Chapter 95 - Reunion

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(y/n) pov

I fired my lock on rockets at her, and all 3 hit, doing a lot of damage to her outer armour, but it could take more.

She brought a huge laser of energy down near me and began to drag it across the floor towards me, making me have to dash away and over to a drone, smashing it into the floor as I landed. As I did, I faced the Khan Maykr again and began to charge up another load of rockets.

As they locked on, she fired several orbs of energy at me, which I dashed around before launching my rockets at her. Once again, they all hit her and caused collateral damage to her armour, causing her to just hover there.

Smash her armour with your fist.

Ahsoka!? Are you alright?? I asked myself as I heard her voice, immediately fearing the worst.

I'm alright (y/n), don't worry about me.

I grappled onto the Khan and smashed her suit in. As I did so, several pieces of armour went flying off everywhere, before she flew upwards and prepared to fight again.

How did you get out? I asked as I shot a ballista bolt at the Khan before dashing around a drone and smashing it into a wall.

Petro, he, saved me. He was broken out of prison by Barriss, taught about the dark side, and used it against her to, save me.

I fucking despised Petro, so much so that I was able to charge enough argent energy up inside of me to bring a lightning strike down onto the Khan, destroying another layer of armour.

Don't be mad, he saved me!

I'm getting as mad as I can, it helps, remember?

Once again, I grappled onto the Khan and forced my fist against her, obliterating her outermost layer of armour yet again.

I forgot about that.

I smiled as I shot the heads off of a few drones and began to unload my minigun into the Khan.

Anyway, are you safe?

I'm on my way to help Hayden with Sidious.

And, the icon of sin.

It's Awake!? And on Coruscant!?!?

It was the only way.

I could feel Ahsoka sigh inside of me as I said that.

Alright. I won't be able to kill that, so you better hurry up.

I will be as quick as I can. I said as I fired a ballista bolt into the Khan's armour again, destroying yet another layer of if.

Also, once she is dead, I will be a lot more powerful. Ahsoka said

Why so?

The balance between light and dark will be more contrasting. I will be countering out you, Sidious and the icon.

I nodded as I did what I've done the last two times to finish off a layer of armour.

Anyway, I've got a bigger problem to deal with. Ahsoka said to me.

I've been fighting the Khan this entire time.

You what!? Stop talking to me and kill it then!

Ok, I love you.

I love you too!

With Ahsoka now out of my head, nice as it was, I could now focus on channeling my rage and not be soothed by her voice every second.

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