Chapter 9 - Return

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I stepped onto the outside of the Jedi temple. It was currently quite dark, probably about 8 pm. I looked around to see a few clone troopers around the place, some talking to each other, others watching guard and some just walking around.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see 2 blue clone troopers standing behind me. One had a number 5 on his chest piece and the other had a blue shoulder pad on.

"What do you two want?" I asked, not being in the mood to talk to anyone but Ahsoka.

"We, uh, we wanted to ask you a few questions about, uh, what happened to you?" The one with the shoulder pad replied. I turned around and walked away from them, into the temple. I went straight to my room, ignoring everybody in the corridors, regardless of whether they wanted to talk to me or not. My mind was still half like I was in hell so I was still very angry.

One person did stop me however, that being Obi Wan.

"Hello (y/n)." He said as he stood Infront of me.

"Not now." I said as I walked past him.


"When I have to go to hell, my mind changes. I become an unstoppable monster full of nothing but anger and rage. When I'm like that, I don't function as a human being properly. I've just been back into hell for a mission and my mind is still in that state so, just, leave me alone."

Obi nodded and gave me some space. "I understand." He said before walking off. I continued my way to my room. Upon entering my room, I took all my suit off and got back into bed. Once again, I just let my mind wander around and think about whatever it felt like.

After about an hour, I heard Ahsoka's door open and close. A few minutes after it did, I heard Ahsoka get into bed followed by soft crying. I must've really upset her earlier. I myself began to get angry just thinking about it. How could I do such a thing to such an innocent person? I truly was a monster. I got out of bed and walked down to the training ground. Upon entering, there was nobody there so I had everything to myself. I went over to the biggest, hardest punching bag there was. They were meant to be used for hand to hand combat training like Jedi do, but I took a more forceful direct approach to it. I took it off its hook and lay it on the floor before I began to smash it as hard as I could. The bag took a couple hundred hits before splitting, meaning I had to move onto the next bag, and the next.

I beat up and destroyed 4 punching bags before someone entered the training ground. It was Ahsoka. As soon as I realised that she'd entered, I stopped punching them and turned to face her.

"(Y/n), I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for earlier." She said as she walked over to me.

"Ahsoka, it is entirely my fault. Don't but the blame on yourself." I replied.

"But, I'm the one who did stuff you asked me not to do! I'm the one who did all the-"

I put my arms around her body and hugged her close to me. Her soft skin against me was the nicest feeling I'd ever experienced. She wrapped her arms around me as well, increasing the niceness of the feeling even more.

We hugged for a good minute or two before we eventually stopped, mainly because we heard more footsteps approaching. As they got closer, I also heard some quiet talking coming along with it. We broke the hug and looked at the door, waiting for the people to enter. As they did enter, we realised it was Anakin and Obi Wan.

"Oh, hey Snips. What're you doing here at this time?" Anakin asked.

"I, had to tell (y/n) something." Ahsoka stuttered.

"And what was that?" Anakin inquired.

"I, I, I'll tell you tomorrow." Ahsoka rushed to say. Anakin didn't look convinced at her reply but Obi Wan did.

"Relax Anakin. This is still tough for everybody, especially Ahsoka. If she doesn't want to say now, don't force her to."

Anakin looked at the floor and sighed. "Yeah, guess you're right. Anyway, you two should probably head off to sleep." Anakin said before walking off with Obi Wan.

Me and Ahsoka made our way back to our rooms together. Once we'd got there, I stopped and turned to Ahsoka.

"Were you crying in there earlier?" I asked.

"What? No no no. You're just, it's, just-"

I pulled Ahsoka towards me and hugged her. "I'm sorry for earlier. That's what happens when rage controls me. I'll try to do everything I can to not do that ever again."

Ahsoka smiled up at me.

"Thanks (y/n)." She replied before breaking out of the hug. She walked to her door and began to enter the code. Once she'd entered it, she turned to me and waved before walking inside. I waited until I heard her door close before going into my room myself.

Once it had closed, I went back into my room and got into bed. By now it was well past midnight, probably even later, so I actually went to sleep, but not until I'd waited to hear if Ahsoka was having any difficulty sleeping. Once I'd spent about 15 minutes listening and I heard nothing, I put my head against my pillow and began to go to sleep.

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