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"Tenshi-Koji, why are you here?" The said women was sitting in front of the expressionless Hiruzen. Tenshi grinned, "I spoke with Zo-chan yesterday~" Hiruzen allowed a cloud of smoke to past his lips, "On what terms was this meeting on?" Tenshi poked her tongue at him, "Don't get jealous Hiru-chan~ You're still one of my favorite students! Zo-chan just wanted to know about the clan leader of the Uchiha."

Hiruzen raised his eyebrows, "Have you stepped up for it?" Tenshi hummed, "Well you see technically it should be Sasuke considering Itachi is rogue. But he's young and there would be no point in having a clan leader if there's no clan to lead. So I decided that I'm dragging Izuna back here to the village."

"What would that accomplish?" Tenshi slyly grinned, "Well you see before Itachi went rogue, Izuna had gotten another Uchiha knocked up. Sadly she passed away during childbirth but Izuna had to take responsibility for his child. And you of course know that Izuna went to train and chase after Tsunade. So last I know of Izuna is still with my granddaughter Nintai."

Silence filled the room as Tenshi's words began to process, "How old is your granddaughter?" Tenshi blinked, "I think eleven or twelve." Confusion crossed Hiruzen's face, "When did Izuna get with this women?" Tenshi gave a short laugh, "It seems when the women was on a mission she met Izuna, had a one night stand and gave birth about two months after the Kyuubi was sealed."

Hiruzen chuckled, "Well isn't this rather interesting. It's good to know that, Nintai was it?" Tenshi gave a nod of confirmation "Nintai's a full blood Uchiha." Tenshi giggled, "I had to take care of Nintai until she was seven in secret considering she can be in danger. She did however grow up with Naru but I made him keep to secrecy."

Another cloud of smoke was produced from Hiruzen's mouth, "I guess your traveling at the time did have a reason. Now I hate to end this conversation but I do have missions to assign." Tenshi grinned, "Oh yeah! You gave team 7 a D mission correct? Did you perhaps give them the missing Tora mission?"

A deep chuckle caused Tenshi to burst into laughter, wiping the sudden tears she allowed Hiruzen continue his business. After some small chat, Tenshi's ears perked up as she heard the familiar loud voices of Naruto.

Tenshi cooed at Naruto as Tora was passed to her rightful owner. Kakashi smacked Tenshi's head to calm her. "I WANT A BETTER MISSION GRAMPS!" Tenshi grinned at Hiruzen watching and observing how he would deal with Naruto. Her grin grew as Naruto blocked out Hiruzen's lecture on the purpose of ranked missions.

Tenshi bopped Naruto's head as Hiruzen yelled at him. "Naru~ You know I had to watch several friends die in order for the village to send young genins on appropriate missions." The air immediately became heavy as Tenshi stood grinning. She leaned down and placed a small kiss on Naruto cheek, "But if you feel that you can handle C rank mission then maybe Hiru-chan would let you~"

"Well if Naruto wants to prove himself then I'll let them." Kakashi raised his eyebrows, Wow I didn't think Naruto would actually convince them... Naruto cheered and began to blabber happily. Hiruzen chuckled, "Be patient Naruto. Send him in will you?" Naruto stopped talking and looked at the door anxiously.

Team 7 gapped at the drunk old man that staggered into the room, "Hm? Brats? Hah! You can't make me believe that the short one with the idiotic face is a ninja!" Naruto jumped up, laughing, "Who's the the short one with the idiotic face?!" Tenshi snickered as Sasuke and Sakura stood next to Naruto.

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