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"The sun had shot up and the potato came out! It's time for the little ramen to sprout~" Tenshi tilted her head to dodge the fluffy pillow. A sleepy Naruto stared at Tenshi with tired hate. She grinned, "Aw~ Don't look at me like that! I woke you up so you won't be late for the survival excersice." With that comment Naruto began to untangle himself from his warm covers. 

"Tenshi-Kaa! You could have told me sooner!" Tenshi laughed and sat waiting for Naruto to change. Naruto stared at Tenshi who had slipped a grin on her lips. "Where. Is. The. Ramen." She tilted her head, "You were told not to eat food or you might throw up." Tenshi's eyes gleamed deviously, "However..."

A steamy bowl of ramen appeared in Tenshi's hand. The snap from the chopsticks rang in Naruto's ears. Slowly placing the noodles in her lips, she began to loudly slurp. The expression on Naruto's face shaped into a crestfallen one. "WHY ME?!?!?!?!?!?!" 


"Come on Naru~ Don't be mad at Tenshi~ Tenshi didn't mean to make you cry!" Tenshi and Naruto walked side by side heading towards the training field. Naruto turned red and exasperatedly spoke, "I didn't cry!" Tenshi poked her tongue out at him. "Whatever you say~"

Naruto grumbled and mumbled a hello to his new teammates. Tenshi hummed and waited patiently. She grinned seeing a dozing Sakura and Naruto. She suddenly glanced at Sasuke who was simply sitting and lost in thought. Tenshi shook her head and tilted her head up, watching as the sky changed from orange to blue.

"Good morning guys." Sakura and Naruto instantly shot up and pointed at their teacher, "YOU'RE LATE!!" Kakashi close eyed smiled, "You see a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way here." Tenshi chuckled as Sakura and Naruto looked at him in disbelief. Kakashi cleared his throat and took out a clock. "Well then, should we begin?"

The small chime of bells caught team Seven's attention. "Your task is to get these bells before noon. If you're not able to get ahold of a bell then you'll be tied up and won't have lunch." As if on cue the air was filled with the hungry growls of the teens. Tenshi simply grinned at the pouting Naruto.

Tenshi glanced at a hiding Anbu root. Tenshi poked her tongue out, "Hey Kakabaka! I got to do something for a sec. Be a good teacher won't you?" Kakashi sweatdropped but none the less nodded. Tenshi waved at the root as she approached. "Is something wrong, Tera?" The root kneeled in front of her, "Lord Danzo desires your presence as soon as possible."

Tenshi stared at the root, "Tell Zo-chan that I'll speak to him when I am available. I'm in a rather happy mood so I don't want to be bored with his words." The root bowed their head, "Yes Lady Tenshi." With a whip of leaves the Root disappeared.

Tenshi huffed and pouted, stomping over to Kakashi who was staring at Naruto dumbfounded. Tenshi sensed Sakura's and Sasuke's chakra signature nearby but decently hidden. Kakashi's eye trailed over to Tenshi, "I thought you took care of him." Tenshi blinked at Naruto, "Hey Naru...Didn't I tell you to not rush into battle?"

Kakashi stared at the determination in Naruto's eyes. "You know you're weird." Naruto growled and thrust toward him, "The only thing weird here is your hair!" Tenshi stepped out of the way and burst into laughter, "Naru you are just too cute~" Kakashi sweatdropped then decided to stop Naruto.

Tenshi's eyes sparkled with amusement as Kakashi got behind Naruto and formed a single hand sign. A small rustle coming from a bush came with a shout, "Naruto get out of the way!" "One thousand years of death!" Naruto's face scrunched up and then shot into the air screaming as Kakashi stabbed his finger into Naruto's butt.

Loud laughter and choked breathing could be heard from Tenshi. "I...Hah...I didn't know that was...a jutsu!" Tenshi grinned at Kakashi who was listening to her, "The last time someone used that jutsu on me was not in the battle field." Kakashi blushed as Tenshi once again laughed.

Tenshi sat back as she watched Naruto attempt to fight Kakashi by himself. Tenshi smiled softly as she remembered watching Izuna take the same test. Tenshi pouted, "I haven't seen Izuna in the longest~ I wonder where he is...He never did tell me his last location." "He probably did that on purpose."

A cloud of gloom flew over Tenshi's head  as Kakashi stood behind her with a small sweatdrop. "Tenshi... It's alright that I test the kids out by myself?" Tenshi glanced at him sadly, "Mhm...But I hope you realize that all of them are unique and it seems that all of them are missing the point of this exercise."

Kakashi remained silent, "They remind me of them." Tenshi's cloud disappeared, "I know." A breeze swept by and Kakashi was gone. Tenshi pouted, "I thought I taught Naru about teamwork...hah. I guess he'll need some Tenshi training." A grin split on her lips, "Time to find my little Ramen~"

The clock rang as it struck noon and team Seven made it's way to the designated location. Sakura and Sasuke took notice of the tied up Naruto and chibi Tenshi who was chasing after butterflies. 

Chibi Tenshi decided to ignore Kakashi's boring words and focused on the strange gold and pink butterfly. Chibi Tenshi let out a yelp as someone grabbed her arm. "I DIDN'T DO IT THIS TIME I SWEAR! I'VE BEEN CLEAN ON THE SHROOMS FOR A WHILE-" A gloved hand covered her mouth.

"Tenshi...If you're not going to listen to anything why do you come here?" Chibi Tenshi looked up at an annoyed Kakashi, she grinned, "Duh! I still have to take care of that b!itches cute son!" Kakashi sweatdropped, "Tenshi..." Chibi Tenshi popped into Tenshi and excitedly whispered, "Look Kakabaka!"

Kakashi watched in interest as Sasuke and Sakura offered food to the hungry tied up Naruto. Tenshi smiled, "They know that feeding him could get them in trouble but they're willing to feed him for the sake of the team." She stood in her place as Kakashi made a dramatic entrance.

"YOU!" Team Seven shook in surprise and watched in anticipation for their sensei's words. "Pass." Disbelief and confusion filled their eyes as Tenshi decided to come out and speak her wise words.

With a smile she continued, "It's been a while since I've seen Kakabaka pass a team. You guys finally showed teamwork and that is what holds a team together." Kakashi looked at his students, "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."

Tenshi brightly smiled, "I couldn't have said that better~" Naruto sniffed, "Hey you know he's pretty cool." Kakashi posed and sent a thumbs up, "Tomorrow we will have our first mission as a team!"

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