Chapter 37 - ARC Complex

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(y/n) pov

Wrecker finished killing the final demon on the street and walked over to us.

"That's all of them." He said as he put his gun on his shoulder.

"Good job guys." I replied before walking towards the main gateway to the ARC headquarters. I looked up toward the right turret and saw that Anakin could jump across from the top of the building. "We've got to get to the top of this building. Once we're there, Anakin can jump across to the turret and blow up the tentacle. I'm sorry wrecker but Anakin's got to do this."

"Aw man." Wrecker groaned as he turned away.

"Come on Wrecker." Hunter said. "Let's get going."

We all turned to face the nearby building. A pinky charged out of the door but before he could do anything, he'd been stabbed through the eye by Anakin. He tried to move but couldn't get away from Anakin as he continued to stab the demon. After a couple of stabs, the demon went down.

"We can move." Anakin said before we all walked inside the building.

We walked a couple of floors before coming across any form of life, with the first instance being a revenant some and imps.

"Just kill them." I said as I drew my super shotgun and grappled onto the revenant. It tried to fly into the air but was still met by my super shotgun to the face before my doom blade going through his neck, killing him.

"Uh, what is that?" Anakin asked as a Mancubus jumped through the wall.

"Just get back. Boys, open fire!" I shouted as I pulled my minigun out. I span the barrels up as Hunter and Wrecker looked to see what I was doing. Once Wrecker saw the mancubus, he ran along side me and began to open fire just as my minigun did.

"Take this!" Wrecker shouted as me and him unloaded our weapons into him. The Mancubus stumbled about, aimlessly firing his flamethrowers. Soon, he stumbled forward and me and Wrecker stopped shooting. Before I could rip his heart out through, Hunter jumped in and pulled an electric blade out before ramming it into the mancubus's heart. The Mancubus groaned in pain and looked down just as the blade exploded, destroying the mancubus's heart. It fell over itself before exploding in a shower of blood.

"Well that worked." Hunter said as he walked over to the Mancubus corpse and retrieved his blade.

"You could say that." Anakin said before walking over to an elevator. "Come on, over heeeeeEEERE!" Anakin said as he pushed the call elevator button, causing the floor to fall out from underneath him. He fell with the floor. The rest of us all ran over to the hole and looked down to see Anakin lying on his back. "I'm fine." He said with a cough. He looked up and widened his eyes. "Uh, a little help please." He said as he drew his lightsaber. Me, Hunter and Wrecker quickly jumped down after him and we saw why he needed help. There were about 3 whiplashes, 2 prowlers, 2 mancubuses and a pinky, along with a metric ton of imps and zombies.

"This is where the fun begins." I said as I drew my super shotgun once again.

"Come at me!" Wrecker shouted as he began to unload his gun into the imps and zombies. Hunter quickly joined his clone brethren.

I grappled onto one of the mancubus's and fired a point blank shell into his face, tearing a lot of his flesh off as it hit. He groaned in pain but quickly began to fire his flamethrowers at me. I dashed around behind him and fired a rocket into his back. He grunted again but before he could turn to fire at me again, he'd been hit by another shotgun shell. He fell onto one knee, allowing me to run up to him and ram my blade right up through the top of his head, killing him.

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