Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis

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I woke up with Ahsoka still in my arms. God she was cute. I know I say this every time I see her but I just can't not. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and cradled her head closer to me. She let out a soft sigh as a smile crept onto her face. I noticed this small smile and kissed Ahsoka on the forehead again.

"Morning 'Soka." I whispered to her. She didn't respond to me. All she did was snuggle herself closer to me and smile. "Time to wake up." I whispered again as I began to fuss her lekkus. She opened her eyes and rolled them upwards.

"Awww, that's nice." Ahsoka moaned as she sunk into the bed. "Awwwww." She grumbled as I kept fussing. Eventually though, I stopped and sat up. Ahsoka opened her eyes and looked up at me. God I couldn't stop now, I just couldn't. I lifted her up and sat her between my legs before continuing to fuss her lekkus. She continued mumbling to herself as I kept fussing. After a while, I stopped fussing her lekkus and pulled her head into mine for a kiss. She put one arm around me and held my hand with the other as we pressed our lips hard against each others. We kept them pressed hard for a while before slowly backing out of the kiss. Ahsoka smiled as we gazed into each others eyes, just admiring each other.

We went for another kiss but Ahsoka's comm link went off. Ahsoka groaned as she reached out of the bed to pick it up while staying in my arms. She picked it up off the floor and saw Anakin calling him.

"You don't mind, do you?" Ahsoka asked.

"No not at all." I replied. Ahsoka smiled before answering the call. As she did, Anakin appeared. He looked like he was in a battle which wasn't going well, which I had a feeling Ahsoka would get roped into.

"Master, what's happening?" Ahsoka asked.

"Snips, we need backup now." Anakin said as he deflected some bullets. After he'd done so, he turned to face us. His eyes widened as he saw me behind her but shook it off before going back to being serious. "(Y/n), we could use your help too." Anakin said before be began to turn to static.

"Master?" Ahsoka asked but got no response. "Master!?" Ahsoka asked again as the line shut. Ahsoka sighed and turned to me. "Looks like they need our help." She said.

"What fun. That's now 131 times that Anakin has called to ask you for help." I said as I got out of bed. Ahsoka giggled as she put her combat gear on. In a matter of seconds, she'd finished and I'd barely even started putting my clothes back on.

"Come on, hurry up!" Ahsoka said.

"I know. You've just got this flimsy thing to out on." I said as I pulled at her sleeves. "I've got all of this. Feel the weight of this shoe." I said as I handed her one of my boots. She took it from me and almost dropped it.

"My god that's heavy." Ahsoka said as she returned it to me.

"I know, tell me about it." I said as I continued to put my suit on. Eventually, I'd finished and Ahsoka finally stopped leaning against the all saying 'are you done yet?' every ten seconds.

"Finished." I said as I turned to Ahsoka. She smiled and grabbed my hand before leading me to the door.

"I'm hungry so I'm gonna go get some food." Ahsoka said as she unlocked her door. She opened it and checked both ways before leading me outside and towards the cafeteria. As we got there, I saw several Jedi and padawans around the place, the only ones of which I recognised were master Unduli and her padawan Barriss.

Me and Ahsoka got our food which looked fine to me but Ahsoka disagreed. She led me over to Barriss and we sat down next to them.

"Hello Barriss." Ahsoka said as she sat down.

"Hello Ahsoka. Who's your friend?" Barriss asked.

"I'm (y/n)." I said as I took my helmet off. Both Barriss and Unduli recoiled in shock at my presence since I was incorrectly confirmed dead.

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