Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word

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I woke up to hear some knocking. I went to get up but felt Ahsoka still lying on top of me, asleep. God she looked cute. I slowly stroked her lekkus to try and gently wake her up. I planted a few kisses on her forehead while I was at it. After not too long, she began to grumble. As she did, I kissed her on the forehead in a more passionate kiss.

"Morning (y/n)." Ahsoka grumbled as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning 'Soka." I replied. Ahsoka looked down at me and smiled before hearing the person knocking on the door. She immediately slumped her head back onto my chest.

"Do I have to get up?" Ahsoka whined.

"Yes." We heard Anakin say from outside, causing me to chuckle a little.

"Alright." Ahsoka said as she reluctantly got off of me. She pushed against the bed, stood up and stretched herself upwards, sighing a little as she did so.

While she was doing all of that, I got out of bed myself. I walked over to the door but before I could unlock it, Ahsoka grabbed me and pressed her lips against mine. We had them held together for a few seconds before she backed out.

"You can open the door now." Ahsoka whispered.

"Thank you." I said with a smile. I turned back to the door and unlocked it. As I did, it opened up and Anakin stepped forward.

"Hello (y/n), hello Snips." Anakin said. "I just wanted to say that we're back over Coruscant and that the ships are going down in a few minutes."

"Ok. We'll be down shortly." I replied.

"Ok. See you there." Anakin replied before turning away and walking off.

As the door closed, me and Ahsoka turned back to each other and smiled.

"I have a feeling that you're not going to let me leave yet are you." I said with a smile.

"You got a problem with that?" Ahsoka said as she walked up to me and put her hands on the back of my head.

"I don't think I could ever have a problem with that." I said as I put one of my hands on Ahsoka's waist and the other on the back of her head.

I slowly pulled her head into mine but just before our lips connected, the door opened and revealed Rex standing on the other side.

"Uh, very sorry commander Tano and commander (l/n)." Rex said.

"No, don't be Rex." Ahsoka said as she took her hands off of me and walked towards Rex. "What is it?" Ahsoka said trying to make herself not sound annoyed.

"I came here to say two things. Firstly, the shuttles are waiting for you two and secondly that what happened on Umbara wasn't your fault."

Ahsoka looked at the floor as sadness enveloped her. "Rex it is my fault. Everything which made Anakin have to leave and lead to you being dictated by Krell was my fault. If I'd have done anything differently on that day, he wouldn't have had to leave you on Umbara with that monster."

"Commander Tano, it is my fault not yours."

"No it's not!" Ahsoka shouted, causing Rex to step back out of shock. "I, I'm sorry Rex. I'm sure you did everything you could to try and help your men but it was still my fault."

"I, I'm sorry for bringing it up." He said as he began to walk off.

Ahsoka stayed looking at the floor.

"It's ok." I said as I hugged her.

"No it isn't." She replied as she forced herself out of my arms, startling me slightly. "I need to go to hell." Ahsoka said as she walked out of the room and down the corridor towards the shuttles. I jogged up next to her and walked along side her.

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