Chapter 99 - Ahsoka

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Me and Hayden landed back in Urdak in a short, wide corridor. Behind us there was a huge section of rooms, beyond which laid the Holt, which currently contained hordes of demons. Infront of us however, was the Luminarium.

"Go on, Slayer. Resurrect Ahsoka, the true heir to the throne of Urdak." Hayden said.

I walked up to the door, Ahsoka's life sphere in my hands as I did so and walked through the now opening door.

Inside the room was a void. Nothing could be seen at all, except for two Maykr drones floating side by side. As I walked towards them, they floated up to me and looked down at the orb.

The drones lifted the orb out of my hands without touching it and floated back to where they started, taking the orb with them. I walked nearer to them as a split ring of gold began to spin around the life sphere. As that happened, it slowly got quicker and quicker as 4 beams of light came out of the corners of the sphere and down to these holes in the floor, illuminating them as it happened. The light then began to spread across the floor and the pattern slowly became completed by the light.

The second the pattern was complete, a bright beam of golden rays shone down from above. I looked up to see where it was coming from and saw that it stretched on forever with seemingly no end, and as I looked down, I couldn't contain my happiness as a smile made its way onto my face.

The life sphere disappeared as Ahsoka's Silhouette could be made it. It slowly began to get more filled out as she curled up slightly as she hovered, getting increasingly more solid and real as it happened.

I watched as she stopped being see through and opened her eyes before finally, the beam of light stopped and she was dropped to the floor.

Ahsoka Tano stood Infront of me, alive once more.

She slowly walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I immediately hugged her as tightly as I could, letting the tears form in my eyes because I just couldn't hold them back.

Ahsoka took my helmet off and put it on the floor before holding my head in her hands as I continued to hold her waist with one hand and her neck with the other.

"I'm back (y/n), and you won't ever lose me again." She whispered as she pressed our lips hard onto on another's. We made out hard together as we stood in the Luminarium in one another's arms, not caring that there were Maykr drones watching us do it. We didn't have any shame about what we were doing because we loved each other, and to be forcefully split apart so abruptly and violently was more soul splitting than any length of aeons down in hell ever could be.

Soon, me and Ahsoka stopped making out with one another and instead, we just stood there in one another's arms.

"Even though it was just a day, it was the hardest day of my entire aeons long life." I said as I rubbed her lekku up and down. She moaned a little as I did so and planted her head into my chest. "I would have done anything to get you back, Ahsoka, and if I couldn't-"

Ahsoka pressed her index finger against my lips and smiled.

"I'm back, I'm alive and more powerful than ever before." She said with a smile. "Now, let's get Urdak, my realm, back under control before we can't anymore and save the fun for back on Coruscant."

I smiled as me and Ahsoka gave eachother one more kiss on the lips briefly.

"Also, I got some presents for you." I said as we got out of one another's arms, even though I'd have happily stayed there forever.

"Go on then." She said.

I took her two lightsabers and crucible out and held them in my hands. Ahsoka smiled as she took the lightsabers. She ignited them both and smiled as they glowed their sky blue colour into the void we were still in, before extinguishing them and placing them back onto her belt. She then proceeded to take her crucible from me. She smiled at me as she opened it up and watched the blue sparks emit from her very own crucible before too putting that away.

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