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Silence filled the air, as Tenshi grinned. Hashirama kept his expression firm, "If the two strongest shinobi clans, the Uchiha and Senju, join forces, nations will not be able to find other shinobi clans that can stand against us...The conflict will eventually start to die down.Come on." Hashirama's hand extended out to Madara.

Tenshi came to Hashirama's side and also extended her hand. Madara's mind filled with the times he spent with his friends. Tenshi noticed Madara move but stopped as Izuna's voice was heard, "No! Brother!" Madara's eyes widened and looked at his injured brother, "Izuna!" Izuna painfully turned to look at Hashirama and Madara, "Do not be deceived by them..." "Izuna!"

"Have you forgotten that these bastards killed everyone...killed the Uchiha?"  Tenshi giggled, "AND don't forget that the Uchiha killed several Senju~" Madara's red eyes trailed over the fallen Uchiha's and those who were injured. Madara swiftly raised his arm and dropped a smoke bomb. Tenshi sighed in annoyance, "Aw we were so close! Like this close to achieving our dream."

Tenshi squealed as Tobirama held a sword at her neck. Hashirama placed a hand on his brother, ''Tobirama leave Tenshi out of this." Tobirama stared at the smiling Tenshi, "She has use, we should take her." Hashirama sighed, "Let's go little brother." Tobirama grunted and removed the sword from Tenshi's neck.

"W-Wait!" Hashirama glanced at his friend in curiosity. Tenshi grinned sheepishly, "I'm sorry but that lovely house we built was destroyed. And you see I don't think it's right if I stay in the Senju home, like the Uchiha home, So would it be alright if you use your wood style to make me a house?"

Hashirama smiled, "Sure." Tobirama rolled his eyes and went to deal with a group of surrendering Uchiha. Tenshi cheered happily as Hashirama made a vacant home. "Thank you Hashi!" Hashirama  scratched his cheek sheepishly as Tenshi placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Hashirama." Hashirama looked at Tenshi, who had a concerned frown.

"Be careful. I have a feeling Madara is going to sink into darkness." Hashirama furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" Pink eyes traveled to Tobirama, "Your brother fatally wounded Izuna. Izuna is the small light for Madara. I don't want to see a dark Madara. Just...be aware alright?" Hashirama nodded as Tenshi grinned, "Welp that's all. See ya~"

~Tenshi's P.O.V~
You know, I really did wish I was wrong but I was right. I had found out about the current fight going on and I made my way there. The heart squeezed as I saw Madara's eyes. He had the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Tears poured out of my eyes as I saw Izuna's death play in my mind. I quickly wiped my eyes and smiled sadly, "Guess I lost another sibling."

 My eyes widened in amazement as I saw Madara and his Susanoo and Hashirama with his wood golem. "Cool..." I noticed Tobirama's eyes shift towards me, "Tenshi. Shouldn't you be helping my brother." I looked at Tobirama confused, "Eh?" Tobirama opened his mouth to speak but stopped as he heard Madara and Hashirama yell to each other.

I stared intently as Madara had slammed Hashirama's Golem to the ground. Madara's Susanoo moved slowly towards Hashirama. I begin to run towards my friends direction as I heard Hashirama. "Madara, we were friends! The three of us, you, me, and Tenshi! And we all shared the same dream! The dream that Tenshi and I are fighting for!"

Madara called out, "Hashirama!How long will you keep saying such juvenile things? It's just not possible to show our guts to each other! Don't you get it?!" Madara's susanoo raised it's sword but froze up as I screamed, "NO! Don't YOU get it, Madara!!" Madara's and Hashirama's gaze snapped towards me.

My body was shaking badly but I didn't care as I stared up at Madara. "It's quiet easy to show our guts to each other! But it could only happen if you two stop fighting! Don't you two realize how hard it is for me?! You two are a whole lot stronger than me but...but I still love you two! I love you guys so much than I'll keep fighting! If I have to die in order for you two to stop, so be it!"

