Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth

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"I have located the first hell priest but his signal will not stay." Vega, my AI, said to me. It had been too long since I'd been in this realm. Aeons had gone past since I'd seen anyone alive. I put my helmet on and grabbed my shotgun out of its case. I'd met some robot called Samuel Hayden who was able to repair my lightsaber, so I grabbed that too. I hadn't used it much, but it would still be useful.

I loaded the shotgun and looked through the portal. The transmissions from this dimension of people's screams and cries for help were what drove me to help them. Without delay, I charged through the portal.

I landed inside what was called a hell barge. I looked up to see 3 zombies staring at me, so I quickly shot 2 and cut the other in half. I made my way through the hell barge not stopping for anything. Imps couldn't touch me and neither could the zombies. At this point in time, I was unkillable.

Vega had told me where in the hell barge the priest was hiding, so I made my way straight to him. The entrance to his room was guarded by a huge, locked metal door. I could have cut through it, but it would be easier and quicker if I just kicked it down, so I did. I made my way through the door and into the room. The hell priest was to my left, so I charged at him and grabbed him around the neck.

"My soul remains guarded!" He shouted as he tried to take my hands off his neck. He writhed around as I tightened my grip. Eventually though, my grip overpowered his bones and I crushed his neck, splitting his head from his body. I put his head in my warp pack before turning around to see someone standing behind me.

"Oh my god. W-who are you?" The orange skinned teenager said. They seemed familiar, but I didn't have time for this. I walked past them towards the exit of the ship. "(Y/n)?"

I turned back towards them and stared hard into their eyes. Suddenly it all came back to me. I was (y/n). That was my name before I left. I'd gone to hell all just to keep people safe, and I'd become who I was now just to do so. I still couldn't remember who they were. It had been so long since I'd seen anyone else, and even longer again since I've seen someone alive.

I took my helmet off and looked at the person.

"Who are you?" I asked, not being able to recall where I could remember them from. Their eyes widened as I said so.

"I, I'm Ahsoka. You, you remember me, right?"

I dropped my helmet on the floor. Ahsoka Tano, one of the only people who I cared about before I left. I grabbed my hair and started to pull on it. This couldn't be happening. I'd spent aeons in hell and time hadn't changed whatsoever for those who I swore to protect. I punched the wall, leaving a huge dent in the 12 inch steel plating. Ahsoka looked scared at what I was doing.

I punched another hole in the wall before sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor. Tears began to form in my eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Ahsoka asked.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I looked over Ahsoka's shoulder to see a clone trooper with a blue helmet run in.

"Ahsoka what's going on?" He asked.

"Rex, it, it's (y/n)." She said as she turned to Rex.

"Commander (l/n)?" He asked as he walked over. "Oh my word. You, you're alive!"

I still lay on the floor crying. I put my hands over my face and began to hyperventilate. This couldn't have been happening. All the billions upon billions of years I'd spent of perpetual torment to make those up here live happy lives was all for nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Ahsoka asked as she lifted my hands up off my face. I looked up at her before standing back up.

"I, I'll tell you and the others when we get back." I said.

"Ok." Ahsoka said as she herself stood up. Rex heard something in his earpiece before turning to us.

"The group have been attacked by these, things. Apparently there are some big ones down there. They need our help."

I looked at Ahsoka and smiled before putting my helmet back on.

"Are you sure you can fight?" Ahsoka asked.

"I've done nothing but this for a long time Ahsoka. Now, I have a reason to do so as well." I replied.

Ahsoka and Rex nodded before I broke the door out of the hell barge down and we jumped out of it and onto the destroyed city floor.

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