Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness

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I entered the barracks and immediately saw a lot of clones doing all sorts of stuff. Some were just talking, others cleaning their guns, some were messing around, but all of them were brothers, and they were my brothers also.

I looked around the place to see if I recognised any clones and I saw Echo, Fives and Rex talking to each other, so I decided to go say hello.

"Hello there." I said as I walked over to them.

"Reporting for duty!" Rex said as they all saluted me.

"Woah, at ease guys, Jesus." I said. "I'm here because Ahsoka's gone on a mission and I want to socialise, not to rally you guys for a mission."

"Ah, so that's where Cody went." Echo said.

"Yeah, gone to Felucia with General Skywalker, Kenobi and this one's girlfriend." Fives said as he pointed at me.

I smiled at his remark.

"The question is, how much should I embarrass her?" I said.

"What'd you mean?" Rex said.

"As brothers, with her being the closest thing you guys have to a sister, we kinda have to embarrass her every now and then." I said.

"Right, I see what you're getting at." Fives said.

"What you thinking?" Rex said.

"I don't know, how about I tell you something we did together which will embarrass her but not me because I don't have emotions?" I said.

"Like what?" Fives asked.

"I don't know, how embarrassing do you guys want it to be for her?" I asked.

"Let's start lower and make our way up." Echo said.

"Alright. A little embarrassing thing for her is that she fell asleep while we were on Mortis and she was supposed to be repairing the ship." I said.

"That, could be awkward for her." Fives said.

"Put it up a notch." Rex said. "That's pathetic."

"Ok, she'll be embarrassed by the fact that she cannot resist getting her lekkus rubbed." I said. "Just, wherever she is, if I start rubbing her lekkus, she just melts."

"Ooh, that could be interesting." Fives said.

"Just, I can't guarantee that she'll treat you the same way she treats me." I said.

"In what way?" Fives asked.

"Well, for a start, if she knows it isn't me rubbing her lekkus but she knows it's someone else, she might get a little feisty over it, I don't know, lekkus are very sensitive and she could be over protective." I said.

Rex nodded at me. "That was just the start hey?" He said.

"Oh it only is the start." I said. "This next thing will, well, it'll definitely embarrass her a lot if you bring it up." I said.

"Go on sir." Fives said.

"Well, I think you all know that when she was drunk at 79s, she started exclaiming about how I, to quote, 'fucked her' and how after that Rodian out the back touched her, she said she wanted me to touch her and she didn't give in until I did, well, those weren't the only 2 times that she's, well, decided that she wants me, how do I put this. Those weren't the only times she's wanted me inside of her." I said.

"Oh, that, it will be quite embarrassing." Echo said.

"Yeah, and some of the quotes I could give you could be quite funny if you say they're her quotes." I said.

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