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It was nothing but awkward silence and hidden glances. Tenshi had decided to walk silently with a strong pout on her lips, and her eyebrows furrowed. Of course knowing that she was sick, Sakura and Naruto stuck onto the woman.

Thankfully due to Gai's mindset, the situation didn't last long as he had began to race towards Konoha with an eager Lee behind him. 

As they arrived in Konoha, Tenshi sighed loudly and rested her hands on her hips. "ALRIGHT! I'm done with these silent questions. Look, if you want to know then follow me to the hospital. I need to see that Kakashi gets there safely and I need to speak to Tsunade. If you're simply just curious, wait to hear from Sakura or something. Gai, please help me take the Kakabaka to the hospital. GENTLY."

Tenten smiled at Sakura who was staring at the interaction of Tenshi poking Kakashi's masked face, "Sakura could you tell me later? We got some training to do so fill us in later okay?" Sakura shifted her gaze to Neji who was already walking away with an energetic Lee. She smiled at Tenten and nodded, "Of course."


Naruto, Sakura, Tsunade and Izuna had entered Kakashi's hospital room. Tenshi was already sitting by Kakashi, gently petting his hair. Tenshi barely looked up and quickly shot out of her chair. The sudden movement had woken the sleeping Kakashi.

Tenshi pointed at Izuna, "I am not going to explain anything if Izuna is here! All he does is shame me! Love you Kakashi, bye lovelies!" Tenshi had attempted to jump out of the window but Izuna had tightly grabbed her waist and Naruto had snatched her wrists.

"NO! NOT YOU TOO NARU!" Naruto sheepishly smiled, "Well I also want to know..." Izuna rolled his eyes and pushed his childish mother onto a chair. 

"Look, okaasan, I am honestly confused as to why the hell you're pregnant. Answers now." Tsunade cut in before Tenshi could even speak. "Izuna! That's not the important question right now! The most serious one is why Tenshi doesn't have a heart!"

Izuna waved his hand back and forth, "I already know why, I just want to know who she slept with." Tsunade's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as Izuna had rested his hands on Tenshi's shoulders and continually asked for the name of the baby daddy.

Tenshi having enough of the noise she pushed Izuna's hands off her shoulders. "Alright alright I'll tell you everything! Just...just stop arguing."

Tenshi huffed and rested her chin on her palm. "Look, the reason I don't have a heart is because it was removed a long time ago." Tsunade and Sakura held confusion in their eyes, "Tenshi sensei that's not even possible-"

Tenshi had tugged at her shirt to reveal a scar running from the top of her breasts to the bottom of her chest. "At some point my heart had just stop working so a close friend of mine, that was a doctor, she told me that it would be better if I had it removed. She told me that although the jutsu allowed my body to replenish itself, my heart took enough damage that it would start to cause my body more problems. Blood still flows to each organ but it's allowed to because there's enough chakra in my body to work."

She had now covered her torso again as she grinned up at the people in the room. "An immortal lives with their soul, as long as my soul is present then you'll have to put up with me."

Tsunade remained silent until everything processed into her mind. Her hand rose to her forehead as she began to gently rub her growing headache away. "Alright, I guess I'll accept your missing heart explanation. Now that's one out of two questions answered."

Izuna once again grabbed his mother's shoulders,  a sly smirk playing his lips. "Let me guess, Kakashi is actually the father."

The room had fell quiet as Tenshi's lips pulled into a line. Izuna owlishly blinked, "Eh? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Izuna released the grip on Tenshi's shoulders and ran over to Kakashi's side, yanking Kakashi's collar, "What the hell are you guys doing?!"

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