Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps

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Y/n pov

I landed on the cold, hard ground of the blood swamps, surrounded by decaying trees, corpses and with several zombies walking around the place. I looked up to so the Ingmore Sanctum towering way above the rest of the landscape. That's was where I was headed.

As I always used to do, I let the anger completely control me, destroying all of the zombies around me with my fists only before beginning my trek to the trials.

I was walking through a marsh area when suddenly an absolutely massive tentacle rises up from the ground. I immediately jumped up and into it before furiously slicing it with my blade. The tentacle wormed around and squealed as I continued to cut it up before it eventually exploded.

I landed on the floor of the swamp again before continuing to make my way forwards.

After killing a few imps, a revenant and a hell knight, I came to a gate.

"To open the gate, you must go up to your right and push the button." Hayden said as a yellow dot appeared on my HUD. I began to walk towards it but immediately, a marauder spawned Infront of me.

"I don't have fucking TIME FOR YOU!" I yelled as we ran at each other. He swung his argent battle axe as I swung my fist. We both collided with one another nearly simultaneously. His axe did nothing to me, but my fist, which I'd aimed at his head, absolutely obliterated his head in one, destroying it.

I pulled my super shotgun down and blasted any demons which spawned in as I made my way up to the button.

I pressed the green skull into its holding and heard as the gate down below me opened up. I jumped down from the ledge I was on and made my way through the gate. Immediately, I could see Maligog, and beyond that, the Ingmore Sanctum.

"There are two trials you must complete before you can face Maligog." Vega said. "One to either side."

I nodded as I made my way over towards the left trial and walked into it. As I walked through the black metal archway, the gate shut behind me, letting me know, the only way out was through, just how I liked it when I was by myself.

I began to make may way through the blood swamps, killing any Cacodemon, Arachnotron, Turret, Imp, anything which came in my way.

I'd just ripped a Cacodemon's eye out before sliding down a slope and into a new arena. Immediately, I saw red, totem buffed imps and gargoyles run at me.

"Great. A fucking Buff Totem." I said as I began to blast the imps and gargoyles to pieces with my heavy cannon. Once I'd mowed them all down, I looked over at the direction that the Totem was and saw it inside this building, surrounded by another metal cage.

"Great." I said, not having the best feeling about this.

I walked into the building as the gate shut behind me again. As I did, a portal opened at the back of the room and out ran a totem buffed marauder. Before I could react, he'd swung at me and hit my armour.

"Cunt!" I yelled as I fired a shotgun round at him. He instantly blocked it before going back on the offensive. He swung his axe at me again, but I caught it in my hands. I ripped it from him and swung it at him. He dashed back before charging me with his shield. I was sent backwards a fair bit, but nothing compared to how hard I could hit him.

I fired another shotgun round at him as he was forced to block it before instantly charging him. I grabbed him by the neck as I did so before crashing him into a wall. As I did, I headbutted his head against the wall and let go of him as he began to falter before ramming my blade up through his head, killing him.

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