Chapter 97 - Portal

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I landed in the Republic Headquarters and immediately heard sirens blaring and saw red lights flashing.

"Stop!" Commander Fox yelled as him and several other clones aimed their guns at me. "You are under arrest!"

"Fuck OFF!" I yelled as I slammed the floor again and sent them flying.

"General (y/n), do not resist or we will shoot!" Fox yelled.

"I don't care now fuck off!" I screamed again as I began to make my way to the interdimensional teleporter.

"Open fire!" Fox yelled.

Him and his men began to shoot at me, to no avail of course. I had that much argent in me that nothing was doing any damage at all.

"Lock the interdimensional teleporter down!" He yelled.

I turned to face Fox and dashed up to him. I proceeded to grab him by the neck and hold him there.

"Don't you fucking dare." I growled.

"Lock it." He whimpered through my choking.

I crushed his neck and split his head from his shoulders as I began to walk towards the interdimensional teleporter once again, only to see Mace Windu, Anakin and Obi Wan between me and it.

"Stop!" Anakin yelled.

"No. I am getting Ahsoka back." I growled as I began to walk towards them.

"No. You do not know what will happen if you resurrect her."

"Yes I fucking do!" I yelled.

"No you don't! The balance between light and dark will fail and the universe will collapse!" Mace yelled.

"No it won't. You have no idea what you're talking about." I replied.

"He is true."

I turned to see the Seraphim walked towards me, yellow sparks emitting from his heavily damaged body.

"The dark will rule us and destroy all." He said.

I turned to face him as I ignited my lightsaber.

"You are LYING!" I yelled.

"I am not lying!" Hayden yelled back. "I have seen what unlimited power can do to one who wishes to use it to better himself! It destroys entire galaxies!"

I growled as I turned away from him and began to walk towards the portal. Anakin got between me and it so I pushed him to the side.

"(Y/n), Hayden is right! The whole universe will die if you do this!" Obi Wan yelled.

"No it won't." I replied.

"You've changed." Rex said. "When I met you as the Slayer, (y/n), you would do whatever was best for the people, not yourself." I looked over at him as he talked. "You would sacrifice yourself just so that others would live and now look at what's happened to you. You have become a monster. You are not the (y/n) I once knew, and not the (y/n) that Ahsoka Tano fell in love with."

I stopped in my tracks and thought back to all of this, me meeting Ahsoka, our time together, her smile, her cuteness, her laugh, everything from the bad, to the good, and all which would fall in-between. Had I really become a monster?

"(Y/n), she's gone." Obi Wan said. "You can move on, forget about her."

I looked up at Hayden and growled at him as something very important just occured to me.

"You are LYING!" I yelled as I ran at Hayden. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" Rex yelled.

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