Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control

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Me and Ahsoka arrived back in our room at the temple. It was still daylight and looked as if it was about midday.

"Let's go to the council first." Ahsoka said as she began to walk unaided to the door, although she stumbled a little as she did so and leant against the wall.

"Ahsoka, you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I, I'm fine." She said as she forced herself to stand up.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I walked up to her. She had one hand hard pressed against her right ribs clutching it gently. "Does your side hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little." She replied.

"Let me see." I asked. She took her hands off of her ribs and let me look. I couldn't see what had happened, so I slowly rubbed it. As soon as my hand touched her rib though, she yelped and jolted away from my hand. "That's not right. You've probably got a broken rib." I said.

"Hopefully that's as bad as it gets." She said as she gently placed her hand back onto her side.

"Can you properly walk?" I asked.

"I, no." Ahsoka replied as she took another unaided step and fell into me as she did so, causing her to whimper and screw her eyes up.

"Come here, let's get you to the med bay." I said as I slowly and gently picked her small body up. She was whimpering a tiny bit as I picked her up but after that she was mostly fine, spending most of the journey to the med bay asleep in my arms. She must've been knackered. She'd gone from training people she didn't like for a few hours to believing that her boyfriend had died, to slaughtering droids and exhausting herself, to having to deal with Lux again to killing one of the most powerful demons to ever exist, and the fact that she was still actually awake afterwards was a suprise.

We soon arrived at the med bay. Upon entering it, I saw Barriss and her master getting themselves patched up. There were a few others as well but I didn't know them.

I walked away from Barris and placed Ahsoka down on a free bed. She grumbled a little and turned to face me.

"What happened?" She asked.

"What do you remember?" I asked.

"You picked me up and said to get me here." She replied.

I sighed as I fussed Ahsoka's head. "Well, I took you here, just you fell asleep along the way."

Ahsoka smiled before turning to the medical droid which had just appeared.

"Hello, what is the problem?" He asked.

"Ahsoka's ribs hurt a lot when touched." I replied.

"Where on her ribs?"

"Just down here." I said as I hovered my finger over where I touched her ribs earlier and she yelped.

The droid got a scanner out and began to scan it. After a second, he stopped scanning and looked up at me.

"One of the ribs has been broken, but in an unusual way."

"How so?" I asked.

"It has cracked like a normal rib but the inside of it has become heavily inflamed in a way I haven't seen before."

I looked down at Ahsoka who currently looked very worried.

"Vega, scan the rib." I said.

"That inflammation is a demonic corruption. If left untreated, it could turn Ahsoka into a demon. The rib and surrounding tissue must be removed immediately to ensure that no further damage occurs."

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