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--Tenshi's P.O.V.--> Pic of Tenshi
 knew my place in the fight between my friends. I understood that Madara and Hashirama were fighting to protect their brothers but to also reassure that their fallen brothers didn't die in vain.

Everytime I came across a fight between the Uchiha and the Senju, I would make sure that my point would get across. I knew that Hashirama was also fighting for that dream. The dream where we could be together and know that our loved ones are safe.

Even with all this going on, I couldn't help but smile everyday. I knew that every time I was blocking Madara's and Hashirama's attack, my friends were confused about my smile. But... I couldn't help it. I don't know why but I felt if I could keep my smile, Madara and Hashirama would remember all those times where we smiled together.

During this warring state, I had learned about my family abilities. I had discovered how my father would always  know what I was feeling , when I was young. It seemed that if I were to transform to someone I would be able to read their emotions and see their memories. Of course, I love being myself so I had made things more simple by just changing my pink eyes to the enemy's eyes.

When I tried it out I was pure happy. At the same time I understood why my father was considered a mind messer. I don't know how my father could do it but he could mess memories up and increase someone's emotions. I decided to hold off on that training because it seemed that my dream was getting farther away everyday.

I stood between Madara and Hashirama. I turned to the side and quickly glanced at Hashirama's eyes, finding the necessary memory. I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared in Madara's direction. My voice projected but remained soft, "You two become your clans leaders?" I grinned causing my friends to flinch. I bowed, "Nice to meet you Uchiha-Sama, Senju-Sama."

The fights were the same everyday. Eventually Madara, Hashirama, and I would end up fighting against each other. I was the weak one so I would end up on the ground and staying down until Madara and Hashirama retreated. But this time, this one was a lot different than the others.

--Time Skip---Third P.O.V--
Tenshi yelped as she nearly missed the incoming fire ball. The seventeen year old pouted, "Oi Madara! That almost burned my precious hair!" The eighteen year old Madara spared her a glance but was focused on the Hashirama's wood style attack. Even though time had passed, Tenshi remained with her childish personality and her smile that never faltered.

Tenshi had began to take notice that her features remained the same as her friends were starting to mature. But Tenshi was fine with her black hair tied into two loose pigtails. Her white and black kimono shirt matched with a white skirt. To finish it off, her feet held black laced shoes. Tenshi could only guess that her kekai genkai, Gaikan, was the cause of her childish appearance.

 Tenshi's eyes snapped to Izuna and Tobirama. Her pink eyes widened at the sight. Tobirama sliced through the shocked Izuna. Tenshi hopped to her feet and quickly caught the injured Izuna. Madara had also noticed and ran to his brother's side. Tenshi released Izuna into Madara's arms. 

"Hang in there! I swear I'll save you!" Tenshi heard how disparate Madara sounded. Tenshi's hands glowed a bright green color as she hovered her hands over Izuna. Tenshi smiled at Izuna, "Don't worry I won't let you die little brother!" Izuna looked at the girl who he considered as a big sister even though she wasn't an Uchiha. Tenshi tilted her head in curiosity, as a grin crept onto her lips, "AW! You consider me as a big sister?! That makes me so happy!"

Tenshi looked out of the corner of her eye seeing Hashirama pointing a sword at Madara. "Hashirama..." Exhaustion was clear on Madara's face as Hashirama's. Tenshi stealthy healed Madara, which Madara glanced at her. Hashirama spoke, "Madara...You cannot defeat me." Tenshi's eyes sparkled as she saw Hashirama stab the sword into the ground

"Why don't we end this?"


Gaikan= Appearance  

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