chapter thirty seven

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037: you are different

"And there you have it. The Coup d'état was successful." Hange finished her story, as we were all buried in the news paper she brought in. "Premier Zachary has control of the Capital and Administrative district. For the time being, the nobility hasn't rebelled."

"But what about the boss Reeves incident?" Armin asked. 

Hange smiled, glad at the occurrences. "We got a confession that proved the charges unfounded. His son Flegel really pulled through, big time."

"Just like what it's written there." Hange pointed to the piece of paper Levi held, which we were all busy ready in, "it shows the charges were bogus, they abused their power, and that King Fritz was a total fake. All our actions were justified as self defense." 

"In other words, we're free people now." she finished with a confident tone.

The cadets looked at each other knowingly, warm expression and breathes of reliefs heaved as they all celebrated having to come over that experience. Sasha was trapping Mikasa in her embrace as the boys lifted themselves to cheer.

Meanwhile, I was momentarily slumped onto the ground, letting out a loud groan of relief. "Fucking finally." I grumbled, placing a hand over my head to softly massage my temple. 

Levi spared me a glance before offering his hand to pull me up to stand, and I gingerly took it. His calloused palms, were rough, but nevertheless warm and he gave me a good pat as if he was congratulating us- me, if I wanted to be specific. 

"Looks like the gamble paid off." he commented, now looking over to Hange's direction. "Yeah. It wasn't just Erwin though. The lone choices of many managed to change the world." she responded, a look of consolation washing over her features.

Levi grunted as a sound of agreement. "And I managed to kill the three people you lent me." he answered, a hint of vindication in his tone, one I knew all to well that was just laced very deep within his unfaltering facade. "I'm sorry." he added.

But Hange only returned the statement with a small smile, knowing that he was truly apologetic, looking down on Levi's level that made the man avert his gaze to me, but I did the same, offering him a small smile of solace.

The undercut cleared his throat before speaking again. "The thing is, part of the Interior Police, their leader, Eren and Historia are somewhere else. If we don't find them soon..." he trailed off.

"I may have a clue about that." she presented a small book, the leather cover was rickety and clearly aged. "Let's get there and put an end to this battle." 


A fleeting breeze of chill air flew by. The night was only getting deeper and by then, we had set out to wherever Hange might suspect Eren and Historia. While Jean and Moblit rode in front of us with individual horses and torches held up high to serve as a guiding light, Levi, Hange, Mikasa and I stayed in the wagon, driven by Armin and finally, Sasha and Connie following with their own horses from behind.

"Hange-san." Mikasa started, "You said you might know where they are?" she asked, a look of growing hope rising in her black irises.

"Yeah, I'll explain." Hange seemed to be over prepared for the question as she turned to the book she was holding. "Erwin gave me this Scout investigation report regarding Lord Reiss' land. Most of it has to do with an incident five years ago that shook up the Reiss family."

"Five years ago?" Armin pipped up, curios. 

"Right. On the day Wall Maria was breached. I'll summarize the important bits from the beginning." she began. Instinctively, I leaned back, setting myself comfortable to listen to her details. 

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