A grin was placed on my lips as I stared at the shocked Madara and Hashirama. My grin began to vanish as I heard Madara's words, "Stop saying such lies Tenshi. You need to open your eyes and realize this childish dreams of yours is just a dream." I smirked, "You don't realize it Dara-chan but my eyes are wide open. It's you who eye's are shut."

His beautiful crimson eyes narrowed at me. I grinned, "I can clearly read your emotions Madara. I know what's in the back of your head." With that I saw Madara continued his attack as Hashirama quickly countered it, causing a large blue light to surround us.

I don't know how long it's been but all I know is that my body is screaming in pain. It was daytime and Madara's back touched the ground for the very first time. Hashirama stood by Madara's side, breathing hard. I sat on the other side, trying to regain chakra as my body began to heal itself. I looked at Tobirama who took his sword and pointed it straight down at Madara, "Madara...You're finished."

I don't know why but I quickly flung my body over Madara's. Tobirama flinched and stopped as he heard Hashirama, "Wait Tobirama!" I breathed hard as I received a look from Madara. I sent him a smile, "You're still my friend." Tobirama shifted himself to look at his brother, "Why, Elder Brother?! This is our chance!"

I saw Madara's move his eyes toward Hashirama. I grinned as I heard Hashirama loud and clear, "No one touches him!" Tobirama looked at his brother, with shock and confusion. I began to slowly move my body off of Madara's, being careful of his wounds. "Just get it over with, Hashirama...Tenshi. It would be an honor to die by your hand."

I looked at Hashirama boredly,  "Can I just do it?" Hashirama gave me a small smirk, "Be patient." He shifted his glance towards Madara, "If I kill the clan leader of the Uchiha, it will only incite the young ones who follow you." "There isn't anyone left with such pluck among the Uchiha anymore." Hashirama sent me a look and I smiled.

I hovered my hands over Madara's built chest. Hashirama continued, "Sure there are. Perhaps not right now, but in time. Come on...why don't we end this war? We made a promise, remember? To create the ideal village someday." I saw Tobirama relax for a moment as he studied his brother. I closed my eyes with a smile on my face as my hands began to flicker green.

I opened my eyes and looked at Madara softly, "Can't we go back to those days...and skip rocks...all three of us?" Madara's tired eyes shifted towards me, "That's just impossible. Hashirama and I have changed. You've stayed the same however....I don't have a single brother left. I have nothing to protect." My hair covered my eyes, "You...you could protect me...."

I felt my ears burn but I looked into Madara's eyes with determination, "You know I also considered Izuna as my little brother. And he...he considered me like a big sister. And..and I know about Izuna's last request...So please why can't we go back?" I had a feeling that my face was red but I saw Madara's eyes soften.

Hashirama glanced at me but I kept my head down, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I can't trust you, Hashirama." Hashirama closed his eyes, "Is there any way I can convince you to trust us?" Madara's looked to the blue sky, "Well, there is a way to show each other our guts...Either kill your brother...or kill yourself right now. And then we'll be even. I'd be willing to trust your clan." 

I bowed my head, "Hashirama..." "Thank you, Madara. You really are kindhearted." I heard Hashirama's armor fall to the ground. "Listen Tobirama. Etch these words into your heart, for these are my final words..." "Brother..." "Words that I shall be exchanging with my life. You too, my fellow clan members. After my death, do not kill Madara. I forbid any fighting between the Uchiha and Senju. Swear this right now... upon the lives of your fathers, and your grandchildren yet unborn."

Hashirama smiled, "Farewell..." A tear streamed down his right eye, nearing the kunai in his hand to him. My mind filled with Hashirama and I, all the moments. My hand flew onto's Hashirama's as Madara's did the same. My eyes were covered as both my hand and Madara's were gripping Hashirama's hand.

"Enough...I have now seen your guts. "

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