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"I can't believe we're going to be late!" Izuna blankly stared at his mother, "This is your fault Okaa-san. You're the one who decided to just rush in, making us waste double of the time." Tenshi pressed her lips into a firm line as she looked away from Izuna's haunting gaze.

His vein throbbed in annoyance, "Oi! Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" Tenshi glanced at her son for a good second before switching back onto the path in front of her, "Pick up the pace Izuna!" Izuna seethed, "Quiet ignoring me!" Tenshi simply smirked and sent chakra to her soles to quicken her pace.

Don't worry Naru, I won't break my promise.

"Hey Izuna...do you feel that?" Tenshi cut off the chakra flow from her feet. Izuna perked up, and furrowed his eyebrows, "There are large spikes of chakra coming from the Leaf. And one of them feels like..."

Tenshi pushed more chakra into her legs, "Let's hurry."

Her eyes widened as her voice came out barely above a whisper, "What is going on?"

"Lady Tenshi! Lord Izuna! You've returned." The two looked over to the approaching Anbu. "Orochimaru and the Sand have turned against the village! We need your help."

"Where is Hiruzen?" The Anbu bowed his head, "He is currently fighting against Orochimaru." Izuna's gritted his teeth, "How did that happen?! Does he have any reinforcements?" Tenshi clenched her fists and slightly bended her knees.

"Lady Tenshi, before you leave, there is another problem. It seems the Sand's jinchuriki is loose and on the move.'' Not a second passed as Tenshi disappeared with a gleam in her eyes. Izuna heard the distant cries from the villagers and looked at the Anbu, "Who is in charge of evacuating the villagers?" 

The wind roared into her ears and she followed Hiruzen's chakra signature. Tenshi quickly flipped out her hand held fans and swung, "Great Breakthrough!" 

Several Sand nin jumped out, in an attempt to dodge the attack. Tenshi narrowed her eyes as the nins gripped their kunai. "I don't have time for you!" 

Tenshi's eyes darkened as she increased the nins emotion of fear, one by one the nins fell unconscious. She shook her head and turned on her heels, heading towards the arena.

"What the hell is that?" Several Anbu faced the the new arrival. "Lady Tenshi!" Tenshi stepped forward but paused as someone called out. "It's a barrier jutsu. If you touch it, you'll be engulfed in flames." Her eyes raked over the barrier, "Four Violet Flames Formation huh?"  

Tenshi felt her body go stiff as she analyzed the battle in front of her. "Lady Tenshi?" Everything seem to go silent as they witness two coffins appear. The lids collapsed onto the ground as two bodies stepped out.

"Long time no see...Saru." Tenshi remained motionless as Hiruzen carefully watched the two. One of the Anbu spoke out, "Who are they?" Tenshi closed her eyes, "Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju...the First and Second Hokage." 

She opened her eyes and inched towards the barrier. She slowly breathed out and softly called out, "Orochimaru...must you be unfair?" 

The four shinobi snapped their gazes onto the sudden figure. A wicked grinned crawled onto Orochimaru's expression, "My my my, if it isn't Tenshi Sensei." The now reanimated corpses looked at Tenshi with surprise. 

"Tenshi? Is that really you?" Hiruzen looked at Tenshi, "Please stay out of this Tenshi." Orochimaru chuckled, "If Tenshi Sensei wants to join the party then why don't we let her?" Tenshi glanced at the standby Anbu and held her hand out, "I'll protect Hiruzen."

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