Jimin brought the younger onto his lap, rocking him back and forth, "You know. I thought I was going to die today. Or I was going to kill someone,"

Taehyung's head snapped up, "A-are you okay?"

"A friend," His boyfriend, but Taehyung didn't need to know that part, he didn't need to hear about someone else's boyfriend right now, "Put plastic wrap across a doorway, while I was downstairs. And then I thought he was hurt, because he started screaming. So I ran upstairs, and ran right into the plastic wrap. That shit hurt. He laughed at me,"

Jin whipped out his phone, pressing the video Hoseok had sent, "Here, watch,"

It made Taehyung giggle a little, watching Jimin panic, only to get his face smushed, and fall to the ground. It didn't show his friend, but he thought he heard two familiar laughs in the background.

"Hashtag pranked," Jin laughed, "I helped with that you know,"

Jimin gasped, pulling Taehyung tighter to his chest, "How very dare you! I thought you were my friend!"

Jin stuck his tongue out, "You thought wrong, bitch,"

"Taehyungie," Jimin sniffled, "Taehyungie, Jin is being mean,"

"It's Jin Hyung! Hoe,"




Taehyung fell asleep to their argument, head rested in the crook of Jimin's neck.

He dreamed about the last time he spoke to Yoongi.

~~~~flashback hoes

"We should break up,"

Taehyung dropped his phone on the floor, startling Jin, who sat next to him on the couch.


"I just-"

"You w-want to break up?"

Beside him, Jin tensed.


He heard Yoongi gulp, "I just, I think.....we should take a break,"

"N-no, I d-don't want to," He had argued, after picking up his phone and running to his room. Jin didn't need to be there.


"Y-Yoongi please," He begged, "D-don't. Please,"

In the background, he heard Hoseok ask questions, and yell at Yoongi, though what he was saying wasn't clear through the phone.

"Yoongi?" He muttered.

"Let's make this easy," Yoongi sighed, "I'm done. We're done,"

Taehyung shook his head, small sobs escaping his lips, "N-no,"

"Bye Taehyung,"

He collapsed against the wall, silent tears running down his face.

He refused.

He refused to believe it.

They were barely together 3 weeks, and Yoongi already had dumped him? Just like that?

Was he really that awful?

Was he too needy?

Did he make Yoongi mad?

Was he annoying?

Was it his stutter?

What was wrong with him?

He locked his door right before Jin tried to come barreling through, making the elder huff.

"Taehyung, are you okay? What happened?"

Taehyung didn't answer.


Jin had left after an hour, and he was glad.

But he came back, 2 hours later, with lunch, snacks, candy, and Namjoon.

Namjoon broke his doorknob trying to open it, and Jin had put on a movie in his room and they all cuddled together and watched something.

Taehyung didn't remember what. He was too busy sobbing into Namjoon's shirt to watch.


"Do you think he'll be okay?"

He woke up to hushed whispers, still cuddled on Jimin's lap, but this time on the couch.

When did they move him to the couch? Why the fuck was he on the couch and not in his bed?

"He'll be fine," Jin said, "He probably just needs time. Break-ups are hard,"

"You say that like you've been dumped before," Namjoon scoffed. "You dumped me, not the other way around,"

"Yeah well. You deserved it,"

"I said I love you and you broke up with me!"

"I was scared you long limbed baboons ass!"

"Do you think Yoongi's scared?" Jimin piped up, trying to quiet them, thinking Taehyung was still sleeping.

"Don't know, don't care," Jin huffed, "I may have known him for longer, but Taehyung is my baby, Yoongi can kiss my ass. He fucked up, that's not out problem. Hoseok can deal with him,"

"He might be having a hard time too," Namjoon commented, earning 3 smacks to the back of his head.

Jin sighed, "I don't care what his reasons are. There was no need to do what he did, not like that. You didn't see the horror on Taehyung's face when he said it. I watched him break. I saw his heart shatter,"

"Yes, but-"

"But nothing Jimin," Jin glared, "Look at him, look at him and tell me that Yoongi had a reason to make him like that,"

Jimin sighed, holding him tighter.

Maybe he would be okay. If Jimin kept holding him together, maybe he would be okay.


hey hoes. 1312 words

k but im exciteddd! my mom has her last ultrasound today!!! shes gonna google duo me and my dad so we can see it!

but also im excited because you guys have no idea what i have planned :)

im just saying tho, i only do sad endings on oneshots, not in books.

so....yeah. keep that in mind.

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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