♡Valentines Special♡

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Um so instead of an update, don't worry you'll get an update soon enough, I decided to at least post a little Valentines One Shot. Now you might be wondering, "Well whatcha gonna write about?" Well I'll tell you, I felt like I never did expan on Tenshi and Madara's relationship so BAM. Valentines Special, enjoy.


It had been a couple of weeks of Tenshi staying in the Uchiha compound and giving a title of her friendship with Madara as in a relationship. Of course nothing much had changed except Hashirama liked to tease the two of courting each other.

Tenshi and Madara were doing the usual of patrolling the village and stopping by to speak to people.

Tenshi waved goodbye to the flower shop keeper and smiled. "Hamiko san is such a nice person, don't you think so Dara chan?"

She curiously looked at Madara who was trailing behind her and staring at her with a concentrated expression. Tenshi waved at him, snapping his gaze.

"Are you okay Dara chan? If there's something on your mind, you can tell me." Madara blinked and he looked to side embarrassed, "Um no. It's nothing." Tenshi hummed as she tried to figure what he was staring at. She looked at her hand and then glanced at Madara's hand.

A grin crawled onto her lips and she neared Madara. Seeing her come closer, Madara shifted his gaze to his girlfriend. He flushed when Tenshi slipped her hand into his and intertwined their fingers.

Tenshi giggled and gave a small squeeze to his hand. "If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just done it." Madara gave a small smile and squeezed her hand back. "Sorry."

Tenshi shook her hand and smiled, "It's alright, I know that this whole courting thing is new. It's okay if we take it slow." Madara gave a shy smile, "Thank you Tenshi. Although that was a really mature thing you just said. Are you still the Tenshi I know?"

Tenshi huffed and stuck her tongue out, "I'm not always childish you know. Now we still have to visit Tanuki san so let's not stop now." The two walked the streets of Konoha together with the villagers smiling sweetly at the pair.

Tenshi swung her legs off the cliff, humming with a calm smile on her face. "Tenshi...I know that Madara isn't ideal but that doesn't mean you should jump." Tenshi tilted her head back to see Hashirama with a teasing smile.

Tenshi spun around and held her arm up. "Help me up won't you Hashi?" Hashirama grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Once she was on her feet she patted the dust off of her kimono. "What are you doing here Tenshi? Trouble in paradise?"

Tenshi gave a nervous smile making Hashirama to raise an eyebrow. "Really now?" Tenshi pouted and ruffled her own hair.

"It's not exactly trouble it's just...well it's a bit complicated. Do you think you can help me out?"

"Hey Madara, why is your face even more sadder than usual?" Madara looked back at the grinning Hashirama. His eyes trailed over to the basket in his hands.

"What's that?" Hashirama lifted up the cover that was hiding the food. "Dumplings! Would you like some?"

The two friends sat on the ground, eating the dumplings in silence. In mid chewing, Hashirama spoke, "Sho howr shu an Tenschi? Dyon anything beshide horing hands and kyeshes?"

Madara's face scrunches up, "Huh?" Hashirama swallowed the food in his mouth, wiping the edges of his lips. "How are you and Tenshi doing? Have you done anything beside holding hands and kisses?"

Madara choked on the dumpling, Hashirama quickly patting his back. Hashirama gave a sly smile, "I'll take that as a no. What's wrong?"

Madara looked at his friend and looked down to the dumpling in his hands. "To be honest, I'm afraid. I don't want to hurt her. You know how beautiful Tenshi's grin is. I don't want to ever see her frown because of me. I'm afraid that I'm going to do something and she won't see me the same."

Hashirama stared at his distraught friend and sighed. He got up and smacked his back with plenty of force. Madara glared up at him, "What the hell?!"

Hashirama stuck his tongue out, "I think you're underestimating Tenshi. You should know by now how much she loves us. Of course she might say that she loves you more but it's obvious that Tenshi loves me the most. Anyways I think if you did hurt her she would still love you. She isn't someone who would hate people. As long as you two keep a good system of communication then I think that you two will go far in life."

Hashirama smiled as he saw his friend process his words. Madara groaned, covering his face with his hands. "If an idiot like you can give me good advice then maybe I'm becoming an idiot as well."

Hashirama fell to the ground, a cloud of sadness surrounded him. "All I do is help but you still call me an idiot." Madara chuckled and patted his back, "Thank you though. Not stop being a loser and be a Hokage."

Tenshi hummed a small tune as she washed the last of the dishes. She bopped her head along to the rythum in her head.

"Some dangos~ Some mangos~ Some chocolate~ Some candy~ Some Dara~ Some Hashi~ Some MadaHashi~ All these things are things that I love~"

"MadaHashi? Are you still about that? " Hearing the sudden deep voice cause Tenshi to yelp. She stared at him with wide eyes, placing her hand over her beating heart.

"Dara chan~ Give me a heads up next time! I could have died!" Madara smirked, placing a kiss on her lips.

"Tenshi you're immortal. I don't think a scare can kill you." Tenshi scrunched up her face, "I could if I was scared really bad."

Madara sweatdropped as Tenshi suddenly sat on the ground concentrating on the thought. He gently grabbed Tenshi's wrists and pulled her up.

Tenshi curiously looked at him, "What's wrong? You look constipated." Madara shook his head and pushed a wavy hair strand behind her ear.

"Tenshi...I...I'm really sorry. I know that you said we could go as slow as we want but well...I feel like I'm going a bit too slow." Tenshi gave a soft smile, stroking his cheek. "Madara?"

He took a small breath and gave her a smile, a genuine loving smile. Tenshi's cheek turned pink. "I love you Tenshi. I really do, and not like the other 'I love you's'. Before I said I love because I needed you to cure my loneliness. Now...I'm saying I need you because I love you so much. I love you."

Tenshi's eyes watered and gave a small laugh. She pressed her lips against him. She breathaly spoke, "I love you Madara. I really do."

The two stood there, in the middle of the kitchen, embracing each other with their foreheads touching.

Outside a figure could be seem. A struggling Hashirama peeked through the window. A grin placed on his lips. "And that is how the great Hashirama brought his two friends together."


I hope you enjoyed this little one shot. Have a nice Valentine's with your anime bae♡ Shiro

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