chapter twenty

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020: i'm sorry

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

From the side of my vision, I saw how Mikasa's surprised gaze lingered towards me, probably shocked that I spoke. She looked visually confused but she still held that minimal look.

"I promised you I was going to look after Eren, but I didn't. He almost got taken... I'm sorry" I rasped, voice threatening to crack once again, but I held it. I held it all in.

Mikasa didn't say anything, but I could make out the hesitance in her gaze. Slowly she looked away, and I unfolded my legs to reach inside my pocket.

The white handkerchief was slightly crippled, it danced softly against the current of the air as I jingled it between my grasp. I slowly moved over her and holding her chin between my palm and moving her face sideways.

"Your face is dirty." I said, and she openly widened her eyes.

After that I moved to Eren, flipping the handkerchief over and wiping the kid's filthy face.

"This kid... really, I totally thought he trusted me and went off." I chuckled bitterly, not sure what to make out of the situation, the tears were welling up again, but I had to hold it all in, when no one was looking, when all of this was over and I was in the comfort of my room again, that was the only time I could let it all out. I didn't want to look so pathetic in front of the others.

"Thank you." Mikasa spoke softly, but with a sense of urgency. I looked over to her and smiled softly.

"You shouldn't thank me."

What was she supposed to thank me for?

Eren hustled awake, clearly shaken up. It startled both me and Mikasa and I slightly backed away to give the boy space.

"Eren" Mikasa called but the boy seemed to be stuck in a daze as he eyed the sky, completely confused. His eyes were wide, reflecting the cold blue yet warm hues that littered the setting sky.

With a slight pant, he tried to push himself up but his hand shook at the force. "Don't try to get up yet." Mikasa told him, he focused his gaze on the girl.

"The Female-form Titan!" his tone shook at the sudden use of his voice, a bit hoarse, probably from all the yelling he had done.

"It escaped." Mikasa said, slightly tilting her head to look away.

"Why?" Eren mumbled, looking down before gazing up to Mikasa again. "What happened to the others? What about the plan?"

"It failed. Lay still for now."

"What's going on? Did you save me again?" it didn't sound sad nor bitter. Eren sounded disappointed and I wasn't sure if it was directed to himself or to Mikasa... or maybe even me. Mikasa only arranged her scarf, lightly bringing it to her mouth.

"Calm down, kid." I called, placing my hand over Eren's shoulder. He looked like he saw a ghost when he stared at me, eyes widening but then slightly crinkling.


"For now just lay down. We're almost to the walls. Just wait a little longer" I pressed my hands against his.

The bashing whispers didn't escape my hearing as we entered Karanes district. I clenched my fist tightly, keeping my cool and holding my own tears in as I tucked my head down, keeping one of my knees up to prop my left hand.

Eren grunted, forcing himself to rise up at the villagers' protests. His eyes twisting in disgust hearing the hushed murmurs and loud complaints.

"Just bear with it, kid." I advised, not lifting my head to look at him, afraid that he might see I was actually in the brink of going feral as well.

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