chapter ten

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009: lack of humanity?

A bustle of wind swept in through the open window of the room I was inhabiting. Mornings in the inner walls was surely different the usual ones back at the main quarters but still, I managed to get a good night sleep, which was utterly surprising as I couldn't recall the last time I actually closed my eyes without having to be interrupted.

The news about Eren and his abilities spread out the walls faster than ever, earning both positive and negative reactions. Some praised it, some despised and feared it while some didn't give a fuck about what was happening. The Military Police was particularly not fond of the idea of having a titan-shifter around.

Erwin was out on his usual morning walk, and today was Eren's trial. After finishing breakfast and getting into my uniform, I took a stroll outside, bumping into an excited Hange with Mike trailing him from behind.

"Y/n!" She called over. Hands motioning for me to come closer. I waved by before jogging over to her. How did he look?" she asked fervently, jiggling my shoulders like she couldn't wait for the response.

"Well... he looked normal, that's for sure" I admitted, expecting her to feel a little less enthusiastic with my monotone response but instead, she busted into squealing. Mike flinched at the sudden reaction, making me chuckle.

"Aren't you supposed to be the one to pick him up later, you'll have plenty of time to look at the boy and hopefully examine him if we get to win this case" I hushed, voice smaller as I didn't want the other roaming soldiers to hear about our initial plan.

"We are, we'll see you later at the trial, Y/n" Mike spoke, waving before going ahead and Hange following behind while waving at me in goodbye. I nodded in return, going on my own way to see my Captain who was probably having his usual morning tea.


The courthouse doors opened and in came a very confused and perplexed Eren. He looked disheveled and unkempt but that was to be expected of his current placement. I just hoped that if things go well, Eren would be over on our side by the end of this trial.

Supreme Commander Darius Zacklay went over introductions fast. It was relieving that despite being confused, Eren was cooperative and silent through out the whole questioning, it made it a bit easier. Levi stood motionless beside me, Erwin was the same beside him.

"This court martial will decide which force shall take custody of you. First, let us hear the proposal of the Military Police."

"I am Nile Dawk, chief of the Military Police. Our proposition is as follows: We will examine Eren's body thoroughly, then dispose of him as soon as possible"

I wanted to gag at his words, but Levi elbowed me in order to make me stop giggling. "It is a fact that his Titan power repelled the last attack. However, his character induces many disturbances that may even lead to a rebellion." he finished but then someone from the church started blabbering again.

My eyes rolled upwards as I stifled a yawn. Levi was characteristically observant and quiet, his apathetic eyes showing nothing but boredom. The Supreme Commander silenced the whole room again, before turning to our corner.

"Next, let us hear the proposition of from the Recon Corps"

Erwin nodded before continuing. "I am Colonel Erwin Smith, the head of the thirteenth battalion of the Recon Corps. Our proposition is as follows: We will accept Eren as a formal member of the Recon Corps and recapture Wall Maria using his titan powers. That is all"

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