did ...they die?" Tenshi closed her eyes, "The same day I met you two. They were murdered in front of me. It took me a while until I buried their corpses."

"How are you smiling?" Tenshi grabbed yet another rock, "I'm not sure. I just know that my family wouldn't want me sad although I've been cursed." Madara narrowed his eyes, "Cursed? What do you mean?" Tenshi held the somewhat sharp rock and cut her arm deeply. Hashirama and Madara stood wide eyed, "Tenshi!"

Tenshi giggled, "It's okay see?" The two boys watched in amazement as the wound slowly began to heal. Hashirama looked at Tenshi with curious eyes, "How did you..." "The man that murdered my family made a jutsu on me. It was an immortality curse jutsu." The two boys stared at Tenshi in interest. Tenshi slowly blushed as their gaze was glued onto her, "W-What?"

The two blinked, "That means you might be used as a weapon in the war if word goes out." Tenshi blinked and tilted her head,"I didn't think about that." Madara smirked, "Why don't you come live with me?" Hashirama stared at Madara curious as a large grin grew on Tenshi's lips. "Really?! Do you think they would accept me?"

"Wait." Madara and Tenshi looked at Hashirama, "What if shinobi found out about Tenshi's ability don't you think your clan will be wiped out? Maybe we should create a home for Tenshi." Tenshi gasped then grinned, "That sounds like a better idea! I mean I don't want you and your family to be wiped out. I just made new friends and I want to keep them as long as I can."

Madara and Hashirama blushed but soon broke out in a smirk, "We are friends aren't we?" Tenshi grinned big, "Yeah!"

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