chapter seventeen

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017: levi is so gonna kill me

"So that was his plan from the start!" Eren exclaimed as we had all settled down, a couple of distance away from where the titan was being held captive.

"That's it right? I can see why he kept it a secret from us new recruits, but why wouldn't he tell you when you've all been in the Recon Corps for so long?" 

Olou rolled his eyes at the boy. "Shut up" he muttered while Petra on the other hand looked upset at the thought. "Are you implying that the Commander and Captain don't trust us?" 

"Petra, rip out his teeth, then swap the incisors with the molars and shove 'em back in" Olou harshly muttered while aiming his swords at Eren. 

I sighed beside Eld, heaving a big breathe to take hold of the situation but the blonde beat me to it.

"No, Eren's right on the mark" He stated, Olou making an incredible look of disbelief at Eld's remarks. "I think the Commander kept this from us for a reason."

"Like what?" Gunther inquired, from his crouched form in the near branch.

"There's only one reason he wouldn't trust his fellow soldiers. A person who can become a titan, or a spy working for such people, has infiltrated our ranks." 

"A spy? You really think so?" Gunther mumbled. 

"At any rate, the Commander has suspicions of his own. I'd imagine the only soldiers who knew of the plan were those who survived with him five years ago."

"I see" Gunther trailed off as Olou turned to the boy. "No doubt. See, Eren?" He smugly graced the boy with a look before turning to look at me in the eyes. 

"But if it's true that the only people who knew about this were the older ranked soldiers, then why did she know of it in the first place?" 

Eld looked ready to defend me but I stood up from leaning against the tree. "Because I was cleared out of the suspicion. They were the ones who forcefully made me join the Corps in the first place, so if anything I was already out of the circle of rats who infiltrated the regiment. Frankly, I don't believe any of you is a spy, but to respect the Commander's plan I had to stay quiet about it, to grant success."

I sighed before sitting down. 

"I don't think the Captain nor Commander Erwin is doubtful of any of you, but he had to. He's basically putting everything into this to prove his statements at the trial, so we had to go through this extent and hide it from all of you, after all, we can never be too sure. Besides, I was only given information if ever something was to happen to the Captain, I could take over." 

"If that's the case, it does make sense" Petra softly admitted. 

"He's assuming that five years ago, when the first wall fell, a spy managed to slip in amongst us and he narrowed down the possibilities from there." 

"Then, this spy must've been the one to kill Sawney and Bean?" Eld inquired.

"Most likely. You remember what the Commander asked you about that, right, Eren?" I turned to look at the boy. 

"That was question was about this?" he looked as if he had just dawned on the realization.

Eld put his fingers to prop his chin. "If we could've answered him then, maybe we could've been their for him. I doubt anyone could've known back then, though" 

"I did--" Olou mumbled arrogantly, but before he could continue, I cut him short.

"Lay off, Olou, we both know you don't" I snickered, receiving a dissatisfied glare and scoff from the man, but I only laughed at his reaction. "Honestly, if you're trying to sound like the Captain, you shouldn't say things like that. You'd sound more like a dummy than him" I commented and he immediately protested with a big groan.

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