Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake

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It took about an hour to get to the creature's village. Once we got there, Wag told everyone else to go talk to the elder while me and Ahsoka to follow him.

I carried Ahsoka into the house which Wag led me to.

"Place her here." He said as he pointed at the mat which laid on the floor. I did as he said and gently placed Ahsoka down onto the mat. "I can help her more now. She'll be healed completely by the end of tomorrow, minus the nerves in the burnt areas."

"I'm staying here as well." I said. "I'll protect both her and you from these invaders."

Wag and Ahsoka looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you." Wag said as he turned back to his table and continued to do stuff.

I sat next to Ahsoka and she held my hand. We stayed like that for a while before Wag turned back around and walked next to Ahsoka.

"This'll help." He said as he rubbed something onto a bandage and placed it around her forehead.

Ahsoka inhaled sharply as it touched her but instantly calmed down.

"Ooh that's cold." Ahsoka said as she looked over at me. "It's nice though."

We smiled at each other as Wag walked back over to get something else. He spent another minute or two doing something else before he came back to Ahsoka and placed another bandage with something on onto her burn wound on her stomach. She tensed her arm a little as it touched her but once again she quickly relaxed.

"You're lucky that your lekkus are fine." Wag said as he once again, turned back around and went to his table.

"What would happen if something had happened to her lekkus?" I asked.

"It's incredibly painful and hard to heal." Wag said. "Lekkus are sensory organs and have an increased number of nerve endings in them. When one gets damaged, it hurts so much and hurts even more if anything touches them, even if that thing usually numbs pain."

Ahsoka looked up at me with slight worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." I said.

The worry slowly left Ahsoka's eyes as a look of love came back into them.

"Thank you (y/n)." Ahsoka said.

"Anything for you, Ahsoka." I replied.

Wag then returned with some form of liquid in a cup.

"Drink this. It'll reduce any pain and boost your immune system to prevent you from getting sick." Wag said.

Ahsoka took the drink from Wag's hands. I helped her to sit up before she began to drink it. The second the liquid touched her lips, she squirmed at it and backed away.

"It might not taste nice, but trust me, it'll help." Wag said.

"Ok." Ahsoka said as she took a deep breath before taking a sip from the mixture. She almost gagged at it but was able to get the first sip down. "My god that's horrible." Ahsoka said. She put the cup to her lips again and went to take another sip. She let the drink flow into her mouth before trying to swallow, but couldn't. I could see that her gag reflex had kicked in and was refusing to let her swallow.

She spat the mixture back into the cup.

"Are you sure that's right?" Ahsoka asked.

"I am positive of it." Wag replied.

Ahsoka looked back down at the drink before taking a deep breath and taking another sip. She quickly downed the sip before retreating from the cup.

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