chapter twenty three

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023: no pressure, kid

"What the fuck is a Titan doing inside the walls?" I fucking gagged.

Although our past dilemma, of having Eren and the whole regiment on trial was put to a hold, the new problem arises as we had discovered there are fucking Titans inside the walls. How? I have no fucking idea. How many are there? Only the heavens are bound to know the answer.

Erwin walked briskly across the hallway as I trailed beside him, now changed into back into my cream trench coat, as he had ordered me to do so.

"For now we've covered the Wall Titan with sheets. We'll take more proper measures after sunset." The soldier from behind us spoke as they trailed behind. "We'll take more proper measures after

"Hmm.. I see." Erwin only nodded and briefly answered. Clearly his mind was starting to work and burn, I would only wait until then of what his orders would be.

"What are we supposed to make out of this, Sir? I never imagined there were Titans in the walls..." The soldier trailed off.

"No one did." Erwin answered. "There were only people who new, and people who didn't."

I nodded, sighing and scratching the back of my head in the process. "I'll go see Eren for the meanwhile, Commander." I said, saluting to him as he nodded to me in dismissal.

Trekking the empty halls towards Eren's room, I knocked on the wooden door, to let the people inside know that I was here, despite it being widely open. Mikasa and Eren's head popped to look at me as I softly smiled.

"How ya' doing, kid?" I asked as I made my way in, sitting down next to Mikasa who was holding onto her red scarf.

Eren nodded, his bandages loosening at the movement. "Better."

The answer itself brought relief to me. I was glad that Eren was in a more convenient state, rather than the first time this incident happened. Turning to Mikasa, I patted her head, making her eyes go wide at the contact.

"You should rest, as well. You've been up and taking care of Eren, get some sleep." I advised although she looked greatly hesitant at the suggestion.

To ease her, I offered another smile again. "Don't worry, I'll take over watching Eren, for now."

Eren stood up, walking ahead making me furrow my eyebrows. "No, it's okay, Y/n-san. I'm fine. You should get some sleep, Mikasa."

I was certain that would've convinced the young woman. With a firm nod, I stood up wanting to give them space, but then Armin's worrying voice rung as he practically fled inside the room, hands clutching on to the sides of the door frame.

"Eren! Mikasa! This is bad!!!" he exclaimed, face contorting into a look of pure worry. As if on pure instinct my blood heated, adrenaline spiking and suddenly everything was sharp.

"The Titans! They're inside Wall Rose!!!"

Ah, shit.


My feet flew faster than I imagined it to go, torso slightly aching but my mind payed no attention to it as I busted in to where my Captain was. Levi was looking over the window of the room he was in, now changed back into his fancy suit, with the black coat only slung around his shoulders and not worn like how it should be. Talk about looking cool and fashionable despite being out of commission.


"I know." He answered, even if I hadn't even said anything significantly related to the Titans. He looked over to me, approaching my figure as I straightened myself. "What are we going to do about this?" I asked instead.

IMMORTALS • Levi Ackerman Where stories live. Discover now