Chapter 94 - Urdak

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(y/n) pov

I crushed the last imp into the floor before standing back up and looking at my HUD. There was a vent across the gap next to my arena which I had to through to get out of this destroyed heaven.

"By awakening the icon of sin inside of Urdak, the holy seal has been broken, and the demons can pass through the void like never before." Hayden said.

I took a run up to the jump and leapt across the gap to the vent, ignoring what Hayden said to me because at this point in time, the most important thing for me to do was get back to Coruscant and save Ahsoka.

I ran through the vent and out the other side, onto a platform with 3 massive rings beyond it. As I did land, 2 of them began to move in a circle, putting them out of line with each other.

"To get back to Coruscant, you must realign the rings manually. Get to the terminal and I will be able to do that for you." Vega said.

I nodded as the direction in which I needed to head appeared on my HUD. Without hesitation, I began to make my way over to it, bouncing through each of the orange rings and platforms to get nearer to it.

I landed on one final platform as I looked up to see where the terminal was. It was just above me, but I had to go through the inside of the building to get to it, which was made harder by the immense amount of demons which had decided that now was a good time to spawn in.

I growled as I saw an archvile spawn out of the corner of my eye. As soon as I'd processed that it was an archvile, I sprinted through the horde to get to it, smashing any demons that got near to me in the process before arriving at the archvile.

He'd put a shield up to stop me, but it failed dramatically, as one single forceful smash of my fist and it was destroyed, staggering the archvile, but not for long enough for me to kill him.

He launched a beam of fire towards me before teleporting behind me. As he did, I turned around to see just how big the horde which was present was. It would take me way to long to kill all of these demons with guns, and it was time that I just didn't have.

I closed my eyes and listened to their growls and focussed on Ahsoka. She needed me, and she needed me now. I had to kill these guys, else she'd die. I couldn't let that happen.

I continued to focus my rage into these demons holding me back from Ahsoka when she was in desperate need of me, and within seconds, my suit's argent limit had been hit, but mine hadn't.

I kept charging my argent up inside of me before opening my eyes and releasing it all in one huge burst of energy.

The red circle of pure rage which I'd let out engulfed everything near to me, completely evaporating every demon near me. Not even the tyrant or marauder were able to survive it, but I did with ease.

I continued on my way towards the terminal and into the building. As I entered, a hell knight charged me, but I impaled him onto my blade before ripping his chest open, killing him.

I made my way into the Urdak elevator and pushed the button to make us rise, and it did.

As the elevator doors opened at the top, I walked out and over to the terminal.

"Place me into the terminal." Vega said. I took part of my Vega chip out and placed it into the terminal. "Realigning dimensional transport rings. I can, see, now. Am I, the f-athe-r , Dr Hay-den?" Vega stuttered.

Hayden gave no reply.

After a second of silence, I noticed that the two rings which had moved earlier had now moved back into where they were supposed to be. As they did, a beam of light was shone down the middle of them, illuminating the rings as it went before exploding into a huge circle of light which blurrily resembled Coruscant.

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