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Obsidian eyes stared into onyx eyes. "Do you understand Sasuke?" Sasuke glanced at Tenshi who sat across him, "Yes." Izuna slightly bowed his head, "Please do forgive me, I didn't mean to make you think that you and Itachi were the only Uchiha." Sasuke's eyes slightly narrowed, "You're clan leader right? What are you to me? And what is that girl, Nintai, to me?"

Izuna gave a sigh, "Well I guess I would be like your uncle or something? Okaa-san pretty much confused everything considering she likes to call people family a lot. So we could say i'm your uncle and Nintai is your cousin." Tenshi grinned, "But Sasuke's you can call me Tenshi-kaa!"

Sasuke stared at Tenshi for a moment then averted his eyes, "I suppose." Tenshi giggled and patted his head. She pushed herself from the ground and stood, "Well Sasuke I actually have a question or offer to ask of you."

Sasuke raised his eyebrows, "What is it?" Tenshi grinned, "Would you like to stay at my home?"

Izuna's eyes trailed over the dark home, "It looks the same since I left." Nintai appeared at his side and gave a small smile, "I remember this place." Nintai looked at her grandmother, "Tenshi-baa did you move out when you traveled?" Tenshi nodded and flicked the lights on, ''I decided to move in with Naru."

Sasuke walked into living room and paused at a certain picture frame. "Impossible..." Tenshi curiously came to his side and smiled, "I told you didn't I, Sasuke?" Sasuke gazed at the picture that showed a grinning Tenshi with the infamous Madara Uchiha. Sasuke glanced at picture that Tenshi held out to him, "Who is that?

Another soft smile carved into Tenshi's lips, "That's your mom and dad when they were teens." Sasuke's eyes widened and carefully took the picture. A younger Tenshi had a smiling Mikoto latching onto her arm as Fugaku stood with an awkward smile as Tenshi had grabbed his cheeks and forced him to smile.

Tenshi's eyes softened as she saw Sasuke's lip twitch. She cleared her throat and grinned, "I'll show you to your room!"

"Naru~ I'm back~" Tenshi instantly noticed the note taped on the edge of the bed. "'Tenshi-kaa, at Ichiraku's Ramen, Naruto'" Tenshi ruffled her hair and pouted, "I wanted to bathe with Naru~ Oh well I guess it'll be just me for tonight."

A strong and very familiar feeling caused Tenshi to frown. Tenshi looked at the calendar and softly spoke, "Another year huh?" She neared the drawer and grabbed a piece of paper and scrambled a short message. Looking out the window she watched as the moonlight seeped into the apartment. Placing the note on a pillow, she left.

"Tenshi?" Kakashi's dark eyes bore into Tenshi's dark rosy irises. Tenshi tilted her head to the side and grinned, "May I come in?" The silver haired man simply pushed the door open and let the woman to his home. "It's late." "I know." Tenshi's eyes traveled around the apartment, "It looks the same."

"Old memories resurfacing?" Tenshi chuckled and sadly smiled at the younger male, "I guess I'm very easy to read, ne?" Kakashi shook his head, "You're one of the most complicated person to read, Tenshi. One second you're acting so motherly and the other you're acting like a child." When Kakashi realized that Tenshi was silent he gave a soft sigh.

"Let's go to sleep alright?" The corners of Tenshi's lips perked, "Like old times?" Kakashi gave a smile, "Like old times." Tenshi giggled and headed into Kakashi's room as Kakashi shook his head but followed.

Tenshi laid beside Kakashi as he slipped his mask off. Tenshi lightly touched Kakashi's cheek as she smiled, "You're still handsome as ever, Kakabaka." Kakashi closed his eyes as Tenshi gave a small yawn. "I know." Tenshi quietly giggled and placed her hand on top of his cheek. Kakashi nuzzled into her hand, remembering the warmth from long ago.

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