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The patter of the rain caught the attention of everyone who was caught in the dark sullen aura. Asuma tilted his head up, "Even the heavens weep." Shinobi and villagers stood clad in black as the Konoha Elders spoke.

"We are gathered here to remember and honor not only the Third Hokage but all those who sacrificed themselves in this battle so that our village would survive." Naruto gave a glance around, not finding his beloved guardian. One by one, people made their way towards the memorial to place a flower.

Hearing the sobs from his small friend, Naruto looked at Konohamaru with sadness. Iruka, who stood by Konohamaru, crouched down and wrapped an arm around Konohamaru. Noticing it was his turn soon, Naruto made his way behind his friends. Naruto stared at the picture of the Third Hokage, reminiscing over their memories.

As he returned to his spot as the rain slowly let up. Naruto looked at his teacher, "Iruka sensei...why do they do it...why do people risk their lives for other people?" Iruka gazed towards the Third Hokage's picture.

"When one person dies... he disappears... Along with his past, current lifestyle, and his future. Many people die in missions and wars. They die easily and in surprisingly simple ways. Hayate was one of them. Those who die have goals and dreams. But everyone has something as important as those. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers... People who are important to you. They trust and help each other. The bond between the people important to you ever since birth... And the string that binds them becomes thicker and stronger as time goes by. It's beyond reason. Those bound to you by that string will do that. Because it's important..."

Naruto nodded, "Yes..I think I understand, somewhat. But...it's painful when someone dies." Everyone held their breath as they head the soft footsteps approaching. Naruto's eyes widened and he whispered, "Tenshi-Kaa?"

Cloaked in black, an umbrella resting on her right shoulder, Tenshi walked towards the memorial. The umbrella tilted forwards, hiding her eyes from sight. In her hand she gripped a bouquet of white flowers, slowly placing the flowers in front of the picture. 

Sakura perked up, holding her hand out, "It stopped raining." Sasuke, who stood beside her, glanced up into the gray clouds. He watched as the gray clouds, moved away and the sun began to peek out.

The Konoha Elders began to approach Tenshi but she held her palm out, "Let's not speak about the next Hokage just yet." Konoha Elder Homura gazed at Tenshi as she bowed her head. He glanced at his partner Koharu who nodded. "Fine then."

Naruto nervously shifted around, "Tenshi-Kaa? Are you okay?" After the Third Hokage's funeral, Tenshi was seen just spacing off and held a blank expression. The two had returned to Naruto's apartment where the two wore more comfortable clothes. She blinked, "Hm? Oh yes I'm alright." Naruto searched for that beautiful grin but it was nowhere to be found.

A small frown curled on Naruto's mouth. His mind went to what Izuna had said earlier on. 

"Hey Naruto, hold up!" "Hm?" Naruto turned around, confusion splashing his face as Izuna waved him over.  "What's up Izu-nii?" Izuna ruffled his blonde locks, "Look Kaa-San isn't coming with Nintai and I, she said she's going to stay over with you." Naruto's eyebrows wrinkled, "Is something wrong with Tenshi-Kaa?" Izuna gave a small nervous smile, "Well I think so. When we went to check on the Hokage, Kaa-San  kept muttering 'I'm sorry' over and over. I believe she might blaming herself for the Third's death." Naruto stared wide eyed as the man he considered as his big brother gave a sad smile. "Try cheering her up will you, Naruto?"

Tenshi's eyes widened, realizing that she was impacting Naruto's mood. Tenshi scooped Naruto into a hug and tightly embraced him. "I'm sorry Naru...I...I know that you're thinking that i'm blaming myself for Hiruzen's...passing. But i'm not, I really am not." It was his turn for his eyes to widen. "You're not?"

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