chapter four

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003: don't be

I clicked my tongue, cocking my head to the side as I adjusted the remaining leather straps. A full sized mirror was in front of me, giving me a full view of the supposed uniform of a soldier.

The grey shirt I had was tucked in neatly. My white pants fitted perfectly and the thick brown coat with the legendary freedom wings symbol etched on the back completed the look, along with the hundreds of straps that was necessary for the equipments I was going to use later.

A single knock presented itself on the doorway. I was given a different room from the others, for reasons I have no knowledge about.

"This feels... weird" I muttered, walking alongside Hange as we made our way past the empty hallway of the barracks and into the relatively empty grounds of the headquarters. "It fits you" she exclaimed, examining my form as we approached the two superiors waiting and a bunch of other people I don't know, parading behind their backs.

"Good Morning! Your official training starts today. Under the supervision of Corporal Levi and his subordinates. You will be placed under the watch of the Special Operation Squad" Erwin spoke, his voice was dominating.

There was platform not to far ahead, were the rest of who I assumed to be the Special Ops and some other squads was standing near by.

Hange urged me forward, making me march towards the platform. I stood there, gracing the whole crowd who looked up to me in mere curiosity. I had a good feeling I was already very well known around here but there was a lingering animosity in the atmosphere, thick enough that it could probably suffocate me. The uneasiness oozed as eyes pierced themselves onto my standing form, burning daggers through my skin.

"Starting from this day on, another one has joined us and will be fighting alongside all of you!" Erwin stood by my side, his voice covering the whole area, leaving me a bit surprised at his authority. He look towards me, a sense of comfort in his eyes, despite the strong and unbending look he held.

"Introduce yourself" he commanded.

Clicking my tongue, I took a good look at the faces I would be dealing with for the next good years, possibly for the rest of my life. I breathed softly, before standing on my full height, which was not much an inch shorter than Levi himself.

"Y/n" I smirked. Everyone looked a bit confused for a moment before I tried to continue. "Y/n. I don't have a last name anymore and don't ask why" I finished, cocking my head to the side to look at the Commander.

Erwin looked a bit distressed at this. His brows furrowing as he sighed while Hange only kept giving me nods of approval and thumbs up with a wide grin never leaving her face. Levi... well, he was being himself, looking a bit bored and maybe even upset at the whole gathering.


"I thought you said I was in? Why do I have to take a test?" I asked Erwin, hastening my steps as he was a bit way ahead of me.

I had learned a short while ago that superiors were to walk ahead the rest of his subordinates, which was why I was walking behind the Commander and Corporal themselves. Hange was kind enough to walk by my side so as to not make me a bit lonely.

"You are." He stopped at the entrance of the training forest, where a bunch of titan decoys were laid around for training. He turned his heel, looking over at me. "However, since you are not to be admitted to the training regiment, we'll need a basis for what we need to work on you to be able to train your lacking areas. It was a suggestion from Corporal Levi himself" he looked over to his side, the said man was only giving me a side glance before turning away, albeit, irritated.

IMMORTALS • Levi Ackerman Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα