Chapter 80 - Virus

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I began to prowl the facility, killing any droid I came across through the toxic blue gas which filled this entire place.

Whenever I found a droid, I would blast its head off and move onto the next.

"(Y/n), how's it going out there?" Ahsoka asked down my comm link.

"It's going fine. I'm killing every droid I come across, but there just seems to be so many. It's not difficult to kill them but I'm scared I might miss one." I said.

Ahsoka sighed. "Anakin and Obi Wan were able to get the cure location out of Vindi and they're heading there now. I think the only way for us to not risk the entire of Naboo is for me and the clones to come out and help."

"What? Are you crazy!? You'll die if you come out here!" I shouted as I smashed another droid to bits.

"I'd rather it were me then the entire of Naboo."

I sighed. I knew Ahsoka wanted to do good, even if it meant her dying, so there was no point arguing, I should just let her and stick by her side until the end.

"Alright. I'm coming back to the safe room now. I'm not going to leave you." I said.

"Alright. I'll see you there." Ahsoka said sounding sad and solemn.

I made my way back to the safe room and banged on the door. After a few seconds, the blast doors opened and out walked Ahsoka, Padmé in her hazmat suit and several clones. The blue gas immediately engulfed the room meaning that they were instantly inhaling it.

Ahsoka walked up to me and smiled.

"I'm doing this for other people's good. If we don't do this then millions will die!"

"I understand Ahsoka, more then you think, just, I know what it's like to sacrifice yourself to protect those you love and for them to end up getting hurt anyway."

Ahsoka's small smile faded as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"There's no need to be. Now let's go and kill some droids so that it isn't for nothing." I said as I fussed Ahsoka's head. "Actually, take my helmet. It'll slow the virus down." I said.

"Don't you need it?" She asked.

"My body doesn't work that way." I said. "Viruses and infections do nothing to me."

Ahsoka smiled as I took my helmet off and handed it to her. She put it on and sealed it off so that it was only a tiny amount of the virus getting through the filter at the front.

Me and her split off from the clones as soon as we had to and began to scour the facility for any droids that were trying to get out.

Whenever we'd found a droid, Ahsoka would leap at it and cut it to bits.

We'd just gone once around a loop killing every droid we could when I noticed Ahsoka looking a little tired.

"Ahsoka, are you feeling ok?" I asked.

"Yes (y/n), I, I'm fine." She replied as she leant against the wall. "Can you argent boost me? I'm tired and I don't want to fall asleep." Ahsoka said sleepily.

"I can, but it'll be painful."

"Do it." She replied wearily. I nodded and walked up to her before gripping her arm and forcing argent through me and into her. She squealed a little as I did so but quickly recomposed herself with some deep, heavy breaths.

"Better now?" I asked.

"Yes, much so." She replied full of energy before running off down the corridor after a droid she'd just spotted. God, the wonders of argent, even though I despise the stuff.

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