Chapter 33 - Aftermath

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I woke up with my hand still in Ahsoka's. I looked across at her and saw that she was still asleep, looking as cute as ever. I smiled as I gently kissed her on the forehead.

I looked around the med bay to see what was going on and saw Master Plo meditating on his bed with a bandage around his head, Barriss still asleep and Kit Fisto talking to a medical droid.

After Kit Fisto had finished talking to the droid, he left the medical bay giving me his signature little smile as he left. The medical droid then walked over to me and began to check on Ahsoka.

"How's she doing?" I asked.

"She lost a fair amount of blood yesterday so she'll be a little weak today, but she'll slowly regain her strength over the next couple days." The droid said. He then put some form of scanner to her head and inspected it for a second before looking back up. "Her condition is stable. Once she has woken up, she should be allowed to leave. I would recommend that she doesn't do anything which gets her heart rate up or blood pressure up as that could cause damage to her brain from lack of oxygen in her blood stream. Try to make sure that she stays calm, quiet and still for today. Tomorrow, she can begin to get back into a more normal routine."

"Thanks." I said as I smiled at him and Ahsoka. The droid then walked off and began to look at Barriss.

I kept my hand in Ahsoka's as I leant back in my chair and began to just let my mind drift. I thought about whatever my mind led me to until eventually I was pulled out of my trance by someone entering the med bay. I looked up and saw that it was Obi Wan and Anakin.

"Hello (y/n)." Anakin said as they walked in. "How's she doing?"

"She's doing fine." I said as I looked across at her and smiled. "She lost a fair amount of blood yesterday so she's a little weak and it'll take a day or two for her to regain her strength, so after that she can restart her normal routine, but until then, she's got to keep quiet and not do too much." I said as I fussed Ahsoka on the forehead.

"Well, you can keep her very good company." Anakin said.

"Actually, the council would like to discuss yesterday first." Obi Wan said. "They are ready to do it at any time so you could do it now if you want."

I turned to Anakin who looked at me reassuringly. "You head up there now." He said. "I'll call you if anything happens to her. She'll either be here or in her room when you come back."

"Ok." I said as I kissed Ahsoka on the forehead and stood up. I grabbed my helmet and the gauntlet which I took off and put them both back on. "Let's go." I said to Obi Wan. He smiled before we both walked together to the Jedi council meeting.

When we got there, I was met by Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Mundi and Master Fisto. Obi Wan led me to a chair but I remained standing up. Obi Wan sat down in his chair.

"Padawan, take a seat." Master Windu said.

"I can't, I'll break the seat." I said as I took my helmet off and put it on the chair. "This suit weighs a total of about 400 kilogrammes and I'd rather not break a chair."

Master Windu nodded before turning to the others.

"I think we all have one question (y/n), that being, what was that thing?" Master Windu asked.

"That was a super gore nest." I replied. "They are huge portals to hell which the demons can travel through from their dimension to ours."

"Is that why there were so many of those demons?" Master Mundi asked.

"Yes. Once the nest had been opened, an interdimensional rift was formed in the surrounding area allowing demons to easily pass through from hell to out realm." I replied.

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